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ng_omega_flight ([info]ng_omega_flight) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-04-09 18:40:00

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Entry tags:inactive - mystic, inactive - vindicator, jordan bochs, mason jeffries, melanie hall, nimue smallwood, plot-"frame up"

Taking Out a National Landmark
The Canadian National Tower in Toronto stood an impressive 553.3 meters(1,815ft) and was still the largest free standing structure in the Western Hemisphere. It was a popular tourist attraction and many people have taken the elevator up to the top to look out over the city of Toronto.

Today Omega Flight was visiting the tower, but they weren't there as tourists. Today they were going to destroy the tower and turn it into a pile of rubble.

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2010-04-16 11:32 pm UTC (link)
Under the mystical command, the two speedsters stopped in their tracks.

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2010-04-16 11:38 pm UTC (link)
"Awesome! Now let me make sure they don't go anywhere else!" Mason cackles as he forms a design in his head, and he runs up to stand as close to them as necessary, putting his hands to the ground.

The ground twists underneath the villains, leaving them each on a pedestal jutting out of a bowl. The bowls fill with nitro, before more of the ground reshapes itself to make cages around them.

"If I were you guys, I wouldn't move, even if you could."

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