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ng_omega_flight ([info]ng_omega_flight) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-04-09 18:40:00

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Entry tags:inactive - mystic, inactive - vindicator, jordan bochs, mason jeffries, melanie hall, nimue smallwood, plot-"frame up"

Taking Out a National Landmark
The Canadian National Tower in Toronto stood an impressive 553.3 meters(1,815ft) and was still the largest free standing structure in the Western Hemisphere. It was a popular tourist attraction and many people have taken the elevator up to the top to look out over the city of Toronto.

Today Omega Flight was visiting the tower, but they weren't there as tourists. Today they were going to destroy the tower and turn it into a pile of rubble.

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2010-04-14 07:45 pm UTC (link)
He's not fast enough to avoid the grab, and he ends up thrown. He curls up to make sure he takes the impact on his back, not his head, all he has time to do before he smashes into a building.

Shaking out the cobwebs as best he can, he picks up some of the rubble he just created, and uses it as a shield, rushing right back at the Wendigo with a couple tons of stone in hand to blunt its offense when it charges right back.

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2010-04-14 08:02 pm UTC (link)
Wendigo roared when he saw the man come out of the rubble. He charged and ran right into the few tons of stone. The Wendigo came to a halt and tried to claw the man around the stone.

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2010-04-14 08:07 pm UTC (link)
The stone crumbles into pebbles under the impact, but it served its purpose, letting Jordan get in close again.

The claws leave shallow marks down the diamond hard surface of his body, odd white trails along what looks like skin. It hurts, but doesn't dig deep enough to bleed.

He closes in again, trying to stay inside its reach to limit how much power it can get behind its swings, going back to short little boxing jabs.

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2010-04-14 08:41 pm UTC (link)
Wendigo was a little surprised at the little damage his claws were causing, but it spurred him on. He took a swipe at the guy's face, trying to catch an eye in the process.

The punches connected and Wendgio grunted with each one. Little by little he was moved backward.

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2010-04-14 08:47 pm UTC (link)
The effect across the eye is especially odd - his eyes are just as solid as the rest of him, but his vision blurs as he takes a swipe across them, with a white mark over the iris as if someone had scratched the glass in front of an exhibit.

"Ow! Damnit!" he curses, but doesn't let up.

The movement is a little like a glacier - he pushes the Wendigo back - and then gets hammered back by stronger blows. He's not sure how long they could keep at this - the Wendigo's healing factor and general toughness has been enough to keep up with the Hulk for a while, and that's definitely out of Jordan's league. On the other hand, even half blind, he's staying upright and keeping the monster occupied.

He just hopes his teammates are doing better.

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2010-04-16 02:25 am UTC (link)
Wendigo gets bodily slammed from the side.

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2010-04-16 06:22 pm UTC (link)
Wendigo went flying into a building leaving a nice dent in the concrete.

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2010-04-19 08:41 pm UTC (link)
Jordan nods. "How are the others doing?" he asks, as he rushes towards the building.

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