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Molly Hayes || Bruiser ([info]princessbruiser) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-02-25 21:39:00

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Entry tags:inactive - molly hayes, sarah rogers, team - x-men

Catching up with pop culture
There's pizza on the coffee table, two two-liter bottles of Diet Coke, a big bowl of popcorn, and a gallon of Americone Dream in the freezer with Molly and Sarah's names on it. Molly "reserved" the lounge for the evening, and after going through all of the movies in the Mansion, assembled a pretty decent pile of movies that she thought Sarah would enjoy. A couple of Disney, some chick flicks, an action movie or two, and since Molly was feeling brave, she might as well throw in the original Nightmare On Elm Street while she was at it.

She finished setting up comfy pillows along the sofa, and grabbed the quilt from off her bed. She was dressed in her comfiest pajamas and ready for a night of vegging in front of the t.v. and indulging in junk food. She'd left a note earlier on Sarah's door to meet her downstairs in the lounge, in her pajamas and ready for a full night of movie-watching.

Molly grinned, looking at her set-up. For her first "girl's night in", she'd done a pretty good job. Now, all she needed was Sarah and she'd be all set.

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2010-02-26 06:04 am UTC (link)
"Strawberries. A big, nice bowl of fresh strawberries. Whipped cream would be nice too." Molly cracked her knuckles, before working her fingers into Sarah's shoulders, trying to get rid of some of the knots. "Just let me know if I'm doing anything right, okay? I'm not exactly a qualified massage therapist."

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2010-02-26 06:11 am UTC (link)
Sarah groans happily. "Only thing I could say is you don't need to be so careful. I don't break easy, you can press harder. And right now, you could talk me into almost anything. Strawberries and whipper cream... totally doable. Soon as I have two good arms, I'll figure out where they're growing them if anywhere has them in season and get some fresh for you."

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2010-02-26 06:18 am UTC (link)
"Strawberries are my one true weakness," she said as she continued to work on getting the kinks out of Sarah's shoulder, "If a supervillain ever finds that out, I'm doomed."

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2010-02-26 06:19 am UTC (link)
She continues to groan happily, still quite comfortable with the super strength effort, and showing no signs of any discomfort. "I'll protect your secret, and see what I can do about flying in some fresh strawberries for you, and whipped cream. I'm not a great cook, but I might be able to make you a shortcake or something too."

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2010-02-26 06:25 am UTC (link)
"Mhhmm...I haven't had strawberry shortcake in AGES. I think the last time was my thirteenth birthday. Vic and Chase attempted to make me some from a recipe that Vic found online...they put in to much baking soda and there was a lovely little mess all over the kitchen. And that was why Nico never let the boys cook again."

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2010-02-26 06:28 am UTC (link)
"I'm not a great cook, so fair warning, but I can follow a recipe, and have done plenty of survival cooking. It won't be world class, but it shouldn't be a disaster. And my top speed is somewhere around MACH 10... if there's fresh strawberries anywhere in the world, you'll have your shortcake. The least I can do. Give me a couple more days to heal up."

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2010-02-26 06:30 am UTC (link)
Molly laughed. "Take all the time you need. We can have shortcake, then go to DisneyWorld."

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2010-02-26 04:17 pm UTC (link)
"Thanks. Until then, there's popcorn and movies." she adds, pausing a bit to watch the movie, grinning at some of the set up. When the massage ends, rather than interrupting the movie to try and reposition, she just settles back without thinking about it, leaning against Molly with her head on her shoulder.

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2010-02-27 12:07 am UTC (link)
"Yes, yes there is." Molly rested her head lightly on Sarah's, not really noticing as she snuggled a little closer to her.

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2010-02-27 12:46 am UTC (link)
This is comfortable, and its a fun movie. Not wanting to move, Sarah forgets the popcorn and the rest, and just nestles in comfortably.

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2010-02-27 02:02 am UTC (link)
Molly's also just perfectly content to snuggle next to Sarah a little and enjoy the movie, letting the bowl of popcorn just slid off her leg.

