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Anya Antonovna Romanova Stark ([info]anyastark) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-02-20 20:30:00

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Entry tags:anya stark, inactive - charlie rogers, inactive - swashbuckler, misha loganovich, plot-"return of lady mandarin", sarah rogers

Passing the time (Open to visitors)
Anya paced back and forth in the small cell. She was bored. Lady Mandarin and Temujin were gone, but she was being kept here for observation for awhile. At least they had given her the (modified) Kindle she owned.

Though right now she was tired of reading. She just wanted her laptop. If she had her laptop she could be writing code and right now she'd worship the person who brought the laptop to her. She could at least distract herself a little better not to mention get some of the projects she had been meaning to do finished.

She had hoped Sarah would be down to visit so Anya could beg for forgiveness. It tore at her heart and her soul what she did to Sarah. There was penance that needed to be done and forgiveness that needed to be begged for.

They could have at least given her a cell phone so she could talk to people.

Anya grumbled and kept pacing.

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2010-02-22 06:53 am UTC (link)
She frowned at the way he man handled her, but didn't comment on it. He was stressed and she understood.

"I can't until we get back to the condo. I need my computer."

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2010-02-22 07:00 am UTC (link)
Later he would apologize over and over again for manhandling her. Right now he was focused on the fact that his parents were being held somewhere and god knew what was happening to them. Except he had a pretty good idea.

He started the engine, put Darlene in gear, and tore out of the garages and down the drive. In a few minutes they were out on the road and speeding toward the city.

Now that they were in motion his chest eased a little. He gestured to the phone with his splinted hand. "Call ahead if you need to."

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2010-02-22 07:02 am UTC (link)
"I've already sent the email ahead. Goddard's already working on it and I sent Dad a text letting him know we're on the way."

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2010-02-22 07:09 am UTC (link)
Misha let out a breath. As usual, Anya was six steps ahead. "Thanks. I'm sorry if I got rough. I didn't expect that when I went to shower."

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2010-02-22 07:11 am UTC (link)
"It's okay. It's a tense situation," she said. Sadly kidnappings and abductions in the family were becoming almost normal and routine.

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2010-02-22 07:19 am UTC (link)
"What I'd like to know is how they got her. I thought she had protection from the Winter Guard as the second in line."

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2010-02-22 07:23 am UTC (link)
Anya shrugged. "They probably ambushed her. Get the right person for the job and you can get to anyone on the planet. No one is totally safe."

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2010-02-22 07:31 am UTC (link)
"I know, I know." He was thinking out loud again. "I didn't even notice Dad was gone. We all should be fitted with GPS locators."

He mashed the accelerator down, practically making the car leap ahead.

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2010-02-22 07:33 am UTC (link)
Anya suspected that Mom already had them outfitted with trackers, but the problem was Mom was one of the people missing. Anya doubted she implanted herself with one. That would allow people to find the Black Widow and heaven forbid that happen.

"Yeah," she agreed. She wanted to say hi to Darlene, but it was just not the right time.

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2010-02-22 07:38 am UTC (link)
"If you want to call Steve to see how he is, I don't mind," Misha said after a few minutes. "It was a brutal fight on the island today."

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2010-02-22 07:51 am UTC (link)
She smiled a little. "We've been texting each other," she said. It was easier when you didn't have to actually type.

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2010-02-22 04:23 pm UTC (link)
"Right." He scratched a spot on his neck with his bad hand.

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2010-02-23 08:24 am UTC (link)
"Calling takes too long," she said.

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2010-02-23 08:59 am UTC (link)
"Everything okay with the Avengers? We all gathered up our own and left to get people patched up. No time to check with the others."

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2010-02-23 09:04 am UTC (link)
"Few were grabbed. Including Toni. At least according to Steve's texts."

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2010-02-23 06:21 pm UTC (link)
"I didn't know about Toni. We had one grabbed. The adult team is already working on it while the rest of us are getting patched up." Then he saw the email and it put everything else out of his head.

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2010-02-23 09:04 pm UTC (link)
"They'll get them back," she said. In the past she would have said 'We'll' but she had gotten used to thinking of herself as not part of the life.

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2010-02-23 09:27 pm UTC (link)
"Yeah." Too many kidnappings lately, they weren't going to be so lucky for much longer. "We will. And Dad and Mom. I want the source of the email. I have an idea who's behind it."

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2010-02-23 09:32 pm UTC (link)
"Then go faster," she said.

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