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sunspot ([info]sunspot) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-06-25 19:20:00

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Entry tags:inactive - dae, kalypso

Brother and Sister
It had been awhile since Dae had talked with his sister.  He'd been busy with teaching classes, and she seemed fairly busy with other things.  Dae hoped that they could get the chance to catch up with each other, so he arranged a lunch at a small restaurant with a nice set-up outside.

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2010-06-26 03:35 am UTC (link)
"My mom? No. She has no plans for any more kids. I think she's done. Not to mention I don't think Ikaris would give permission for more. She had me without permission and he may still be cranky over that."

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2010-06-26 02:50 pm UTC (link)

Dae kept silent about it and looked through his menu, relieved to hear that. "I wonder, how have the other Eternals adjusted after the incident with the Deviants?"

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2010-06-26 04:56 pm UTC (link)
"They're okay," Kal said. "Busy rebuilding Polaria and Olympia. There was a lot of destruction and a lot to rebuild."

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2010-06-27 12:59 am UTC (link)
"I see. I would offer my help, but I cannot stand cold places and I certainly cannot heat that place up."

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2010-06-27 03:07 am UTC (link)
"You're the only Eternal I know who doesn't like the cold. Leave it to my brother to be the weird one in the family." She smiled and gave him a wink.

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2010-06-29 04:10 pm UTC (link)

He chuckled at that. It was true that Dae was an oddball of an Eternal. "The Titan Eternals tell me it's because I'm too hot." Despite sounding like a joke, he literally meant it.

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2010-06-29 05:49 pm UTC (link)
Kalypso chuckled. "There has to be one in every family, I suppose."

"How's teaching going?"

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2010-06-30 01:23 am UTC (link)

"Teaching is a wonderful opportunity. All of my students have been getting good grades and have really been enjoying my classes, especially Advanced Mechanical Engineering. I had a student just the other day team up with a software engineer and an electrical engineer for a surprise project. I am really pleased to see them take an initiative and try to impress me."

That was the wonder of teaching for Dae. He was smiling when he talked about it, and he loved his "kids". "What about you, Kal?" he asked.

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2010-06-30 01:26 am UTC (link)
"That's really good to hear, Dae. I'm glad it's going well for you."

Kal shrugged. "Things are going well. I help out with things in the streets when I can and Mom keeps me busy with the business."

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2010-06-30 02:03 am UTC (link)

"I heard that there was some commotion lately, but I never got any details on it." If things had gotten bad, he would've known about it. It was best to move onto something else. "How are things with Jack?"

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2010-06-30 02:08 am UTC (link)
Kal smiled at the mention of Jack. "Things are very good. We're happy and my mom isn't trying to move us in together. Thank you for asking."

"Are you seeing anyone?"

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2010-07-02 02:51 am UTC (link)

"I have seen quite a few women here on Earth, but I haven't come into a relationship with any of them."

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2010-07-02 03:37 am UTC (link)
"Gotcha," she said. "Is it just not finding the right one, or the whole outliving them thing?"

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2010-07-02 04:03 am UTC (link)

"I'm not sure. Although I am not like Father, I do enjoy women. But I feel that I may attach myself if I find a woman truly special to me."

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2010-07-02 08:30 pm UTC (link)
"Understandable. I didn't think I would ever find someone, but then I found Jack. Though I must admit that on occasion I do think about how I will outlive him."

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2010-07-06 06:25 pm UTC (link)
"If I found a human woman I truly loved, I am not sure what I would do." He was lying, though. If he could do it, he would find a way to lose his longevity so that he could be with that human he loved.

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2010-07-06 06:39 pm UTC (link)
"I'm just going to enjoy what time I do have with Jack and try not to think about things. Otherwise I'd go crazy and we don't need another crazy person in the family." Their uncle had the family claim to crazy.

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