Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

Regrouping and making battle plans @ 06:08 am


The timely save by the Anti-Registration forces brought the Exiles to the group's secret headquarters. The rescued heroes were brought back and offered medical aid, food and a chance to rest away from the pro-registration forces. The Exiles explained who they were and what their mission was and were invited to stay for as long as they wanted.

A few hours later more rescued heroes were brought back and this time it was the six Avengers. They entered the secret underground base and escorted to the area where they could get cleaned up and get medical treatment for their wounds. They would get the chance to meet everyone when they were done and came out to the main area with everyone else.

Fanning the Flames (Open to reactions) @ 11:11 am


DAILY BUGLE - Crime rates near the so-called "District X" continue to climb in recent weeks, as what are being reported as mutant street gangs ransacked thirteen stores in the past three weeks, with half a dozen home invasions as well. Property damage estimates are estimated to be in the tens of thousands and still rising, and insurance carriers for the claimants are currently entering litigation as to whether or not mutant violence constitute valid claims under criminal sections of their coverage.

THE BUZZ - (editorial by Khan Keorattanavong) Police Captain Erica Strauss commended her precinct's officers today, in a grandstanding public ceremony where the collective members of the 11th Precinct by all rights should have snapped in half from how fast they bent over to kiss their own collective rears. Arrests for possession are at an all-time high as Strauss continues her war on drugs, specifically MGH, Mutant Growth Hormone. Arrests are at an all-time high, with a soaring conviction rate on possession charges as well. Sources also claim that pleas from defense attorneys for what would normally be minor charges have been ignored by the DA's office.

We've all seen what MGH can do, but voices within the local community cite that the arrests have been focused on users carrying empathic and telepathically communal strains, rather than your typical lasers and super strength varieties. Cops beating up on hippies, where have we seen that before?

Revolution. @ 07:34 pm


The jumps were dizzying as were the changes in her physiology.  The additional abilities were leaving her, almost being written out of her dna.  It would have been a huge relief except leaping through time was equally as draining so when Tina landed in 1776, she landed face first in the mud and she was perfectly content to stay right there.

Until she was yanked up by her hair demanding to know where the hell she'd come from.

It was a familiar-seeming voice and when she was able to see the face the voice belonged to she understood why: Sebastian Shaw clearly looked like one of his ancestors.  Enough so that Tina turned on the diamond armor at will--a first--and punched him right in the face.

By the time X-Force dropped in, Tina was in a full on brawl with this Shaw and his fellow soldiers to the point that all she could see or hear was the fight at hand.  It...wasn't going well.

Lowkey. @ 09:45 pm


*takes place after Gretel*

For once Summers had been reasonable; he hadn't insisted on full debriefing and medical examinations when Tina and X-Force returned from their time-hopping adventures and she was glad for it.  Tina wanted to go home.  It felt like forever since she'd been there and she wasn't exactly certain what would be waiting for her when she returned.  As ironic as it was, she had lost track of time, at least in her own world.  To her it was just another evening as she pulled into the garage, killed the engine, and made her way into the house, dropping her keys int he bowl by the door, kicking her shoes off as she went. 

Marvel Next Generation Roleplay