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circle_of_seven ([info]circle_of_seven) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-02-06 09:43:00

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Current location:Asgard
Entry tags:aridis, asleif, halbjorn, inactive - danielle hrimharisdottir, inactive - moira hrimharisdottir, npc - demogorge, npc - hjordis volstaggsdottir, npc - sif, npc - thor, npc - volstagg, plot-"the encroaching darkness", svalin, vincent vernard

The Coming Storm
Asgard had seen a rare period of peace. That peace was about to be shattered. Dark forces gathered in a far corner of the realm. Trolls, dark elves and giants fathered their forces and prepared for an assault on the city and the cursed Asgardians.

Soon the city would fall and Asgard would be theirs to rule.

Alfun looked at the assembled troops and smiled. They would make a great distraction. Alfrun knew they wouldn’t succeed in defeating the Asgardians and taking the city. Countless times they have tried and failed. The Asgardians always won.
Until today. The troops were a distraction until the real weapon could be brought onto the battlefield. With the two, the Asgardians would fall. This would be their Ragnarok. The final battle for them.

Alfrun ran her fingers lovingly over the parchment. How very nice of that dwarf to give her this wonderful piece of parchment. With it she could bring about the downfall of Odin, Thor and the rest of Asgard. Then she, Alfun daughter of Eisa and granddaughter of Loki, would sit upon the throne of Asgard as queen.

“Send them!” she said. “I have to start the ritual.”

Treg grunted and then bellowed orders. The troops started moving.

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2010-02-10 05:08 pm UTC (link)
Odin pauses near the conversation, looking dour.
"All of thee, cease thy prattling tongues. There ist battle enow for all of thee outside."
He eyes Vincent, and speaks sternly. "Thou'rt not among mortals now, child. Thou'rt among the gods. E'eryone here, e'eryone, mine daughters included, hath worked with sorcerors many, many times, they do not need thy instructions, and thou'rt /not/ in charge here. Do not act it. If thou canst not master thine magics enow not to affect thine allies, then go help the elder wizards fetch their scrolls and do not delay e'eryone further. They hath battle stations to get to and cannot wait on thee. I do not know how thine mortal allies treat thee, but though thou'rt one of the blood now..."
He eyes Svalin sternly, "And as a blooded Asgardian, with a place to play in Ragnarok... and thus to be treated as an Asgardian."
His gaze shifts back to Vincent, "Thou must /earn/ respect from thine peers and superiors now. And so far, thou hast earned neither. All thy name gives thee is a chance to do so. Now get to the walls and aid the mages in holding the shield walls until the warriors can take their stations. Aslief, thee as well, give him some guidance on how to deal with magic like an Asgardian."

His tone and one eyed stare do /not/ look like he's in the mood to be questioned or have objections raised, even by his own family.

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2010-02-10 05:13 pm UTC (link)
Vincent bows. "Yes my lord." He then turns to face Svalin, his face devoid of emotion.

"I offer my apology for my haste and any assumptions made in my attempts to help." He keeps it short and to the point, knowing well enough this is no time to go on with the details.

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2010-02-10 07:56 pm UTC (link)
There were a few long moments where it was unclear whether or not Svalin had heard Odin's orders. She glared at Vincent for a moment and then at her own sister. Finally her hand reached down and drew the sword at her side. She held it aloft.

"FOR ASGARD!" she yelled, her voice echoing through the hall. Other warriors in the hall held their weapons aloft and echoed her cry. It was time to fight.

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