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Mikey Dugan ([info]botmaster) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-06-11 22:42:00

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Entry tags:inactive - alex rice-matthews, inactive - mikey dugan, will freeman

Joining Up (Open to JSA)

Mikey walked up the stairs to the Brownstone headquarters of the JSA PATTON was floating not far behind him. He had wanted to do this ever since he was little back when it had just been him and Dad. Even if they didn’t want him on active duty he could at least act as team mechanic and he was just as good as his dad possible better, which really said something considering that dad made a hover car back in the forties.

Mikey knocked on the door and he was ready to ask to join the JSA even if his dad might not want him too.

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2010-06-16 01:16 am UTC (link)
Mikey still didn’t really recognize him though that wasn’t too surprising since he hadn’t seen as much of the JSA when he had been at college compared to when he had been living at home. “Yeah I’ve always wanted to be a hero and with Dad’s connections to here it seemed like a good choice.” Not that he had told his dad he was doing this yet.

“Oh that’s PATTON he’s the drone I built,” Mikey said looking back at the floating drone not too far behind him, “I believe he’s version 12 Recreation model.”

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2010-06-16 01:23 am UTC (link)
"PATTON?" Alex echos, examining the drone. "Recreation model?" he asks with a smirk and a chuckle. "One sec..." he taps the team comsystem and sends quick message out to see if anyone else from the team was around to come meet the new guy. "You dad was on the JSA too?"

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2010-06-16 01:36 am UTC (link)
“It’s an acronym for Personal Autonomous Tech Transport and Optical Network,” Mikey says though the acronym he came up with after the name since he wanted to name it after his dog. “The whole Recreation thing means it’s not loaded with tons of weapons and dad was Pat Dugan though I guess most people would know him as S.T.R.I.P.E. and he did do a lot of mechanic would around here.”

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2010-06-16 01:41 am UTC (link)
Alex blinks at the acronym and then chuckles. "So different than what I was thinking," he says, shaking his head. "Oh! The big robot dude! I spilled a buncha oil on him once when I was little," he laughs at that memory.

"So...you have any powers or a cool battle suit?"

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2010-06-16 01:51 am UTC (link)
Mikey doesn’t laugh, “Yeah I think I had to clean that mess up.”

“No, no one in my family has powers and I don’t have a battle suit though I am probably a better mechanic than my Dad is and I have built plenty of weapons and Bots that are great for combat plus the Combat version of PATTON.”

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2010-06-16 01:57 am UTC (link)
Alex blinks then winces. "Sorry, dude. Was an accident," he says, just like back then...except he didn't say dude back then.

"Huh. So you got some kinda kick ass ninja skills, right?" he says, wondering just what Mikey intended to do on the team. He certainly wasn't one to snub the non-powered types but it helped to have fighting skills to make up for it.

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2010-06-16 02:04 am UTC (link)
“Well I did learn a bit of fighting from Ted and Dad,” Mikey says, “Though I’m not the really good or anything. But when you have three flowing rocket launchers and a PATTON’s electrical blasts I don’t think you really need to be the best fighter.”

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2010-06-16 02:13 am UTC (link)
Alex perks up at this and grins. "Okay, that's cool," he says. "So you got a codename?" he asks curiously. There's a pause and Alex glances up. "Wonder where everyone else is."

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2010-06-16 06:30 pm UTC (link)
“Well I was thinking about maybe using Stripe,” Mikey said, “and I’m sure there are people around here somewhere.”

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2010-06-16 08:44 pm UTC (link)
"Sounds pretty cool. Got a costume too?" Alex asks, looking Mikey over. "I'm sure we can help ya come up with one if you don't," he adds. "Yeah...probably just taking their time getting here."

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2010-06-21 01:13 am UTC (link)
“Well I have a couple of ideas but for a costume,” Mikey said mostly paying some sort of homage to his dad’s original costume but definitely giving it a much more modern look to fit with his tech.

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2010-06-22 03:05 am UTC (link)
Will was wandering the halls of the Brownstone, with nothing to do.





Will is too caught up in his boredom to realize that others were talking in the hall in front of him, and he goes headlong into a huge metal...thing (or it feels huge, since he just hit it with his head)

"Ow! Damn it!"

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2010-06-22 01:09 pm UTC (link)
As he listens, Alex creates a little green construct of Mikey in the described costume. Looking it over, the Green Lantern nods in approval. "Nice. Definitely gonna be cool," he says. He looks up as Will enters and winces. "You alright, Will?" he asks.

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2010-06-22 02:27 pm UTC (link)
“Ok,” Mikey said to Alex after the costume stuff since he hadn’t thought too much about the costume yet.

“Sorry about that dude,” He says to Will, “Normally PATTON is pretty good about not getting in people’s ways.” He was going to check out why that was later.

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2010-06-24 04:36 pm UTC (link)
"Don't worry about it. I have a tendency to get people in my way. Freakin' ADD," Will says rubbing his head at the point where he hit.

"Ooh, a costume. You a new recruit?" Will says, eyeing the green construct.

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2010-06-24 04:50 pm UTC (link)
Alex lets the construct 'walk' over to float in the air before Will so he can have a better look. "Yep. New recruit and he's some kinda robot-making genius guy."

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2010-06-29 03:04 am UTC (link)
“I guess you could say new recruit but that makes me sound so inexperienced,” Mikey said, “I have been around this stuff for a while. I can do general mechanic stuff too.”

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2010-07-03 05:53 am UTC (link)

Will feels the foot now deep in his mouth for what he said.

"Sorry, man. I didn't know. So, are you like, a new Mister Terrific? Or do you even have a name yet?"

Will winces at that one. Stupid stupid stupid!

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