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ng_independent ([info]ng_independent) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-04-06 00:01:00

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Entry tags:inactive - harry reynolds, inactive - julian gallo, inactive - lisa graves, team - x-factor

May the Universe grant us health; we can steal the rest (X-Factor)
After she had seen them on television, she'd gone into her bedroom for a long heart to heart with Daddy. He was so happy, so proud. They'd laid down the ground rules -- lots and lots of rules, or it wouldn't be any good, after all.

Now for the opening move. She had a meeting with some of the Foundation for a Finer Life's best and brigh--- well, they were good boys, anyway. Nice boys. They tried hard; and that's all Phoebe was asking for.

Starting that night and continuing throughout the week, there was a surge in break-ins, burglaries, and vandalism in the area of town surrounding X-Factor's new home/studio.
Three churches -- all coincidentally connected by their contributions to such things as 'sexuality rehabilitation' centers -- ransacked with 'Glass Houses!' spray-painted in bright yellow on the inner walls. Numerous stores robbed only of their entire supply of cigarettes, with 'Nasty Habit!' painted across the empty storage display cases in the same bright shade.
Scores of cars stolen from a parking lot that had been made just a few months before by paving over greenspace, with 'Ride a Bike!' in yellow.

Every single security camera anywhere near any scene of the crime had been taken as well.

By the end of the week, letter with no fingerprints or return address will be delivered to the plaza which reads simply,
'Welcome to the neighborhood. And nobody hurt yet. Ain't we sweet?'

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2010-04-08 03:37 am UTC (link)
"Not really... most of the activist manpower is west coast, most of the money is east coast. The people who do a lot of, say, the animal lab hits bus people in and out... harder to trace than flying, and the cops usually don't look for out of towners. And if they're quick enough, they're over state borders. The odd things is using the same people, which they have to be if they were all equally well organized and planned, for three different hits. Usually they'd space them out more to reduce risk of getting someone caught... unless they want to get someone caught to make a statement and have a spokesman in reporter reach once they've gotten enough attention. As professional as they're being, they're unlikely to risk hurting anyone - all these crimes are the kind that stir up sentiment. They want a specific kind of attention."

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2010-04-08 03:43 am UTC (link)
“Yeah that makes sense,” Harry said. He didn’t know a lot about that kind of thing and was will to take DJ word on this type of thing and he was glad these guys weren’t like that last ones.

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2010-04-08 03:51 am UTC (link)
Pauline listens and nods. "Here's hoping getting somebody caught's the most out-there they might want to go. Guess there's nothing much to worry about for now but keeping a general eye out in the neighborhood, huh?"

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2010-04-08 04:21 am UTC (link)
"Kind of depends. If they're this good because of organization and professionalism, then yeah, we have almost nothing to worry about other than making sure we don't become a target. If they're this good because of mutant powers... then its a total wildcard. This looks like an east-west job, but if its a mutant, all bets are off and they could be as prone to unintended consequences as anyone. If the next three or four hits are like this... because whoever it is wants attention - we can assume this - there will be more - then we have nothing to worry about either. If they start to escalate, we have issues - and much better chance of this being talented amateurs."

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2010-04-08 04:56 pm UTC (link)
“Keeping an eye on the area definitely sounds like a good idea and maybe a little research might give up a better idea of who exactly they are.”

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