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perenawska ([info]perenawska) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-06-25 16:57:00

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Entry tags:antaeus, argo, inactive - lyta braddock-worthington, misha loganovich, nicholas salem, perenawska, plot-"think of the children", team - champions

Saving the Kids
Irina had to concentrate on the image that Lyta had sent to her, but after a few moments she had been able to open a portal to a spot just inside the main building. Her knives had been out and ready when she stepped through. They went flying through the air heading toward the two guards that had been standing near the door. The knives hit them in the chest and they fell to the ground. Stepping through portals and into trouble was quite common for her.

"Let's go," she called back to the others.

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Misha vs Nicholas: The Rematch!
2010-07-05 01:20 am UTC (link)
The sudden grab wasn't expected. Misha crashed onto the floor with his attacker. He struggled to get free enough to put a gloved hand onto the attacker and let loose with a concussive blast.

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Re: Misha vs Nicholas: The Rematch!
2010-07-05 01:32 am UTC (link)
The blast sent Nicholas off of Misha, sending him into a wall. He brushed it off, swinging a fist at his armored face.

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Re: Misha vs Nicholas: The Rematch!
2010-07-05 01:50 am UTC (link)
Helmet, meet fist. Misha hoped the rebuild was as strong as Anya promised.

He felt the fist, his head turned hard, but he was back with both fists swinging.

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Re: Misha vs Nicholas: The Rematch!
2010-07-05 02:15 am UTC (link)
One of his fists made contact with Nicholas' jaw, sending him back staggering. He grabbed the other fist, squeezing down, trying to crush Misha's hand.

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Re: Misha vs Nicholas: The Rematch!
2010-07-05 02:24 am UTC (link)
One moment he was fighting, trying to get free before his fingers were a bloody mess inside the armored glove, and in the next Misha was swept back into a nightmare of Red Room experiences.

He was on the floor in a heap, his mind caught in the memory of being chained to an operating table while his mother's former husband watched a surgeon cut Misha's chest open while Misha screamed against a ball gag.

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Re: Misha vs Nicholas: The Rematch!
2010-07-05 02:31 am UTC (link)
Nicholas was getting ready to squeeze Misha's hand into a pulp, when a wave swept over him, and he found himself in his worst nightmares.

He grabbed his head, dropping to the floor, taken over by the images of his body in a bloody heap on the floor, helpless as they came at him and attacked him again and again.

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