Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

September 19th, 2012

Asgard (Open) @ 09:05 pm


It was nearing Solver's first birthday, not that Asgardians really celebrated such, but it had been some time since the mothers, especially MomTwo had some time with her grandson. Einmyria made it a point to send Skari with a message stating such. It was time for a visit while things wert quiet.

No sooner than they had stepped foot into the Great Hall, then Einmyria scooped Solver up to take him to go dote upon him. Eir and Astrid were tagging along after her to play with their nephew. Svalin went to go to talk to her father first. Then find some sparring partners. She brought her bat'leth to use against Asgard's warriors to test her abilities with it.

There was also the quest to find the Crimson Hawk the Norns spoke about.

First thing's first. She went to see her father.

September 4th, 2012

(no subject) @ 09:51 pm


It had taken a lot of time to come to this decision, but Svalin eventually reached one and gathered her courage to go through with it. What she was about to do was big and probably wouldn't go over too well with a lot of people, especially her parents, but she had to do it.

Svalin took a deep breath and put her hand on the hilt of Vigfrior before entering the great hall. Svalin's gaze was locked on the figure on the throne at the far end as she crossed the hall. Her courage threatened to fail her, but she held on to it as hard as she could.

Heads and eyes turned toward her and she could hear the whispers from the people gathered in the hall. She ignored them and kept walking toward the throne. Nothing would dissuade her from doing this.

She stopped at the base of the dais and the steps leading up to the throne.

Her head bowed and she went down to one knee.

March 13th, 2011

Storm Clouds On the Horizon @ 01:17 am


Daniel, Zoey, Scotty, Ellie and Rufus had told Thor and Sif about what happened in Hel while Einmyria made sure they ate and rested. The Thunder God's face wore a scowl as the children told the tale and Sif's expression mirrored his. They left the kids with Eimyria and returned to Odin's great hall. A dark cloud loomed on the horizon and Asgard would prepare to face it.

The host of Asgard started preparations for a battle and the sons and daughters of Asgard on Migard would be called back.

March 1st, 2011

In Hel @ 08:43 pm


Hela ruled Hel and there was nothing that she didn't know about. Her latest amusement was leading a bunch of kids around. She wasn't sure exactly what her father's plan was, but dealing with the kids was entertaining her. It had been some time since she had entertainment such as this. She let them wander around her realm, tricking them with illusions and occasionally sending a minion after them. The kids were proving to be quite resourceful. The two little ones weren't scared and it intrigued her. The other three weren't either, but they were older. She eventually led them to the ice where the Destroyer was encased and put up an illusion to make it look like the two little ones were in the ice.

February 6th, 2010

The Coming Storm @ 09:43 am

Current Location: Asgard

Asgard had seen a rare period of peace. That peace was about to be shattered. Dark forces gathered in a far corner of the realm. Trolls, dark elves and giants fathered their forces and prepared for an assault on the city and the cursed Asgardians.

Soon the city would fall and Asgard would be theirs to rule.

Alfun looked at the assembled troops and smiled. They would make a great distraction. Alfrun knew they wouldn’t succeed in defeating the Asgardians and taking the city. Countless times they have tried and failed. The Asgardians always won.
Until today. The troops were a distraction until the real weapon could be brought onto the battlefield. With the two, the Asgardians would fall. This would be their Ragnarok. The final battle for them.

Alfrun ran her fingers lovingly over the parchment. How very nice of that dwarf to give her this wonderful piece of parchment. With it she could bring about the downfall of Odin, Thor and the rest of Asgard. Then she, Alfun daughter of Eisa and granddaughter of Loki, would sit upon the throne of Asgard as queen.

“Send them!” she said. “I have to start the ritual.”

Treg grunted and then bellowed orders. The troops started moving.

January 28th, 2010

July 28th, 2009

It All Comes Down to Love @ 12:17 am


It had been just over a month since the car bomb exploded. Natasha had been up and about for three weeks now and almost all of that time had been spent keeping a vigil over her husband. In the past weeks Tony’s condition had slowly improved, but it was still serious. The nanites that had been injected into him were doing their job, but even with them it would still take time to heal all the injuries he had sustained.

The burns covering his body were healing, albeit slowly. The doctors removed what they could of the black charred skin and it was up to the nanites and Tony to heal the rest. His skin was still red and very tender, but it was healing. That was the important thing. She still wasn’t allowed in the room much to her dismay. She wanted nothing more than to be in there next to her husband’s bedside. She wanted to hold his hand and let him know she was there.

Since the moment she had been allowed out of bed, Natasha had been at the observation window. She had taken up a position in a chair and only occasionally left that spot to get coffee and grab a shower. Nothing short of the end of the world would make her leave for any real length of time. Anya and the kids brought changes of clothes during their frequent visits. Natasha only left when one of them was watching over Tony because she didn’t want him waking up and not having a family member there.

Natasha yawned and rubbed her eyes. The lack of sleep was catching up to her. She could go in the room that had been set aside for the family, but she wouldn’t leave Tony. Not even if her life depended on it.

She hated this more than almost anything in the world. She hated seeing Tony like this and she hated not being able to do something about it. Natasha climbed out of the chair and started pacing back and forth in front of the window. The doctors had said it was a matter of time and Natasha wished she had the ability to make time go faster. She wanted Tony awake, better and out of here. Then life could go back to what passed for normal for them.

The urge to go hit something, or better yet shoot someone, was great. A few hours in the training room would do wonders and she had been greatly tempted. There was the possibility of going out and doing some urban gymnastics and beating up some thugs. It was something she always loved doing. The little voice in her head urged her to go and do something, but Russian stubbornness won in the end and she didn’t leave.

She stopped pacing in front of the window. She turned and put a hand to the glass. “Please Tony,” she whispered. “I need you.” She bowed her head and said a silent prayer.

Marvel Next Generation Roleplay