DC Next Generation

October 6th, 2013

The Streets of Gotham @ 04:15 pm


The Suicide Squad members were deposited in Gotham not far from where intelligence said the Joker was making his headquarters.

September 24th, 2013

Mission Briefing @ 07:27 pm


Amber called the Suicide Squad in for a briefing for their next assignment.

September 23rd, 2013

(no subject) @ 12:36 am


 Mano was stumbling after the poker-party. Did he drink too much? Nahhh. He didn't get drunk. No way. That's when he burped so loud it sounded almost like a shotgun shot.

August 23rd, 2013

Poker Night(Open to Sucide Squad) @ 10:40 pm


After his talk with Carolyn about it Dean started running with the idea. He had sent out enough texts, messages, emails, notes, and post-its that it wouldn't take telepathy to know you would have to be lying to say you didn't hear about poker night. Dean had a table set up in the rec room with beer, soda and snacks for people. He was laying down on a couch shuffling cards.

July 10th, 2013

(no subject) @ 10:11 pm


Carolyn sat at a table at a small outside cafe in Metropolis. Iota gave her a slip of paper with the cafe's address and a time on it and told her to be there. Had it been anyone else, Carolyn would have been suspicious, but she trusted Iota. Maybe Iota had a lead on a job. It wasn't out of the realm of possibility.

Carolyn ordered a cup of espresso and waited.

June 16th, 2013

Father's Day @ 08:49 am


“My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me.” – Jim Valvano

May 7th, 2013

Drunk Tank @ 09:11 pm


Dean woke up with his head throbbing painfully. Apparently he had drunk too much the night before. But Dean was enjoying getting away from the Suicide Squad based. Even if he must have enjoyed himself a little too much the night before. Which probably explained why he had woken up in what he was pretty sure was Gotham City jail. It was good to see that his fake id had held up to the cops though judging by how he wasn't under high security.

April 18th, 2013

Mission - Sudan @ 07:44 pm


Amber sent an alert to gather at HQ to the newest incarnation of the Suicide Squad. She stood in the conference room with arms crossed over her chest.

March 22nd, 2013

(open to Suicide Squad) @ 08:52 pm


"Clarence!" Carolyn said as she searched for her beloved pet. Of course calling for him was kind of useless and she felt a little silly calling for a snake, but it didn't seem right to not call for him as she hunted. He slipped out of his tank and Carolyn was beginning to believe the snake had some special abilities because he was always escaping the very large tank where he made his home.

"Clarence!" she called.

DC Next Generation