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rogue_star ([info]rogue_star) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-03-08 16:48:00

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Entry tags:exiles, inactive - black tom cassidy, inactive - roxanne, iron dragon, plot-"horsemen of the apocalypse", quinn braddock, sarah rogers

Rallying the troops
Everyone's memories came back to them, once they had a few reminders. Avengers Mansion made a good rallying point. Some were harder to find than others, but Anya managed most of them, the Tallus did the rest once Sarah asked it.

Time to get back to business.

Sarah waits in the main meeting room, letting everyone get assembled before she delivers the bad, bad news.

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Re: Oh how I missed this.
2010-03-21 06:34 pm UTC (link)
Patriot doesn't step through the doorway so much as leap through, below where Scrambler would expect him to come. He rolls, spins, and comes up, already firing spatters of energy towards his opponent in a wide burst.

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Re: Oh how I missed this.
2010-03-21 06:41 pm UTC (link)
Scrambler ducked on instinct and avoided the blasts. As his body landed on the floor, he lashed out with a foot and sent an already knocked over chair toward Bucky's face. Then he was half-crawling, half-running to get back on his feet and to a new hiding spot, this time making his way through three rooms and finally outside. He expected the gun-freak to be on his heels and pushed himself around another corner as fast as possible, crouching down and ready to kick a foot out to trip the other man as he rounded the corner.

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Re: Oh how I missed this.
2010-03-21 06:45 pm UTC (link)
But Bucky doesn't come around the corner immediately. Did Scrambler lose him?

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Re: Oh how I missed this.
2010-03-21 06:52 pm UTC (link)
Scrambler could be a patient man. When there wasn't the threat of guns being put to his head. If he managed to loose the idiot for a moment, all the better. Not bothering to glance around the corner, he pushed himself up and ran for the low wall separating the house he had been in from its ruined neighbor. He jumped the stone and wove in and out of the the broken remains, looking back for a moment as he got to the other side of the yard. If he could spot the hero, he could attempt to sneak up on him still... or at least avoid the guns for the time being.

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Re: Oh how I missed this.
2010-03-21 06:55 pm UTC (link)
But while Bucky may not have been as good of a physical combatant as his long-dead partner back in World War II, he was always much sneakier.

So as Scrambler reaches the edge of the yard, Patriot's head ducks up behind him from behind the fence to the neighbor's hard... along with a stun gun.

He's not going to let Scrambler get a chance to notice his mistake, as he unleashes a torrent of stun-energy at the killer.

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