The Exiles

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Let This Be Your Last Battlefield Jul. 18th, 2010 @ 04:17 pm
The small planetoid was uninhabited and nothing more than a rock in space rolling around double stars. It was the most unassuming place, but it would be the site of a battle that would determine the fate of the universe.

For all the marbles Jul. 4th, 2010 @ 07:33 pm
Moondragon descends from the waiting fleet as more and more ships return, deploying troops. She lands amongst the Exiles as they re-gather.

"Adam Warlock is dead. As is your companion, Roxanne Simpson. She died heroically, I am assured." she says, her voice cool, as if she were reading the evening news.
"Thanos has recovered two of the gems and is on his way. Normally I would ask for the gems to distribute to the most powerful among us... but I fear that would doom us as empires fall into squabbling over toys when the universe is at stake. I therefore urge you to prepare amongst yourselves to battle Thanos. You have more gems... but he is more skilled in their use, and utterly ruthless. Despite his power and intelligence, however, we have an edge. He will come here... with Death watching, he will not turn down our challenge, and will attempt to defeat us head on. If we fail this time, however, I am certain there will be no last second save by a Silver Surfer this time. I do not think we have much time - so prepare well."

Kev and Tasha Jun. 7th, 2010 @ 06:15 pm
As soon as Skuttlebutt re-entered the orbit of the battlefield planet, Kev noticed that the ship belonging to the green nuns or whatever they were was already back in orbit.  Good. Theirs hadn't been the only success. They came in for a landing.

May. 8th, 2010 @ 01:13 pm
It was really called Skuttlebutt?

Kev boarded the Korbinite ship  -- Korbinites? Not something he knew about -- and wondered what on Earth he was going to be able to do.

They were going to be looking for someone called the Grandmaster. Not a Family Story. So he wasn't really sure.

Soul Gem Search May. 8th, 2010 @ 02:39 am
The fact she can command the bike in outer space is breathtaking. She shouldn't be able to do this, but with belief, maybe all things are possible. Big Z is appreciating the unparalleled freedom so much he's sort of kind of letting Roxanne ride in the proverbial bitch seat a little more on this one and just take things in. Adam Warlock isn't what she'd call "chatty." It's fascinating to consider there are other beings out there like herself trying to just get up in the morning and not become some terrorist or something. Maybe he can answer something that is gnawing at her.

"So what is it I'm sensing out here?" she asks. "I feel...It's like driving through Montana. Big stretch of awesome nuth'n, but you can feel some sort of pull towards the horizon. Only there ain't no horizon."

Galactus and the Power Gem May. 7th, 2010 @ 11:04 pm
Before, there was too much sudden shock and death to think much. Now, Sarah has a lot of space aboard the Shi'ar flagship. Most of the Imperial Guard has been sent to comb other corners of the galaxy, but Adam Warlock and Lilandra alike seemed fairly certain that Galactus would know something, or possibly have been somewhere the Surfer would consider 'safe' for a gem. The down side is, Galactus has not always been the most helpful of beings.
She stands on the bridge, staring out into space, and trying hard to force herself to look ahead, instead of back.

The Time Gem May. 7th, 2010 @ 11:00 pm
Dani followed Corsair onto his ship and took a seat. Not really knowing what to say, she waited for them to take off.

The Reality Gem May. 7th, 2010 @ 01:31 pm
Bucky climbs aboard Star-Lord's vessel.

"Nice ship," he points out. "Think it'll beat Thanos's forces there?"

The Space Gem (for Tasha) May. 6th, 2010 @ 09:42 pm
The Badoon Sisterhood was prepared to take this newcomer recommended by Adam Warlock onto their flagship.

Death and Destruction Apr. 25th, 2010 @ 05:52 am
It was a small planet orbiting a gas giant in Shi'ar controlled space. The small chunk of rock didn't have any remarkable features on it and it held no resources to be utilized. It was rather insignificant as planets went, but it had been the site of a significant battle in the fate of the universe.

Dead bodies littered the ground and a silver surf board was stuck point down in the ground. Smoke billowed from wrecked space craft and blood, human and alien alike, seeped into the fine dirt covering the surface of the planet. It seemed unfitting for this barren place to be the final resting place of some of the finest heroes in the universe.

There was a flash of light.
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