Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

Everyone loves evals, right? @ 02:44 pm


Valini had the minimum of four datapads scattered around her desk, possibly more were buried under the loose paperwork. Unfortunately for efficiency, not every police station and psych ward used the tech and organization programs that SHIELD could. It spoiled the agents a little, she supposed, and then was forced to squint once more while trying to read someone's hasty scrawl about the medication regimen their ex-patient was prescribed, next to what looked like a coffee ring stain. Then again, maybe not. 

Her alarm went off, reminding that an appointment was coming up in five, a psych eval,  and she hit snooze before shuffling the mess into a loose stack for later. Desk cleaned up, she got herself a new cup of coffee and checked there'd be enough for the incoming client and others. She remembered the last time someone left the pot empty. It wasn't pretty. 

Welcome to the family, Jazz. Hope you survive the experience. @ 10:42 pm


Anya's schedule was a nightmare and there were more meetings and appointments in it than there were hours in a day, but she had made some time to head to New York and meet the new family member. To say she was surprised was a bit of an understatement. A sister dropping in from another dimension was unexpected, not to mention a full sister at that.

Anya was curious. It was a Stark trait and so when Mom said there would be a lunch with the new sister with Misha, Anya of course cleared some time. She wanted to meet this sister. For a change she was running early. She arrived at Big Nick's and grabbed a booth.

Marvel Next Generation Roleplay