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Natasha Romanova ([info]redheadspy) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-09-11 00:30:00

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Entry tags:npc - black widow, npc - pepper potts, plot-"body swap"

Running Errands
"Tony Stark" walked into the world headquarters of Stark Industries. Tony needed some paperwork from the office and Natasha had been more than happy to go get it for him. She loved her husband dearly, but she needed a break. Tony had been dealing with this whole body switch really well, but Natasha needed a break from dealing with him. Had she been this bad during this pregnancy or the one with Anya for that matter?

She made her way up to Pepper's office.

After picking up the paperwork for her husband, she'd grab some coffee and chocolate on the way home.

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2010-09-13 12:15 am UTC (link)
"Yes to the board meeting and let me check with Natasha and see if she's up for it. Things have been kind of rough for her lately." She didn't want to put Tony through any more than necessary. He was being a champ about all of this.

"Please tell me you have some chocolate in your desk. I could use some."

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2010-09-13 02:12 am UTC (link)
"Well of course," Pepper said, "Though I understand completely if you need to cancel."

She rummaged through her desk, pulling out a bag of Hershey's minis.

"Are you SURE you're feeling okay?"

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2010-09-13 02:22 am UTC (link)
"You are a lifesaver," Natasha said as she grabbed the bag. "Okay, Tony made me promise that I wouldn't say anything, but you of all people have to know if this goes on any longer. There was...something happened while we were in Martha's Vineyard. I'm in Tony's body and he's in mine."

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2010-09-13 02:30 am UTC (link)
Pepper blinked. Once. Twice. Three time. "So...you're Tasha, and Tasha is Tony..."

Pepper tried to keep a straight face. She really did. But she burst out laughing anyway.

"I'm sorry Tasha, I shouldn't be laughing..."

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2010-09-13 02:36 am UTC (link)
"Oh laugh all you want right now. I laughed too. Then Tony started crying." Natasha sat on the corner of the desk. "This is why women have the babies. The men can't handle it."

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2010-09-13 03:12 am UTC (link)
"Oh my God," Pepper said, still laughing, "I REALLY wish I was there to see that."

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2010-09-13 03:23 am UTC (link)
"It wasn't fun to deal with," Natasha said. "Don't tell him I told you. He's really had it rough. A very active baby and Tony's not used to dealing with so many hormones."

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2010-09-13 11:14 pm UTC (link)
"I bet it isn't fun," Pepper said, "It's probably been a lot to deal with. I'm just cruel and find the idea of a pregnant Tony to be a little on the funny side."

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2010-09-14 02:53 am UTC (link)
"It is funny, but I do feel sorry for him. He just wasn't prepared to deal with it."

Natasha slid off the desk. "I should get going. He may send SHIELD after me if I'm gone too long. So Board Meeting and I'll ask him about dinner. Anything else?"

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2010-09-14 10:04 pm UTC (link)
"I bet he wasn't. Men aren't meant to have babies, after all."

Pepper shook her head. "No. That's all."

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2010-09-15 03:26 am UTC (link)
"Now I see why," Natasha said. "Okay. Let me know if something comes up. I can have Tony guide me through things with an earwig."

"And now it's time to go get more coffee and chocolate."

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2010-09-15 03:28 am UTC (link)
Pepper nodded, "Will do, Tasha."

Pepper smiled. "Allow me," she stood up, pouring Tasha a cup of coffee to go and handing her a couple more Hershey bars.

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2010-09-15 03:49 am UTC (link)
"You are the best. Would you like a raise?" Natasha asked. There had to be some perks to being in Tony's body.

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2010-09-15 03:50 am UTC (link)
"I wouldn't object to one." Pepper said with a grin.

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2010-09-15 03:56 am UTC (link)
Natasha smiled. "Draw up the paperwork and I'll sign it."

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2010-09-16 01:25 am UTC (link)
"Will do."

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2010-09-16 02:23 am UTC (link)
"See you later, Pepper," Natasha said and left to go home to take care of her pregnant husband.

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