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dc_monsters ([info]dc_monsters) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-09-13 17:47:00

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Entry tags:corinna prince, jon kent, npc - batman, plot - "time of troubles"

The Typhon (Jon, Corrina, Terry)
The biggest, baddest and most feared monster in all of Greek Mythology was Typhon. He was the father of all monsters with his wife Echidna.

His human upper half reached as high as the stars. His hands reached east and west and had a hundred dragon heads on each. He was feared even by the mighty gods. His bottom half was gigantic viper coils that could reach the top of his head when stretched out and made a hissing noise. His whole body was covered in wings, and fire flashed from his eyes.

In myth, the Typhon was never killed. The gods feared him and it took the lightning bolt of Zeus to hurt the thing enough for the king of the gods to imprison it under Mt. Etna in Sicily.

The Typhon would be a great distraction and a very big problem for the gods and the heroes of the world if he were unleashed.

Hyperion the titan made his way toward Mt. Etna to release Typhon.

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2010-09-19 01:03 am UTC (link)
Corinna finds herself knocked back into the ground. Her head pins from the strength behind the blow but she does manage to get back up on her feet.

"On it," she moves as directed herself to the Titan's left side.

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2010-09-20 03:09 am UTC (link)
The flash grenade went off right in front of the Titan's eyes. He put his hand up to shield his eyes, but it had been too late. He was momentarily blined.

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2010-09-20 03:16 am UTC (link)
As the flash goes off, Jon lunges, swinging a right hand as hard as he can. As soon as he connects he's already backing off in preparation for the Titan's counter attack, hoping her can get Hyperion swinging at him and leave an opening for Corrinna.

"Good job, keep it up."

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2010-09-20 01:41 pm UTC (link)
Batman fired a bolo at the Titan's legs to wrap around them and trip him up.

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2010-09-24 02:45 am UTC (link)
Corinna takes advantage of the opening. She slices in with her sword. She knows to move in and out fast before Hyperion can catch her.

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2010-09-24 03:12 am UTC (link)
He ignored the Kryptonian and swiped at the woman with the sword as she came in. The blow caught his arm and if hurt him, there was no indication from him.

He reached down and yanked on the cord around his legs, snapping it with little effort.

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2010-09-24 03:15 am UTC (link)
That's fine, he can be the attacker now. Batman's cord may not hold him, but its not supposed to, just make him go to the brief effort of destroying it. Jon rises into the air, getting extra power and momentum behind him as he swings a fist downward towards the Titan.

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2010-09-27 01:07 am UTC (link)
Batman launched another flash grenade at Hyperion.

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2010-09-27 01:39 am UTC (link)
Corinna gets knocked away again. But she just gets right back up. She can feel her leg screaming at her to stop but she just snarls.

"We will stop you," she shots before recklessly flying forward to attack again.

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2010-09-27 02:13 am UTC (link)
Hyperion got hit by Jon and went staggering back a few steps. That one hurt. His hands went up in front of his face when the grenades went off. Then came Corrina's attack.

Hyperion vanished a moment later.

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2010-09-27 03:25 am UTC (link)
Jon pauses, checking the area with x-ray vision and super hearing to make sure that the Titan is really gone.
"We're going to need this area guarded, and we need to find out what's going on. Batman, do you have remote cameras or anything you can set up here? Corrinna... lets get you back to the tower. I think I'm calling you our expert for the purposes of figuring out what's behind this."

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2010-09-27 04:31 am UTC (link)
Corinna nods. Her face was paler than it should be. As of right now it is taking every inch of will power and training not to collapse under the pain in her leg.

"Of course, Jon. If I can recognize most of what has been happening, it meas something." What she does not know. She feels her leg actually start to buckle and grits her teeth. "May we leave? I have no strong desire to linger here."

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2010-09-27 04:33 am UTC (link)
Jon notices the reactions, knows her secret, and can hear the movement of the bones. He moves up to her and offers an arm. "I fly faster than you do, and we're in a hurry. Batman, if you can set up the surveillance here, we'll see you at the Watchtower later."

That ought to cover for the amazon pride, and speed is urgent, after all.

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2010-09-27 04:35 am UTC (link)
Batman nodded. "I can do that. I'll se you at the Watchtower later."

Within minutes, there'd be hidden cameras in several locations on Mt. Edna, all wired to the Batcave.

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2010-09-27 04:41 am UTC (link)
She nods with half hooded eyes. She is in a lot of pain and doesn't want to draw attention to it.

"You are right Jon. When we get back I wish to call a meeting. We must discuss these events. They are important."

She will get to sit though and so she will not complain about her leg. She can ice it without anyone being the wiser after all.

"I believe the world may be in great peril."

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2010-09-27 04:46 am UTC (link)
Jon takes up most of Corrinna's weight for her, and lifts off. "Do your research, find out what you can, and I'll start sending out the calls for a meeting. I trust your instincts on this. Batman - meeting should be within the next 24 hours. Sooner if we can reach everyone."

As soon as they're out of the Batplane's sight, he more directly shifts to carrying Corrinna. "I'm going to go to the fortress as soon as we have some downtime. My dad has some robotics equipment still. I'm going to see if I can build you a brace that looks like amazonian armor that will help give you some support and movement."

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2010-09-27 05:00 am UTC (link)
Corinna gets some insight into the future. She will need the brace if she wishes to be an effective warrior on this battle field. There is wisdom in knowing when to accept help from a person she should and does think of as her friend.

"Do it. An Amazon is no good if she can not perform to her fullest. If I must make amends for this to my Goddesses and Gods then, i must. But I imagine my Father approves of things such as this," Corinna admits. "I can meditate on the problem at hand and draw on what I was taught. If we are lucky perhaps I will be gifted with a vision. But this problem seems.....Easy to grasp, somehow. I must think on it."

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2010-09-27 05:15 am UTC (link)
"Ok, needing to do research and meditate will give you some time off of your leg without needing to explain anything. I'll get you set up with everything you need at the conference table. I'll wait til you're set up to start calling people. The trip to the fortress will have to wait until this passes, but I'll get on it as soon as I can for you. You'll need to get some armor and tell me your colors so I can match it."

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