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electrified ([info]electrified) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-04-29 02:20:00

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Entry tags:aleks childress, inactive - delilah bishop, team - shield

Target Practice

Four shots and Del pressed the button to bring the target close so she could inspect her work. Every day she took time to come down to the shooting range to practice. Daddy said you could never practice too much when it came to shooting weapons. Del had learned from him and had picked up firearms rather easily. It was in the blood.

She looked at the target. Four perfect shots. Two in the head and two in the heart. The grouping was excellent as the holes were almost on top of each other.

She smiled and put up a new target.

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2010-05-01 02:04 pm UTC (link)
"So, abrupt topic change. Other than sightseeing, now that you may have the odd hour to yourself, you mention picking up hobbies. Anything in particular?"

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2010-05-01 02:41 pm UTC (link)
"Well for starters I have some books I've been meaning to read. Then I was thinking about picking up rock climbing or something suitably challenging." Del never really had free time to do things. Work had taken up a very large part of her life.

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2010-05-01 08:32 pm UTC (link)
"Both good plans. There is also a very good library at the base if you need more books. And there's rock climbing trips into the Shawagunks and the Adirondacks."

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2010-05-02 02:26 am UTC (link)
"I've scouted out a few indoor places in the city. Once I get my feet wet there, I'll try the real thing." She smiled a little. "I've been to the library a few times already. It it rather good."

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