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dc_checkmate ([info]dc_checkmate) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2013-04-18 19:44:00

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Entry tags:dean monaghan, dreadbolt, firecracker, floronic man, iota, manasa, plot - "mission sudan", skanda, team - suicide squad

Mission - Sudan
Amber sent an alert to gather at HQ to the newest incarnation of the Suicide Squad. She stood in the conference room with arms crossed over her chest.

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Re: Extraction Team
2013-04-24 03:00 pm UTC (link)
Jerry had been bringing up the rear, hands in his pockets to conceal the gloves of his suit, as he let the others chat. So it was a bit of a surprise that the eccentric blonde decides to stand beside him and just smile. Odd chick.

Whatever, he just shrugged and ignored her until she decided to be very blunt about her opinion of him. Blinking, he looked at her like she was a bit touched in the head, even more so at the cheek poke. Crazy blonde, the hell was all that about?

But there was a job to do so he shrugged at Iota. "Fastest ones should go for the cell. You slower than this 'bloke' here?" Because it wasn't clear what exactly this ass could do, the guy had just been blabbing and trying to be cute the whole time.

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Re: Extraction Team
2013-04-24 07:13 pm UTC (link)
"I'm never slow. But I thought that was more important for keeping the guards off than opening locks."

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Re: Extraction Team
2013-04-24 08:42 pm UTC (link)
Jerry just raises an eyebrow and rolls his eyes at the girl. "Yeah, the job that has a very limited time to go run and find the cell, unlock and free the guy, and get back as fast as possible and also avoid extra guards isn't where speed is the most important. Sure. If you just want the stabbing job, just say so and don't bullshit excuses like that." He turned to Damon. "Well?"

He just wanted this nonsense over with.

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Re: Extraction Team
2013-04-24 09:08 pm UTC (link)
"Fine. I can open the door. Still not happening until the wall blows up, so let's get to that in a moment, and the rest of you can deal with security while I get Musharf if you want that."

...And the pretty blonde seemed to like him better anyways. Which is fine. Her prerogative. There was sure to be some other bright side to things eventually, albeit probably not one as pretty.

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Re: Extraction Team
2013-04-24 09:21 pm UTC (link)
"'If I want that'?" Ugh people were so frustrating. "Just want to get this over and done with properly okay? I go with you and cover the escape in case any extra guards come during the retreat or there's need for backup. She's our explodey one, so should stay here, dunno what you do," he adds to Damon, "and I can cover ground pretty well and you're apparently the speedy one. Straight forward enough."

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Re: Extraction Team
2013-04-25 12:28 pm UTC (link)
Devony blinks at Iota and Jerry. She sighed a little, popping in another gum ball into her mouth."Look...complaining isn't going to do us any good right now. I'll do the explosion and can access to take down the guards on the right flank...Iota can take one of my explosions to the same to the other side and take down the other guards." She explained, she wasn't giving orders more so suggestions.

She went from crazy to suddenly sane/serious mode. Devony had it in her to be completely normal. However, being raised by two raging woman with personality issues; a child is bound to be a little on the off side. She went silent while Jerry kept on talking and giving is in put on how they should go about with the extraction."Me, him and her have agility and brute force. Like he said, we'd be best to hold off the guards...if he is built for speed it would best for him to be the one to more forward to reach our main priority." She looked at everyone before suddenly blowing a huge bubble from her gum.

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Re: Extraction Team
2013-04-28 05:24 pm UTC (link)
A single eyebrow went to the weirdness in front of him. There was the two crazy lasses here, one smiling at the other with interest while the one being smiled at seeming to be interested in the other bloke. And in talking about the explosions...there's That Bit of him that's far too happy about that.

"I'm a talker, mostly. I have a feeling that I was brought in has less to do with my winning smile and more to my..two-sided skills," Daman said. he pulled out the fancy pistol that was given to him and backed a bit away from the explosive. he knew that just because something looked unimportant didn't mean that it wasn't.

"So, Miss Birdy, you wanna give the wall a little knock and let them know we're coming in?"

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Re: Extraction Team
2013-04-28 05:31 pm UTC (link)
Devony looked over to Daman and smiled brightly. She skips over to him and takes his one free hand. "I like you too!" she said honestly. People will learn that she likes almost anyone she encounters.

After swinging his hand back and forth with hers, she finally released it and nods her head, "Roger!" She says happily. Devony pulls out the gum she was chewing, also pulling out a small bomb...she wrapped the gum around it. The bomb may look small, first impressions are deceiving.

She pulls out one more small bomb and does the same thing. Devony throws one bomb to one side of the wall and does the same to the other."I'd stand back a little.." she warned them all. She extends out both her arms and aims them to the gum wrapped bombs on the wall and snaps her fingers -- both bombs go off in a matter of seconds causing two huge fun filled explosions.

