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cosmic_son ([info]cosmic_son) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-09-23 23:27:00

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Entry tags:cosmopolitan, iason, inactive - charlie rogers, inactive - eli paravich, plot-"12-step", ryan spector, svalin

Marvels of Steam
There's an abrupt shift in reality, and the Exiles find themselves... well, not in Kansas anymore.

In all times previous to this, the air has been fresher than that of the world they know. This one... well, it may be fresher, but there's a very distinct tang of faint coal dust in the air. The colors are muted, mostly tans and browns... except the ones that aren't. the women walking by in the distance are examplary of the era when more complex dyes and dye mixing was being discovered, the women in extremely opulent finery in many cases, the wealthy among them in a wash of bright, vivid greens and reds and blues and patterns, and even their maids in complex dress compared to the ages of simplicity and necessity they've left behind. The men are all in hats, shirts and jackets.

Everywhere, there's signs of the city being powered by a mix of old style gaslights, steam power, clockwork and electricity, sometimes with little rhyme or reason.

Over it all, a single craft, the size of a city block and being supported by numerous dirigible balloons hovers, casting a shadow over all of what could be recognized by long term residents as some ancient and steam powered version of New York City.

Iason is the first to speak.  "I... do not recognize this as similar to anything from Earth's history."

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2010-10-04 04:54 am UTC (link)
"What doth attracts thee to a male?" Svalin asked. "What doth thou look'st for?"

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2010-10-04 05:24 am UTC (link)
"Besides his interest in me? I'm shallow, you know." Vernique chuckles a little as her hands continue. "Hmmm. Eyes matter," she says. "A nice voice, too. And I tend to like them good and healthy, even when sickly-chic seems to be in."

"And while I'm just looking for fun with friends, what sort of person they seem to be really does matter. I may not be looking for proper long-term relationship, but I don't want the annoyance of having shown a complete jerk a good time."

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2010-10-04 05:28 am UTC (link)
Svalin thought about this for awhile before her next question. "Doth it matter what kind of warrior they art or ist it all looks?"

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2010-10-04 05:37 am UTC (link)
"I'm impressed when he does what he does well and likes doing it. Whether that's a physical pursuit, a business pursuit, or an artistic pursuit depends on the guy, and they're all appealing to me. When I've had a musicians, he was a good musician and happy to be one. When I've had a baseball player or a newspaper copyboy or whatever, they loved baseball or news or whatever and knew their stuff. And the warriors --" she chuckled. "Have been very good warriors."

"If my own combat skills wasn't comparatively minor, I might take a more specific note of combat per se. It's good to have something in common with a guy, to be able to relate as people and all that."

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2010-10-04 05:47 am UTC (link)
"That doth maketh sense," she said. Vernique reminded Svalin of her twin, Aridis. "Aridis ist similar to thee in many ways." Svalin smiled. "Wouldst one of those warriors be Eli?"

"I couldst teach thee if thou'rt willing to learn."

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2010-10-04 05:54 am UTC (link)
And Vernique's answering grin is audible as she continues fixing her air. "Yes, he would. And I'd love to talk with Aridis sometime, when we're all back. She always sounds nice."

"Always nice to learn something new, but don't get your hopes up too much. I don't think swords are ever going to be my thing."

"So what about you? I mean, obviously, you don't have my approach, but if you were in the market, you'd want to have a lot of common ground in terms of sheer fighting skill?"

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2010-10-04 06:08 am UTC (link)
"When we return I wilt introduce you to her. Aridis ist what thou would call a 'people person'. She doth hath no problems talking to people or interacting with them. She ist what thou may call a 'free spirit'."

"There art many weapons to choose from," Svalin said. "It doth not hurt to know one or two e'en for self defense. The women of Asgard doth know how to use at least one or two in order to protect the home and children."

"I wast merely curious what thou doth see in men," Svalin said. "I hath ne'er given it any thought before."

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2010-10-04 06:15 am UTC (link)
"I'm looking forward to meeting her, then."

"Good point," she admits pleasantly. "The stun gun can't hold a charge forever."

"No crushes when you were twelve or anything?"

And finally, she's satisfied that it's juuust right, and it's had a chance to dry some. She gets a mirror and shows her her hair, pinned conveniently enough to definitely stay out of her eyes, and with a touch of classic early-20th-century stylishness. "This is just one of many options. What do you think?"

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2010-10-04 06:32 am UTC (link)
"Me? Nay. No male hath yet caught mine eye," she said. She would wonder why at random times, but she had always counted it on her being too focused on being a shield-maiden and wanting to be a Valkyrie.

Svalin looked in the mirror. "It ist...lovely. Thank thee."

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2010-10-04 06:41 am UTC (link)
"You're very welcome. And I can happily try more options sometime. Preferably when I have my blow drier again."

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2010-10-04 06:51 am UTC (link)
Svalin nodded. "I wouldst like that." She was quiet for a moment before she asked another question. "When thou'rt interested in someone, how doth thou know? Ist there something specific, or doth thou just know?"

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2010-10-04 06:56 am UTC (link)
"It depends. There's the situations where your eyes meet across a crowded room and you both mutter 'ooh, I'll take that one,' and then there's the times, especially for some things that turn out to be serious, where it takes a while for things to sink in for someone. But they find they can't take their eyes off the person, or they get really focused on what impression that person gets of them, and suddenly they conclude, 'boy, that guy is hotter than I realized.'"

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2010-10-04 07:06 am UTC (link)
"Interesting and puzzling at the same time," she said. Svalin may never understand, but she was glad she could ask questions. She was better at figuring out battlefield tactics and strategy than she was at dealing with people and relationships.

"Thank thee for answering mine questions."

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2010-10-04 07:11 am UTC (link)
"You're totally welcome. And if by some chance you ever need help knowing if a guy is into you or something, just let me know. Happy to help."

And Vernique finished getting dressed.

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2010-10-04 07:15 am UTC (link)
"How doth thou knowest when a man ist 'into you'?" Svalin asked. With each answer and explanation came a few more questions.

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2010-10-04 07:33 am UTC (link)
"It depends. Some are pretty straightforward, some aren't. Sometimes you have to watch for a pattern of behavior. For instance, if he blushes when talking to you -- and it's not clearly because someone said something inappropriate and he's just young enough or flustered enough to blush at anything -- he's probably into you.

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2010-10-04 07:56 am UTC (link)
"Methinks thou wouldst hath to help me realize these things," she said. Unless it was battleplans or something to do with fighting, Svalin could be a little oblivious to things.

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2010-10-04 08:00 am UTC (link)
"Happy to. And just in case: if one ever is, and you ever get the impulse to do something about it, I hereby promise not to poach."

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2010-10-04 08:07 am UTC (link)
Svalin was going to ask for clarification, but she got the meaning of Vernique's words well enough. "Thank thee. Thank thee for answering mine questions."

Normally Svalin wouldn't ask these types of questions to anyone, but Vernique was safe. If Svalin would have asked her twin, there would have been men pushed at her by Aridis. She loved her twin, no doubt about it, but Aridis could be a little too enthusiastic about things.

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2010-10-04 08:09 am UTC (link)
"You're always welcome, Svalin."

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