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Maria Helena Grayson ([info]crossbow_bat) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
Well this was just a bit awkward. The silence was deafening and the tension levels rose in response. Maria glanced over at him.

She wasn't surprised that she had gotten involved with the wrong guy. It was a pattern with her and the reason why she usually didn't see men past the first time. There wasn't time for her to find out they were the wrong guy.

This. This was just...complicated wasn't a strong enough word for it. She needed a few drinks, or more, to start wrapping her head around this.

"Would it be possible to be dropped off near my apartment?" If it were just him she'd ask to be dropped off at Wayne Manor, but with someone else in the car that wasn't an option. He knew her identity, she didn't need anyone else knowing.

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