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Mikhail Loganovich Romanov ([info]mishaloganovich) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-10-02 01:55:00

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Entry tags:antaeus, misha loganovich

Answers that lead to more questions
After dinner with the family, Misha wasted no time in flying down to New Orleans. He was at the Champions' door within a few hours and banging on it with a gloved fist.

He forgot he was still in stealth mode.

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2010-10-02 06:57 am UTC (link)
Oh damn. "Corey, it's me." Said the voice filtered through the helmet and not so much like the original. "Can I come in?"

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2010-10-02 06:59 am UTC (link)
"Um, I'd at least like an antecedent on that pronoun first. This is not shaping up to be a good week for optimism." What with fangirls turning into fullblown violent stalkers and two of them out of touch for more than two days.

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2010-10-02 07:04 am UTC (link)
He shut down the stealth mode and removed the helmet. He was sweaty, exhausted and obviously worried. "Me. Am I allowed in?"

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2010-10-02 07:08 am UTC (link)
"Of course." Corey hurriedly freed up the doorway. "Lyta's not here," he said as soon as Misha was inside and he'd closed the door. "I don't know what's up; she said she was going to Paris and not to expect them for supper. When she didn't show up for supper last night either, I tried to call, but she still hasn't called back."

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2010-10-02 07:14 am UTC (link)
"I know." He wanted to rub his face but wasn't that anxious to take off a layer of skin with the gauntlets on. "Eliza announced at dinner tonight with the family that Lyta and that woman disappeared a couple of days ago and haven't been seen or heard from. Even if she's in a shopping frenzy, Lyta will return messages when she stops to eat. No one can tell me she hasn't eaten in two days."

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2010-10-02 07:19 am UTC (link)
"Good point. Do you think we should ask Aunt Jean to try to find her?" Cerebro was one of the best ways to look on a worldwide scale when you were clueless as to what was going on. As they talked, Corey walked with him towards the kitchen to get a glass of ice water.

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2010-10-02 07:25 am UTC (link)
"I need someone else to join me in asking for a search so I don't come off as the paranoid, overbearing boyfriend because I didn't tell anybody who that woman is. It'll come better from her team." He set the helmet down on a sideboard. "Is there anyone in the place to mind if I get out of the armor?"

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2010-10-02 07:30 am UTC (link)
He shakes his head. "The only other girl isn't in." He sets the glass of water down on the sideboard, too.

"You've got a valid point, and I'm starting to get worried, too, so I'm okay agreeing with you, but I don't quite follow you on the last bit, Misha." He knew that Misha had every right be very very mad at Irina, and that's why he was saying 'that woman', but he wasn't parsing the sentence.

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2010-10-02 07:41 am UTC (link)
The suit did its magic, rolling off him in a neat wave and ready to push down into a brief case shape. He'd worn shorts underneath, not the usual body suit.

He picked up the glass and said thank you. "I didn't tell my mother, my father, my sister or brother that she's Shostakov's daughter, that he was found with Weapon X experimenting on small children, or that she saved his life and took him somewhere else. Stark asked me not to so that my very pregnant mother doesn't try to hunt him down."

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2010-10-02 07:55 am UTC (link)
"Oh. Well, whatever's going on, it's not your fault." Corey personally thought, from what little he understood of the matter, that Irina was just stupid about the guy's body -- Corey didn't see how what Nicholas had left was anything but a body -- but even if he was wrong, Lyta wasn't a normal Weapon X target, and if it was some kind of Evil Russians thing, she'd have gone after Eliza, right? Right.

"I'll call about trying to find them... Are you going to tell your dad now? He might not tell your mom immediately." Not that Corey would ever wish Logan on someone who had merely been very stupid, but if Misha was going to start eating himself alive over it, maybe the sujbect needed addressing, and then it could all get sorted out reasonably somehow. Maybe.

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2010-10-02 08:11 am UTC (link)
"I can't. I gave my word to Stark. Dad already killed him once. You know how he gets when he finds out he missed." It was a poor attempt at a joke. Misha didn't like coming off as crazy. He'd left the Champions strictly alone and hadn't been back until now.

Even if crazy ran through his genes.

"Eliza made it sound dramatic."

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2010-10-02 08:21 am UTC (link)
Corey nodded. A promise was a promise. There's a small smile at the weak joke.

"Well, she's worried, too. It's all felt at the borderline of 'is it appropriate to cause a fuss yet?' There's worrying about crying wolf with everyone we know, and then there's if it turns out they're in Mojoworld or something, it'd be hard to deal if we'd waited any longer. So yeah, let's start something. Here's hoping they'll come home any minute; I don't mind being silly."

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2010-10-02 08:32 am UTC (link)
"I'll get out of your hair, too." He finished the water. "You know it's not because I think Lyta needs a keeper. I know she doesn't, but I still worry. Silently."

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2010-10-02 08:39 am UTC (link)
"Yep, I'm totally up on who's a Neanderthal and who's not, Misha. But don't rush. I can plan a meal, a sculpture, or an activist rant, but that's my limit. Anything I need to keep in mind besides asking Aunt Jean about Cerebro and talking to Lucas about that trick he used when Cait went missing?"

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2010-10-02 08:51 am UTC (link)
"You don't fool me, kid. I know you can do all three at once." Misha had a lot of respect for Corey and his skill at dealing with people.

"It's best to go with the basics. Lyta's been out of contact for two days and hasn't responded to any voice messages. It's not normal for that to happen. She takes the Champions seriously. She would have checked in at least once."

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2010-10-02 08:56 am UTC (link)
Corey smiled. "Thanks."

He listens, then nods. "Okay."

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2010-10-02 09:05 am UTC (link)
There was relief. Every little bit helped.

Misha put his glass in the sink and went to the armor to activate it. "Hit me up for a contribution to the next acre of rain forest you're trying to buy. I'll get out of your hair while you contact Aunt Jean."

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2010-10-02 09:17 am UTC (link)
"Thanks, Misha. Talk to you soon."

And once he's armored up, Corey'll let him out of their place.

And soon...
"Hi, Aunt Jean. It's Corey. ... Yeah, I'm okay personally, but I need to ask you a favor. Lyta and Irina have been out for a couple days, and they haven't returned any calls. ....No, nothing. That's seriously not like Lyta. ....Yes. She's always up on possible emergencies, and she was careful three days ago to tell me she wouldn't be home for supper; she should have let me know she was missing it again. Twice. And Irina's normally all professional, especially about checking up on Eliza. ...Yes. I mean, remember how long it took us to figure out something was wrong with Cait and them? I'm starting to get scared here, Aunt Jean. ...Yes. I'd really appreciate it. Thanks so much."

Unfortunately, efforts to locate them would come to no avail.

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