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broken_time ([info]broken_time) wrote in [info]exiles,
@ 2009-06-02 22:17:00

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Entry tags:blink, crusader, doctor spectrum, ghost rider, iron dragon, mystic, patriot

The more things change...
The Exiles all find themselves transported from the desert to... well, another part of the desert.

In the middle of this flat area, however, an area of tiled floor sits, with a chalkboard set up on one edge. And all the Exiles sit in old-style school desks, mostly a little too small for them, wedged in however much needed.
A balding man stands by the chalkboard, waiting patiently for everyone to settle in and pay him heed after the sudden change of surrounds.

"Welcome... or welcome back, as the case may be. Coffee? Muffins?"

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2009-06-04 03:45 am UTC (link)
Sarah puts a hand lightly on Rose's shoulder, speaking quietly. "I'm sorry Rose. And thank you."

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2009-06-04 05:04 am UTC (link)
Rose blinks and shakes her head. "Don't be sorry Sarah. My best friend is still alive. Her father isn't dead."

Her mouth twitches into a chuckle. "Besides! I was planning on a road trip to decide what I wanted to do with myself. This is just a detour. One day things will be okay."

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2009-06-04 10:50 pm UTC (link)
The Ghost Rider waves a hand. "All this makes real little sense to me, but I know why mah world blew up." It's her fault. "I just wanna know where we go now and if ah git to kick Mephisto's ass."

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2009-06-05 01:16 am UTC (link)
"Indeed, you're here because in your world, Mephisto broke one of the fundamental physical laws of hell. And yes, eventually you will encounter him again, he also survived the end of your reality. But when you do, all of your souls will be on the line, along with your reality. Don't be in too big a hurry... but you will get there if you live that long."

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2009-06-06 10:06 pm UTC (link)
She pales. "You mean...everyone who ever lived there is count'n on me not to leave 'em to Hell?"

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2009-06-07 01:13 pm UTC (link)
"No, hell broke, and let everyone and everything loose. Your Earth, and, indeed, your entire universe is a literal hell on Earth - there's a reason a lot of those souls were damned, after all. Most of them really shouldn't be free. Everyone who lives and ever lived there is counting on you to return the jailer to the prison and put the prisoners of eternity back where they belong."

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2009-06-07 09:53 pm UTC (link)
Joe let out a breath.

"Shit. I've heard some messed up stuff before, but this? This has to take the cake."

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2009-06-08 02:39 am UTC (link)
"Probably true, and, as before, I invite you to disbelieve me. Should you cease to exist, or someone dies, a replacement will be sent. As much as you're the current primary agents on this mission, compared to collective reality, you're all expendable. Good luck."

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