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Chris Grant-Pym ([info]pym_kitten) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-09-30 00:11:00

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Entry tags:inactive - cassidy summers, inactive - chris pym, inactive - gabriel

Changes (open post)
Chris sat cross-legged in the middle of the Institute's backyard. It was a a little cool for just the workout outfit she was in, but it was tolerable. Whatever the x-gene treatment had done to her, it had done more than just make her a mutant. It was mixing with the magical effects passed down from her mother.

She took a deep breath as she tried to focus again. So far the changes had been sporadic. Partial shifts instead of the full transformation. Claws and eyes were easy, but she needed to get more control over it. Just stay calm, breathe, and let the changes come.

She starts at her toes. She feels her skin ripple as the fur grows and nails turn to claws. Like tensing a muscle, she embraces the sensation, then slowly lets it go as she wills the change up along her calves, over her knees, into her thighs. She can feel her legs strengthening. She fidgets as the tail comes out, adjusting her seating as her legs return to normal.

Her breathing gets heavier as the tail vanishes again, and she opens her eyes, realizing how much of a sweat she'd broken into.

"This... is gonna take some work."

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2010-09-30 03:30 am UTC (link)
"Fair enough." he says, relaxing slightly.

"Well, with everything that's happened just this year, people want someone to blame, it seems. I didn't even know about that business at the Statue of Liberty until I heard it on the news." he says, running a hand through his hair.

"Here, they teach us to live peacefully with humanity and control ourselves...but what if /they/ do want to that with us? What do we do then?" he asks.

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2010-09-30 03:39 am UTC (link)
"People will always want someone to blame. Jews, blacks, the Japanese, gays, Muslims... it's human nature." Chris says sadly, eyes flickering between human and feline.

"We have to just learn to be better."

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2010-09-30 05:03 am UTC (link)
That sounds a lot easier said than done." he says.

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2010-09-30 01:10 pm UTC (link)
Chris smiles and sits up, punching him lightly on the arm. "Well... yeah. Otherwise it wouldn't be important."

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2010-09-30 07:11 pm UTC (link)

"That's right," Gabriel chimed in. He touched down on the ground behind the pair, wings spread out wide. "The most important things are the most difficult, I've found. And you're not always going to be prepared for what life throws at you." Cliche, yeah. But there was a reason so many people said it; it was true.

"Hello Chris," he greeted. "And you are... Cassidy, right? It's good to meet you."

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2010-10-01 12:30 am UTC (link)
Cassidy stares in awe at the newcomer. His wings are totally cool. Cassidy wishes his power was that awesome, instead of having a power that only destroyed this.

"Yeah, I'm Cassidy." he says, nodding. "Good to meet you, too. I just wish humans could understand that we're not any different from them. We're people, too, even if we do things they can't." Cassidy says.

"Maybe if a few human kids went to school here, they could see that." Cassidy offers. He's a bit idealistic and naive, so it sounds like a reasonable idea to him.

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2010-10-01 12:46 am UTC (link)
"We are different though. Don't ever tell yourself otherwise. It doesn't make us any better or worse than humans though. It just means we're different. And in some cases, that we get a lot bigger cross to bear because of a slightly different genetic code."

She shrugs. "As for the humans... that's something you'd have to take up with the Wizard of X."

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2010-10-01 01:11 am UTC (link)

"I'm Gabriel," he introduced himself. Then came the continuation of the conversation.

"Everybody is different," Gabriel offers. "It's not just two definitive groups. It's everybody. Some people, like us, are just a little more different than everybody else. That includes our differences to other mutants.

"However... the world may not be ready for that large of a step, Cassidy."

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2010-10-01 02:08 am UTC (link)
"Yeah, you guys are right." he says sadly. "I guess I wish people would just...get it. Maybe someday they will."

Cassidy remembers many of the things Doctor Millbury told him about why humans will never accept mutants, because mutants were simply better than humans in many ways.

Cassidy wondered what would happen the day something came along that was "better" that mutants.

"So...anyone going to the Fall Formal? It sounds like it'll be fun." he says, seeking a change of topic.

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2010-10-01 02:31 am UTC (link)
"I'm going. Still working on my outfit options. Not sure if I want to go 'little black dress' or tux with a short jacket." Chris grins.