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Re: Extraction Team
2013-04-28 06:32 pm UTC (link)
Iota darts back preternaturally quickly, poised to get going towards the place marked on the layout the minute the opportunity is there.

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Re: Extraction Team
2013-04-28 06:43 pm UTC (link)
Jerry raises an eyebrow at Devony's antics. Good to know she was just like that, made her seem less confusing. Though this penchant for just going up to people and declaring she liked them was still odd to say the least.

He walks away from the explosion radius, not darting or in a rush in the least, but keeping an eye on everything around, including what'd be the entrance into the place shortly. Anyway, he could just teleport farther if the explosion was larger that expected, the suit provided decent protection to boot anyway.

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Re: Extraction Team
2013-04-28 06:50 pm UTC (link)
And as soon as she wouldn't be running into fire and shrapnel, Iota's running through the hole in the wall. Any security that gets in her way gets stabbed in the arm or foot -- or both. Both is safest. If shoving an awl into it won't take care of the locks... she'll use them on whatever it takes to get at what does.

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Re: Extraction Team
2013-04-28 07:40 pm UTC (link)
Daman flinches a bit when the explosions come, but after that is gone he is moving in, trying to move fast to avoid garnering any more attention from guards or the Other One. He'll look long enough to see one the people on his team bolt off on all fours, and while he thought it weird he also decided that he'd better stick near someone.

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Re: Extraction Team
2013-04-29 11:22 am UTC (link)
Devony watched the rest bolt off, glanced back look at Daman for a moment. She motions for him to follow along with her. Devony's approach to situations like these were different.

Stop herself from over worrying or freaking out, she had to think of moments like these are based on fun and games. Today's game would be tag.

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Re: Extraction Team
2013-05-01 05:26 am UTC (link)
Iota's faster and dashes in first, but he runs in soon after, watching her stab at whatever guard comes running towards them. Well at least that meant the way was clear. When they get to the cell the lock looks pickable, if a little more time consuming. He takes out the lock pick set from his pack. "Just keep making sure nobody's going to stop us," he frowned and got to work.

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Re: Extraction Team
2013-05-01 07:08 pm UTC (link)
A mild affirming sound from Iota as she pleasantly made sure that no one who came after them was going to be able to walk anymore or draw any more weapons today.

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Re: Extraction Team
2013-05-02 05:33 am UTC (link)
It's not too long before there's the click of the lock and the door swings open. "Look him over, I'll go ahead and clear the way. Better to keep what I can do away from the mission objective." He doesn't wait long, and runs back down the corridor to the first bend and one of his fists glows with what looks like an electric type charge. Well, they didn't want the guy they came to extract to get accidentally zapped if he was in the wrong place.

More importantly it prevented the guy from accidentally grabbing onto him in the middle of a teleport. That wasn't a pleasant death for the man, and certainly one he avoided thinking about because it brought up other memories.

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Re: Extraction Team
2013-05-02 11:42 am UTC (link)
Devony would take care of the other set of guards by playing with them for a bit. She taps one on the shoulder lightly, "Tag your it!" she said with a giggle. The guy tried to hit her, she flipped back and landed in a crouch. Devony out reaches to aim at the glasses he was wearing. Snapped her fingers his glasses suddenly exploded.

She kept snapping her fingers at several of the guards, causing certain items to explode on them and set on fire. Several guards were down on the ground in pain on her end. She would make sure to keep watch of any more came their way.

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Re: Extraction Team
2013-05-02 11:04 pm UTC (link)
What in the hell did he get into? Here he was, in some arsehole country, somehow trying to save someone, and he decided to follow a giggly little blond git.

"Bloody hell, lady! You want to just have them keep coming this way?"

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Re: Extraction Team
2013-05-02 11:08 pm UTC (link)
"Hello, Mr. Musharf!" Iota said as she looked the man over. Spinal column seemed intact to her. He was in no position to run, but he also wasn't too big to drape his arms around herself and hurry him along. So she tucked the blades in and did so, and started dragging him towards the screams.

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Re: Extraction Team
2013-05-02 11:22 pm UTC (link)
Jerry stays ahead, zapping at anyone who comes down the hall until Iota and Musharf get near the turn in the hallway where he's at. Then there's a bright flash of light and he's no longer there but ahead, at the end of the hallway and where the next turn is, continuing zapping. He'll continue teleporting to the next turn ahead each time Iota catches up with the mission objective until they'll be out of the place.

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Re: Extraction Team
2013-05-07 12:25 pm UTC (link)
Devony lays off with the fire for awhile. She starts using basics martial arts to weed off any other guards. Jerry kept the front flank safe and clear for Iota and Musharf, while she and Daman worked on the back flank to keep anyone else off their tails as they leave the building.

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