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2010-02-27 02:08 am UTC (link)
Sarah notices the popcorn sliding, and just barely manages to catch it, having to sit up a bit to do so. That makes her a little more conscious of how close they were, and normally might make her a little more self conscious.
After all she's been through, and as comfortable as it was, she moves the popcorn to the table to prevent a spill, readjusts the blanket, and settles back against Molly, somewhat more consciously this time. Even if it its just snuggling while watching a movie, it was nice, and she could use it right now.

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2010-02-27 02:14 am UTC (link)
"Sorry, I wasn't really paying attention, I guess." That would have been messy. Molly's perfectly content to just snuggle up against Sarah as they continued watch the movie.

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2010-02-27 02:17 am UTC (link)
"Nothing to be sorry about, I got it." she responded quietly, since she's right up almost cheek to cheek with Molly, relaxed back against her. "Good movie." Yeah, not the only distraction, now that she's a little more aware of where they're at. But she doesn't want to draw too much attention to that. It'd probably put a quick end to movie night, and Molly really was nice.

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2010-02-27 02:41 am UTC (link)
She's aware that their really close right about now. She blushed a little, but didn't think anything of it. Being this close to Sarah was actually really...nice.

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2010-02-27 03:05 am UTC (link)
She tilts her head a little, watching the movie, but also very aware, suddenly, of Molly. She smelled like lavender and fresia. Compared to Sarah's usual 'showered quickly after hours in the gym with whatever was there'. The mix is really feminine, really pleasant, kind of comforting. Not really thinking about it again as the movie continues, she nestles in a little more.

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2010-02-27 03:28 am UTC (link)
Molly let her get as close as she wanted. Sarah was warm, comfy to lean against, and kinda pretty. Very pretty.

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2010-02-27 03:31 am UTC (link)
That's as close as she gets for right now. Molly is comfortable, pretty, and really nice... but also straight. She's more or less said as much. And Sarah isn't really the forward type.
She's enjoying the movie, and almost sad, for multiple reasons, when it ends. She pushes herself to her feet to be out of the way.

"So what're we watching next?"

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2010-02-27 03:36 am UTC (link)
Molly's a little disappointed too, as Sarah pushed away. Snuggling with Sarah while watching a movie was very...nice.

"Hmm..." she leaned forward and examined the pile in front of her. "Wanna go for something a little darker? I've got the original Friday the Thirteenth."

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2010-02-27 03:39 am UTC (link)
"I have absolutely no idea what that is, but like I said, anything you want to watch, I'm all over." she responded cheerfully, settling back in, if a little reluctantly, working on the popcorn and diet coke while Molly swapped the movies. She almost asked her if she wanted to resume their former seats, but she's not quite comfortable being that forward, writing it off as a nice experience.

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2010-02-27 03:43 am UTC (link)
"It's kinda of a bloodbath," Molly said, as she popped the DVD in. "I'm not normally one for horror but...it's considered a 'classic', so I thought we'd give it a try. So you're warned ahead of time that I might get scared and turn into a blubbering mess."

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2010-02-27 03:46 am UTC (link)
Why would someone watch that? She's been through a couple bloodbaths and horror shows herself, it wasn't fun. Still, if Molly wants to watch it...
"Oh, sure. You can cling to me if you need to." she offers, only halfway joking.

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2010-02-27 03:50 am UTC (link)
Molly laughed. "I might take you up on it. I know it's not real, but...I'm a wimp."

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2010-02-27 03:52 am UTC (link)
"I find that hard to believe. You're somewhere around my strength, from the records here, maybe stronger. Not so much to be afraid of." she adds... while finding the girl who's strong enough to give her a backrub and still a girly girl awfully appealing.

Damn it.

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2010-02-27 03:55 am UTC (link)
"Well....maybe not so much of a wimp in the field. But horror movies? Have me want to hide in my bed under the covers. It's weird." She plopped back down on the couch next to Sarah.

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(no subject) - [info]rogue_star, 2010-02-27 03:57 am UTC

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