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rogue_star ([info]rogue_star) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-03-22 16:07:00

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Entry tags:exiles, inactive - molly hayes, sarah rogers

Limping homeward
Sarah gets brought back to Xavier's after her fight with Holocaust, nowhere else has the facilities to deal with these kinds of injuries.. She never regains consciousness on the way home. Indeed, its most of another day before she does. Even by then, she still has broken ribs, a recovering dislocated shoulder, numerous radiation burns, and third degree burns up both arms, her hands are still black. Her sight will recover, but her charts say that she doesn't seem to have much of it currently in her right eye - the one on the side of her face that's mostly black and blue.

They've got her full of enough elephant tranquilizers to let her rest comfortably. Even so, eventually, she does regain consciousness, blinking her blurry eyes.


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2010-03-22 09:41 pm UTC (link)
She reached over to give her hand a light squeeze. "I thought you'd want to see a familiar face."

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2010-03-22 09:45 pm UTC (link)
She moves her fingers to squeeze back as best she can. "I did, do..." Her face falls a little. "I also do know now... according to the Tallus, we get three weeks. So I'm here for a bit, but then we will be going... you still ok with... well, you know, seeing where things go, even knowing I'm going to have to leave?"

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2010-03-22 09:50 pm UTC (link)
"Of course I am." She smiled. "We need to get you better, first. DisneyWorld awaits us!"

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2010-03-22 09:54 pm UTC (link)
"I'm going to be limping for a bit, but should be ok for taking us down there soon, if you don't mind taking care of me again for a bit? Otherwise, we can wait a week for most of this to go away. Deep burns take a while."

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2010-03-22 09:58 pm UTC (link)
"I'll be your nurse. I'll even wear a cute uniform, if you want me too." She blushed, a little bit surprised at herself."But as soon as your well enough to go, just say the word and I'll throw together a suitcase for us. And if you wanted to rest a bit, I could maybe see if someone could fly us down in the Blackbird and then come and get us in a couple of days..."

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2010-03-22 10:03 pm UTC (link)
Sarah blinks. She pictures that, then blinks again. Then she giggles until it hurts too much, a sudden shot of pain somewhat stifling the giggles.
"You're adorable, you know that? I'm tempted to say yes just to see that. As for well enough... I'll probably be in a wheelchair for a couple days, but as soon as I'm cleared to leave medbay, I'd just love to spend some time with you, wherever. If we're not going to get very long to... you know, try this dating thing... I don't want to waste any of the time we have."

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2010-03-22 10:07 pm UTC (link)
The wide, kind of dorky grin remained on Molly's face. "Just call me your personal Florence Nightingale." She nodded, "I don't want to miss a single second. I'm still up for that double date too, by the way. In case you were wondering or anything."

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2010-03-22 10:11 pm UTC (link)
"I'm looking forward to this. Want to let Anya know that she'll need somewhere easily wheelchair accessible? I need to meet her boyfriend, and show her how my new girlfriend pushes me around."

Yeah, she's usually not so chipper. Even as bad off as she is, Molly inspires it.

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2010-03-22 11:35 pm UTC (link)
"I'll try and make a good first impression," Molly said with a little giggle.

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2010-03-23 12:25 am UTC (link)
"You'll do great, I'm sure. And I've been looking forward to this."

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2010-03-23 11:31 am UTC (link)
"Me too." She smiled.

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2010-03-23 06:27 pm UTC (link)
"So what have I missed? Is everyone out here ok?"

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