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marvelkid ([info]marvelkid) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-04-25 22:36:00

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Entry tags:inactive - may parker, inactive - wally kaplan-altman, npc - wonder man

Since he'd finished his patrol and his homework Wally elected to go for a flight on a pleasant Sunday afternoon. It was one of his favorite powers after all. He flies out over the ocean at high speed, enjoying the air and the sun. The hybrid hero skims along the surface of the water and then shot up high into the air. After a few flips and barrel rolls, he notices a plane and flies closer to give people looking out the window a little thrill in the form of getting to see a superhero. With that done, he heads back towards the land.

"Great day so far. Maybe I'll get some more patrolling in," he muses, idly searching for any trouble or other flying heroes as he heads back into the air over New York City.

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2010-04-26 08:38 pm UTC (link)
As Wally was patrolling, Spider-Girl was making her way through the city on a patrol of her own, swinging her way through the streets of New York City. She was really get the hang of this, swinging over buildings. She hadn't had a scare with the webbing snapping on her in awhile.

Crap. She spoke too soon. The webbing sent, and Spider-Girl went hurtling towards the ground. She tried to fire another strand, but was finding it hard to focus....

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