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dread_bolt ([info]dread_bolt) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2013-07-03 01:03:00

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Entry tags:dreadbolt, vixen

Chance Encounter
 Well at least they weren't always locked into some stupid mission. How he hated this Suicide Squad stuff, even worse knowing that he couldn't get out of it as long as they had Terry. But they let him go back to Boston occasionally to deal with his business, which was still struggling but still alive. He was outside at the moment, walking down the streets in a slightly better mood than usual. Anything that got him out of the government's grips made him feel better.

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2013-07-07 02:03 am UTC (link)
She chuckled.

"Because I saw you," she said plainly. That was literally it.

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2013-07-07 02:07 am UTC (link)
Oh great. That's it? Damn his shit luck like usual. Now he was stuck in a coffee shop with her.

"So? Not like we're friends," he grumbled. He then frowned at her again. "I'm not here for anything you need to worry about logging hours for you side job for." Well what, he just wanted to make it clear that he wasn't planning on any theft this trip if she was worried about that.

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2013-07-07 02:16 am UTC (link)
"Well that's good, I guess," she said with a sigh. "You know, we could be friends."

If he stopped stealing and being a criminal and all that.

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2013-07-07 02:23 am UTC (link)
"Well there's a few things in the way of that," he pointed out with his trademark humourless smirk.

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2013-07-07 02:27 am UTC (link)
And she responded with her trademark 'no shit' face (literally the icon).

"I should smack you."

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2013-07-07 02:29 am UTC (link)
"Yeah? What's that gonna get you? Scene and a nice headline if anyone recognizes you."

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2013-07-07 02:35 am UTC (link)
"Everybody already recognizes me," she replied, and then smirked. "But do you really want to be in the headlines with a red hand print on your precious face?"

She was teasing a little bit.

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2013-07-07 02:39 am UTC (link)
That got the smirk back. "Nice to know you think it precious. And I'm just some unknown, they'll read the paper and think 'lucky guy with some hot model long enough to get slapped'." Actually being in the news would piss him off even if he was unknown. He didn't need to become known.

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2013-07-07 02:46 am UTC (link)
"So I'm a hot model and you're a lucky guy? I'm flattered, Jerry."

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2013-07-07 02:50 am UTC (link)
He shrugged. "What? Do they hire ugly models now? Just saying what our audience from before will think if they see me walk by with a nice handprint."

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2013-07-07 02:55 am UTC (link)
She shrugged. That was about as much of a compliment as she'd ever get from him.

"At least it'll look nice on you," she said as she got up from her seat. "I've got work to do, Jerry. Try to stay out of trouble, please. Or at least don't let me catch you."

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2013-07-07 02:59 am UTC (link)
"Oh so you can say something nice," he said with that humourless smirk again. "You don't catch me anywhere near as often as you like." Though he had a whole extra bucket of troubles to deal with with this whole Suicide Squad stuff. At least she didn't know about that.

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2013-07-07 03:05 am UTC (link)
"Good," she said. "Let's keep it that way."

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