DC Next Generation

December 13th, 2010

Every Journey Begans With a Single Step @ 04:03 pm


There hadn’t been much talking between them the couple days they had travelled to the small village in the Himalayas other than what was necessary or quips by Masanori. They had taken a flight to Asia and over a day of driving to the village.

They checked into a small Inn in the village to rest the night before they got going first thing in the morning.

Vic was sitting in the dining area eating dinner. When the other’s got there he would explain what would be happening next.

November 26th, 2010

Mine Is Bigger @ 08:53 pm


Masanori was having a grand ol' time pissing off the assassins in the League of Assassins.  Just the simple fact that Bronze Tiger was standing among them and mocking them for not being able to take him down or recruit him was enough to make him smile.  He figured it would be so much better when Morgaine arrived.  Yes, it was a good day to be Masanori.  At least, in his opinion.


DC Next Generation