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2010-10-01 03:01 am UTC (link)
"I will chaperon," Gabriel replied. He wasn't really all that old, but he was a married man. And thankfully, his wife was alive once more. But she also lived in Scotland until they arranged for her to move oversees.

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2010-10-01 03:10 am UTC (link)
"Awesome! I'm hoping lots of people will go. Everyone's talking about it and trying to get dates." Cassidy says, thinking about Izzy, whom he wants to ask to go with him.

Of course, he gets really nervous around Izzy, like he did during their date. He doesn't want to mess up asking her by muting himself when he tries, so he's still looking for another option.

"I've never been to a dance, though, so...do either of you have any tips on how to not look like a dork? I really don't want to look like a dork." Cassidy says.

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2010-10-01 03:20 am UTC (link)
Chris smiles and shrugs her shoulders. "Dork moments happen to the best of us from time to time. Just need to learn to roll with them and not take them too seriously."

She briefly wondered if there was anyone she should ask to the formal. If there was anyone left to ask anyway.

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2010-10-01 03:23 am UTC (link)
"Just be yourself. All that matters is what you think about you. Do that, and whomever the young lady you ask to the formal will be more than happy to go. Confidence is key."

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2010-10-01 03:52 am UTC (link)
"Confidence is key." Cassidy says, repeating that himself like a mantra.

"All right. Do either of you know someone around here who can teach me to dance a little in a short time? I don't want to step on Izzy's toes when we're dancing. If she'll go, that is." he says.

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2010-10-02 03:11 am UTC (link)
Chris smiles at him. "Aww... that's sweet. Sure, I could give you some basic pointers. It's really not as hard as you'd think, unless you're planning on doing a tango or something fancy."

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2010-10-02 07:01 am UTC (link)
"That would really help and I'd appreciate it." Cassidy says.

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2010-10-03 01:43 am UTC (link)

Gabriel smirked at the exchange. He remembered when he went to his first dance. And, that was why he had learned how to dance. "I never could dance well," he lied. Better to let things go their course, and maybe Cassidy and Izzy would have a funny, sweet memory of their first dance. From what Gabriel knew so far, Izzy was the type of girl to enjoy those little joyful things in life.

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2010-10-03 02:37 am UTC (link)
Cassidy grins at Gabriel. "So, how long have you lived here, Gabriel?"

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2010-10-03 10:08 pm UTC (link)
Chris smiles. "Nothing to it."

Gears in her head are spinning, hoping she can get a good eye on Izzy to size her up. Cassidy was so concerned about things going well, it couldn't hurt to help the girl out a little too.

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2010-10-03 11:11 pm UTC (link)
"A few months," he replied. "I came over from Scotland to search for my mother."

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2010-10-04 12:14 am UTC (link)
"Oh, that's pretty cool. Did you find her, if I can ask?"

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2010-10-04 08:57 pm UTC (link)
"No, I didn't. She is not the easiest person to find."

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2010-10-04 10:13 pm UTC (link)
"Have you ever asked Xavier if he'd try using Cerebro to locate her?"

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2010-10-05 12:35 am UTC (link)
"Hey, sorry if I'm slow but what's a Cerebro?" he asks.

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2010-10-06 08:27 pm UTC (link)

"Cerebro is a device used to enhance telepathic abilities that Professor Xavier uses to locate mutants," Gabriel explained. "I would ask...but something in me doesn't want to. It's...hard to explain the feeling some parents feel when they do something for the betterment of their kids."

In other words, he was scared. He was always told she gave him up to keep him safe. Would it break her heart to see him now--Putting himself in danger, when she did what she did for specifically for the exact opposite?

"Besides," he continued, "I'm sure she doesn't want to know she's a grandmother already." He wanted to end that on a joking note.

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2010-10-07 11:20 pm UTC (link)
"Can Cerebro be used to find anyone?" Cassidy asks, an idea coming to him.

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2010-10-07 11:23 pm UTC (link)
"I'm sure it can," Gabriel replied.

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2010-10-14 11:51 pm UTC (link)
"I may have to ask about using that." Cassidy says.

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