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Girl ([info]roark) wrote in [info]equations,
@ 2010-08-07 17:28:00

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ask my anything at all, ladies. I'm an open book :D

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2010-08-07 11:54 pm UTC (link)
I remember some time ago you were talking about how you had some jaw condition (or at least, it affected your jaw). Can you tell me what this was and what you've had to do about it?
What made you want to go to culinary school?

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2010-08-08 12:47 am UTC (link)
I have TMJ Disorder. It has to do with the joint that connects your upper and lower jaw. My lower jaw is off center and combined with a head injury as a child and teeth grinding, I've worn out my joints. My mouth only opens half an inch which makes it really hard to eat and talk. And because of the inflammation, it swells up my ear canals so I don't hear well either. I also get really bad migraines :( it really, really sucks. I haven't been able to do anything about it because I don't have the money. At this point I'll need surgery where they'll break and reset my jaw and then wire it shut, but first I'd have to get braces to move my teeth over so that once my jaw is reset, my teeth will align. That means I'd get much worse before I get any better and I just don't have the money or time for surgery. Right now I do mouth exercises every day and take lots of excedrin...

Culinary school... I tried to go to school for other things first, and nothing really stuck. I finally asked my parents if I could go to school for baking and after a lot of arguments, they agreed. I just love being in a kitchen. Pastry arts is my passion! I can't imagine doing anything else with my life.

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