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Molly Hayes || Bruiser ([info]princessbruiser) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-02-25 21:39:00

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Entry tags:inactive - molly hayes, sarah rogers, team - x-men

Catching up with pop culture
There's pizza on the coffee table, two two-liter bottles of Diet Coke, a big bowl of popcorn, and a gallon of Americone Dream in the freezer with Molly and Sarah's names on it. Molly "reserved" the lounge for the evening, and after going through all of the movies in the Mansion, assembled a pretty decent pile of movies that she thought Sarah would enjoy. A couple of Disney, some chick flicks, an action movie or two, and since Molly was feeling brave, she might as well throw in the original Nightmare On Elm Street while she was at it.

She finished setting up comfy pillows along the sofa, and grabbed the quilt from off her bed. She was dressed in her comfiest pajamas and ready for a night of vegging in front of the t.v. and indulging in junk food. She'd left a note earlier on Sarah's door to meet her downstairs in the lounge, in her pajamas and ready for a full night of movie-watching.

Molly grinned, looking at her set-up. For her first "girl's night in", she'd done a pretty good job. Now, all she needed was Sarah and she'd be all set.

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2010-03-04 05:45 am UTC (link)
Its Sarah's third. One was with a friend who the Tallus made her kiss. So only the second one that counts, right? And the first one that counted where it was definitely her kissing the other girl. She isn't even sure how to react, except knowing she doesn't want this moment to end.

Eventually, it does, but she doesn't pull far away, looking into Molly's eyes, about an inch away.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to..."

Yes she did.

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2010-03-04 06:08 am UTC (link)
Molly let out a sigh when the kissed ended. Not of relief. Of...happiness? Bliss? She didn't know what it was, only that had to be one of those most perfect moments that she'd ever experienced, and she felt herself to be a little sad when it ended.

"Don't be sorry," she said, blushing a little. "It was nice."

She bit her lip.

"I...um...wouldn't mind if it happened again, actually..."

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2010-03-04 06:16 am UTC (link)
Blink... blink... did she just say that?

She's pretty sure she did.

Sarah shifts, almost pulling Molly into her lap, if not stopped.

"Me neither." she says shyly, with a blush.

But the shyness doesn't stop her from kissing her again.

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