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Victoria Craft ([info]just_a_stranger) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2013-10-22 19:27:00

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Entry tags:victoria craft, zachary zatara

It's Magic!
An Elementary School in Gotham City.

Principal Aparo was not a happy man.  He usually was, in as much as any elementary school principal could be, but he had bad news for his teachers his afternoon.  The children were at lunch, with and he had quickly called a staff meeting before it finished. 

"There's a problem," he said.  "The magician we hired for the afternoon assembly is sick.  He had to cancel.  I'm afraid we'll have to postpone the assembly."

"Oh," Mrs. Infantino, the elderly first grade teacher, said.  "The children will be so disappointed."

Victoria frowned.  There was that sudden, sinking feeling.  Slowly... she cleared her throat.

"I... may know someone who can fill in," she said. 

"Who?" Mr. Wein, one of the kindergarten teachers, asked.

"Someone famous," Victoria said, "and a very talented magician.  And I am certain he will agree.  He owes me a favor.  But you must ask no further questions.  I assure you this will be appropriate."

She added a little bit of her mystical persuasion to her words, just in case.

When the meeting broke up, she made a hasty phone call.

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2013-10-26 01:34 am UTC (link)
Victoria, fortunately, is the picture of calm. If there is one thing she does know about Zachary (and she knows many things about him), it is that he is a consummately skilled magician.

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2013-10-26 03:43 pm UTC (link)
He produces another cloth, gives it a spin, and produces a chainsaw. "Now take a few steps back, kids! Let's get this going!" Zachary gets the motor started, and waves the power-tool back and forth over Victoria's prone and mostly enclosed form, her head and feet still sticking out.

He revs it once, then twice, lifting it up to his shoulder each time. Finally, he swings it down at the center of the box. Sawdust and splinters are thrown left and right, and the two halves of the box slump down to the middle.

"Sorry, I slipped a little bit. You still comfy, Miss Craft?" He looks at the two triangular sections of box and person left askew on the stage. He switches off and puts aside the chainsaw, poking one of her feet.

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2013-10-26 11:20 pm UTC (link)
The feet appropriately twitch at he poking.

"You had better fix this," she said. "Or else I might go all to pieces on you."

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2013-10-27 12:59 am UTC (link)
Zach gives each half of the box a spin, as the kids try to figure out what's going on, before trying to lug them up to a balanced position again.

They promptly fall back down to the stage.

"Hm." He scratches his head exaggeratedly as the children gasp, and gives it another shot. This time, the box halves reconnect, and he opens the lid, revealing an unharmed Victoria.

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2013-10-27 01:40 am UTC (link)
Victoria did her best to look relieved by the turn of affairs. The applause of the children, fortunately, was enough to put aside any annoyance she might have felt at being unexpectedly dragged into this.

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2013-10-27 01:44 am UTC (link)
"Now, I hope everyone had a good time, and we've got just enough time for autographs, and a few questions. Just remember, no asking how I do my tricks. You need to study hard and learn how to be a magician on your own if you want that." Zach grins.

A forest of hands shoot up.

"Okay... you there." He picks a young girl from the front row.

"Miss Craft! Is Mister Zatara your magic boyfriend?"

Zach tries not to burst out laughing, but does grin mightily.

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2013-10-27 02:12 am UTC (link)
Several years of dealing with small children, demons, hellspawn, ghosts, goblins, eldritch abominations, and Zachary had given Victoria remarkable self-control.

"Mister Zatara and I are simply old friends," she said, finally.

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2013-10-27 03:48 am UTC (link)
"You heard the lady, little miss." Zach responds, shrugging. He takes a few more questions from the kids and lets the other teachers usher them back to their classrooms while he packs up. He could do it as easily as snapping his fingers, but some things are more satisfying to do by h and.

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2013-10-27 08:12 pm UTC (link)
Fortunately for Victoria, her class is being picked up by the music teacher for music class. It left her a little bit of time to speak again with Zachary.

"Thank you," she said, when they were alone. "You made the children very happy."

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2013-10-29 12:57 am UTC (link)
"Don't worry about it. I owed you one, and I enjoyed it. Been a while since I did a performance just for some rugrats." He smiles casually, looking back at her in silence for a long moment.

"By the way, my agent wanted me to ask you if you were interested in being my assistant again."

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2013-10-29 09:12 pm UTC (link)
She allowed herself a small smile, but shook her head. "I am afraid I am going to have to decline the offer. The limelight and I have never been wholly comfortable with each other."

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2013-10-30 06:35 pm UTC (link)
"The kids seem to disagree... so did the vegas audience.

You know.. when you're not making them do otherwise, people stop breathing when you enter a room, Victoria."

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2013-10-30 10:25 pm UTC (link)
Victoria gave him a strange look. "What are you talking about, Zachary?"

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2013-10-31 01:16 am UTC (link)
He clicks the latches on a trunk closed, and tilts his head, examining her as something occurs to him.

"Do you... not know that you're beautiful? That you're graceful?

I mean... Victoria, when you don't use that... nature of yours to keep yourself out of notice, you can put every eye in the room on you. I've got a gift for taking over any room I walk into by controlling the narrative and taking up all the space, but you? You do it as naturally as tying your shoes, and without a word."

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2013-10-31 09:11 pm UTC (link)
To her surprise, Victoria felt her cheeks flush.

"I've... been told as such, before," she said. "But never dwelt on it overmuch. I will command attention when I need to... but I suppose I have not thought about how much I might draw unintentionally."

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2013-10-31 09:17 pm UTC (link)
He raises an eyebrow, smirking. "Who else told you?" He folds his arms, his posture relaxed.

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2013-10-31 09:56 pm UTC (link)
Victoria actually smiled a bit. "Why, Zachary, you almost sound jealous."

She continued. "Stanley used to tell me all the time, when we were dating."

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2013-10-31 10:05 pm UTC (link)
He shrugs. "Just curious..." He then raises both eyebrows.

"Seriously? You dated? I mean, not that surprising that you dated Stanley, but.. you dated?"

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2013-10-31 10:19 pm UTC (link)
Victoria chuckled a little. "Nice to see I can still surprise you."

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2013-10-31 10:27 pm UTC (link)
"Miss Craft, you may not always surprise, but you never disappoint." He chuckles. "So how'd that go? What put an end to it, or is he still your hot little piece on the side?"

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2013-10-31 10:47 pm UTC (link)
"Quite the pleasant relationship for its time, and we remain friends," Victoria said, "but we did eventually break up, mutually."

"The spark... simply dimmed, over time, I suppose. We decided we were better friends than lovers."

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2013-10-31 10:53 pm UTC (link)
"Happens. Goodness knows I've had more than my share of relationships that burned bright but fast.

So, this was fun. I should get going."

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2013-10-31 11:16 pm UTC (link)
"Thank you again, Zachary," she said.

"Would you like to get dinner later this evening? I could use a little company."

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2013-10-31 11:28 pm UTC (link)
He tilts his head, mentally reviewing his schedule.

"I'd like that. See you at eight."

And he's gone.

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