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dc_misc ([info]dc_misc) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2013-08-13 19:43:00

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Entry tags:barbie queen, cian daly, dinadan palmer, fang xian, green lantern dex, lizzy choi, plot - "the world according to pippi", team - jli

Robots attack!
The JLI had a little downtime, but it wasn't going to last. Explosions went off outside and the ground shook. When the JLI go outside they would see giant robots attacking. Two of their members were missing.

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Re: Elsewhere
2013-09-04 12:31 am UTC (link)
"We learned all about this at the zoo. Tigers and bears and monkeys have cages. Penguins and seals and fish have tanks. Snakes and mice have terrariums. They all have to have totally different things or they'll get out. This doesn't look anything like a cage, but maybe its a little like a terrarium, if someone is watching us and they had a sun lamp. I guess it could be kind of a metal tank if they filled it with water, which would be kind of neat too. But I think its just a room."

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Re: Elsewhere
2013-09-04 09:00 pm UTC (link)
Dex just shook his head. "No matter what we call it, we have to get out of here." He changed his mind and moved from the door to a wall. Time to see if he could smash through it.

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Re: Elsewhere
2013-09-04 09:31 pm UTC (link)
"Why? What we /really/ need is to get an interior decorator /in/ here. With a few touches, and maybe a window, it could be a perfectly nice room."

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Re: Elsewhere
2013-09-04 09:38 pm UTC (link)
Dex growled and punched the wall. His fist went through it and left a good size hole.

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Re: Elsewhere
2013-09-04 09:41 pm UTC (link)
Pippi sighs. "Ok, an interior decorator /and/ a drywall service."

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Re: Elsewhere
2013-09-04 09:53 pm UTC (link)
Dex growled again and put another fist through the wall.

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Re: Elsewhere
2013-09-04 10:02 pm UTC (link)
"Oh, wow! Look... we can skip the drywalling! The wall fixed itself where you punched it! That's neat!"

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Re: Elsewhere
2013-09-04 10:13 pm UTC (link)
Dex growled. Maybe if he made holes faster than they could be repaired.

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Re: Elsewhere
2013-09-22 06:09 pm UTC (link)
"We should just get you a punching bag or something. That would be much more productive. I think you have some serious unresolved issues."

A momentary pause. "Is it the Republicans?"

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Re: Elsewhere
2013-09-22 09:53 pm UTC (link)
Dex stopped and looked at Pippi. "The who?" he asked. Dex knew as much about politics as he did experimental physics. Which was nothing.

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Re: Elsewhere
2013-09-26 04:38 am UTC (link)
"No, no. Not them. They're a rock band. I'm pretty sure they have nothing against you, as long as you like pinball."

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Re: Elsewhere
2013-09-26 10:28 pm UTC (link)
Dex just...he didn't know what to say. Dex wasn't smart, but he had no idea what the hell she was talking about.

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Re: Elsewhere
2013-09-26 10:48 pm UTC (link)
Pippi ponders this very hard, looking around the room. "You know... I'll bet the Republicans put us in here. There was all this talk about walls and things for people like you. Maybe they built a room. I'm still pretty sure the Who has nothing to do with it, though."

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Re: Elsewhere
2013-09-26 11:17 pm UTC (link)
"Are they some sort of group of bad guys? Terrorists? Super villains?"

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Re: Elsewhere
2013-09-26 11:33 pm UTC (link)
"Its complicated. A long time ago, people decided that organized crime wasn't doing a good enough job, and they needed someone else to take their money and pretend it was legal. So they picked two groups... Republicans and Democrats... and every four years, people get to pick which one of them is going to take their money because they know how to talk really prettily about what they'll spend all the money on. So, its sort of like the old, white guy version of American Idol.

Anyway, the Republicans are the ones who really like walls, and don't like aliens. Only elephants. The elephants part is sort of ok, anyway. But you need to stay away from them.

I'm still not sure where the Who figures in though."

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Re: Elsewhere
2013-09-26 11:42 pm UTC (link)
"Huh. Why don't they just stop giving both groups their money?" Earthlings were strange.

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Re: Elsewhere
2013-09-26 11:48 pm UTC (link)
"Because they own all of the roads and schools and most of the policemen's things. If we stopped giving them money, then they'd stop promising to eventually fix the roads, people might not learn about important things like math and train schedules, and all the policemen would have to stop crime in their underwear."

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Re: Elsewhere
2013-10-05 10:49 pm UTC (link)
"So why don't people just fix things themselves?" Dex asked.

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Re: Elsewhere
2013-10-06 11:33 pm UTC (link)
"Because there's not enough trucks. If you watch enough TV, you learn how important trucks are to fixing everything. I suspect that the Republicans and Democrats are making sure to limit the number of trucks."

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Re: Elsewhere
2013-10-07 08:05 pm UTC (link)
He was going to ask another question, but decided against it. He didn't understand Earth politics and he had other things to work on. Like getting out of here.

"How do we get out of here?"

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Re: Elsewhere
2013-10-07 10:00 pm UTC (link)
"We walk out the door as soon as it opens. If its the Republicans, they'll let us out after the next election, once its too late to vote for someone else."

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Re: Elsewhere
2013-10-07 10:09 pm UTC (link)
"When's the next election?" Dex asked. The more he learned about Earth politics, the more he got confused.

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Re: Elsewhere
2013-10-07 10:11 pm UTC (link)
"I think they hold an election every time they run out of money for commercials and tacky little lawn signs."

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Re: Elsewhere
2013-10-07 10:26 pm UTC (link)
"Are the Democrats evil too?" he asked.

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Re: Elsewhere
2013-10-07 10:40 pm UTC (link)
"Politicians are all evil, they're just different kinds of evil. When they let us out, if its the Republicans, we'll just need to go get you back from Mexico. If its the Democrats, for some reason, they'll just make you switch to Visa. They don't think Aliens should be using Mastercard or American Express or things like that. I don't know why they'd hold you in here for that, though. So its probably the Republicans."

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Re: Elsewhere - [info]green_lantern, 2013-10-08 12:12 am UTC

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