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ngmastersofevil ([info]ngmastersofevil) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2009-06-28 07:07:00

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Entry tags:anya stark, inactive - artemis, inactive - james romanov rogers, inactive - nightingale, lady devil, npc - mandarin, npc team - masters of evil, plot-"legacy of hate", sammy fury, team - avengers, toni rhodes

Divide and Conquer
Hadelinde was a meticulous planner. She knew what she had to accomplish and had devised a plan to reach her first goal. Then she drafted a backup plan in case things went south. There was also a backup plan for the backup plan. She couldn’t fail. She wouldn’t fail. It wasn’t even an option. Plans for the second and third stages had been drafted as well along with backup plans for them.

Beetle had been sent to do recon on the Avengers. With her suit being undetectable and invisible she was the most logical choice for recon. It seemed like things had changed a little since her last excursion against the Avengers. It seemed like the younger ones had moved out of the mansion and onto an island a few miles off shore. It had been a most fortuitous change. The kids were more exposed and the adults weren’t around, leaving them a lot more vulnerable.

Hadelinde would exploit this to her advantage.

She didn’t like the fact that there were a few Avengers she didn’t know about. The files Temujin had provided her weren’t complete. It was another reason for the recon. She had to know what they were capable of.

She looked at the assembled group. Enforcer, Jurassic, Gravedigger, Gargantua, Frenzy, and Titanium Titan were all waiting for the orders to start the attack. She looked at each one of them and nodded.

"Let’s go.”

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2009-07-03 05:31 am UTC (link)
Toni managed to dodge one blast, but another nearly knocked her from the air and likely did some damage to several systems.

"Dammit... what's the point of all this? Why attack us?"

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2009-07-03 05:39 am UTC (link)
She followed up with rapid fire blasts to cause more damage to the armored suit. "You're in my way."

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2009-07-03 05:47 am UTC (link)
Well, there went something that was probably important. Toni was not, in fact, entirely sure this was a fight she could win. She poured on the speed, narrowing the gap between herself and her armored enemy, almost... almost close enough to grab their leg...

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2009-07-03 05:59 am UTC (link)
Hadelinde suddenly dropped out of reach and fired at her pursuer's back when the armored suit passed her.

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2009-07-03 06:06 am UTC (link)

The blast hit Toni square in the center of her back, causing her to crash to the ground, managing, at the last moment, to at least turn so that she could be on her back.

This also disrupted her concentration, causing several more cracks to appear in her armor, where she'd previously been holding it together with mutant power.

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2009-07-03 06:14 am UTC (link)
She landed nearby and readied a concussive blast that would take the young hero out of the game for a good while. "Your team needs a lot of work. It's weak."

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2009-07-03 06:21 am UTC (link)
Toni's suit was pretty much useless by this point, including the force field that held it together. Her faceplate slid back at she powered down several other systems. She needed her suit turned off for what she was going to try.

"And yet I can still kick your ass!" she taunted. She turned her power on her foe's suit of armor, intending to pull it apart into as many component pieces as she could.

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2009-07-03 06:31 am UTC (link)
Inside her armor, Hadelinde had the unique experience of her weaponry not cooperating for any reason she could see. With the girl's face exposed, she recognized the identity and connected her to the newspaper article reporting Antoinette Rhodes as a mutant that could control objects.

She scowled and fired her last prepared shot, then blasted into the air away from the girl.

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2009-07-03 06:34 am UTC (link)
Toni managed to get her arm up to block the shot, and considered herself lucky to do that.

"I... am not good at this super-hero thing," she reflected aloud. She quickly, however, remembered where she was and who she was with. "Anya?"

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2009-07-03 06:39 am UTC (link)
Anya heard Toni and looked down at Temujin. She wanted nothing more than to end his life, but Avengers didn't kill. First Toni, then she'd call S.H.I.E.L.D. She hurried over toward where she thought she heard Toni's voice coming from. Temujin wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.


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2009-07-03 06:57 am UTC (link)
Rather than teleport out directly, she kept to their bargain and went to help him get Anya Stark out of the area.

Her surprise quickly turned to disdain when she saw him unconscious and the girl leaving him to go to her teammate.

She flew in when Anya left the area, grabbed Temujin and got out of there before they could be followed.

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2009-07-04 03:04 am UTC (link)
Toni extricated herself from what was left of her suit. It was going to need some serious repairs.

"You get yours? I kinda chased mine off..."

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2009-07-04 03:09 am UTC (link)
Anya knew exactly who would be doing those repairs. She didn't mind. There wasn't anything she wouldn't do for her best friend.

"He's unconscious. Are you okay?"

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2009-07-04 04:17 am UTC (link)
"Bruised," she said. "But nothing broken."

She shook her head. "I really want to know who this psycho is."

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2009-07-04 04:24 am UTC (link)
"That makes two of us. But for now, let's have S.H.I.E.L.D. pick Temujin up and go home. We can start working on fixing your armor."

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2009-07-04 04:35 am UTC (link)
Toni nodded. "Yeah. But first, I'm gonna need a loooong hot shower and a nap."

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2009-07-04 04:41 am UTC (link)
Anya chuckled. "Me too." Anya placed the call to S.H.I.E.L.D. "They'll be here in a few minutes. We better get Temujin ready to go."

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2009-07-04 05:07 am UTC (link)
Toni nodded. "Just show me where you left him and I'll whip up some shackles."

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2009-07-04 05:10 am UTC (link)
"This way," she said as she started walking back toward where she left Temujin. "I'll sleep better knowing he'll be sitting in a S.H.I.E.L.D. cell."

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2009-07-04 05:17 am UTC (link)
Toni followed after. "Can I go after certain portions of his anatomy with power tools first?"

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2009-07-04 05:31 am UTC (link)
Anya smiled a little. "After me," she said. "I get first dibs."

They approached the area where she left Temujin but...no Temujin. A string of curses in Russian fell from her lips.

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2009-07-04 05:44 am UTC (link)
"Dammit!" Toni swore. "What the hell does it take to catch that bastard?!"

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2009-07-04 05:49 am UTC (link)
Anya sighed. It had been too much to hope for. "Let's go. I'll call S.H.I.E.L.D. on the way home. Hopefully the power systems in my suit will hold long enough for us to get home."

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2009-07-04 05:51 am UTC (link)
Toni had kept the pieces of her suit with her, folded into a nice package. "Yeah. Let's get out of here."

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2009-07-04 06:00 am UTC (link)
Anya wrapped an arm around her best friend and lifted off. The power fluctuated, but it just was enough to fly and get them home.

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