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ngmastersofevil ([info]ngmastersofevil) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2009-07-17 19:35:00

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Entry tags:anya stark, aridis, asleif, griffen o'niell, halbjorn, iason, inactive - artemis, inactive - nightingale, inactive - ohu amane, inactive - swashbuckler, lady devil, marlow, npc team - masters of evil, plot-"legacy of hate", sammy fury, svalin, sydney ashcroft, team - avengers, team - defenders, toni rhodes

Revenge is a dish best served cold... (right after the attack on the YA)
The attack on the Young Avengers had been successful. The Stark girl, the Rogers boy and the Rhodes girl were all successfully taken. Temujin would be along shortly to pick up the Starkling. Hadelinde would deal with the Rhodes girl and the Rogers boy would be executed. It had been a good day and was about to get better.

Egghead had set everything up in Times Square while Hadelinde and the others retrieved the three young Avengers.

Hadelinde and the rest arrived right after their successful attack on the Avengers. She dropped the Rogers kid in the middle of the hovering platform and turned toward the crowd in the streets below. Enforcer held the Stark girl. Stark would have a front row seat at her brother's execution. Frenzy held the Rhodes girl. Hadelinde would deal with her after this.

"Attention world," she said, her voice amplified by a small device attached to the neck of her suit. The event was also being transmitted around the world via satellite thanks to Egghead.

"Years ago Captain America killed my father. Today justice will be served as his son pays for his crime."

Hadelinde motioned for Enforcer to ready the Rogers kid. Egghead had constructed a modern guillotine. Hadelinde had always been a fan of be-headings.

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Re: Gravedigger (open)
2009-07-21 06:29 am UTC (link)
Gravedigger looked over the edge. "Is that the best insult you can come up with?"

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Re: Gravedigger (open)
2009-07-21 06:39 am UTC (link)
"Well I could shout you stink vut most people do respond top insulting their parents," Griffen says while staring up at the "villain".

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Re: Gravedigger (open)
2009-07-21 06:44 am UTC (link)
"I hated my parents so insult them all you want," he shouted down.

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Re: Gravedigger (open)
2009-07-21 06:52 am UTC (link)
Damn it.

"CHICKEN DICK!" He had no idea where that came from. Jesus god. But he jumped and the shields reacted by pushing him up and he landed a few inches from Gravedigger.

And he's going to punch and totally miss. This guy is NOT a super hero.

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Re: Gravedigger (open)
2009-07-21 07:19 am UTC (link)
"Chicken dick? That's the worst insult you can come up with?" Gravedigger just shook his head. This kid was too much.

When the punch came Gravedigger stepped to the side and avoided it. "Is that all ya got?"

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Re: Gravedigger (open)
2009-07-21 07:05 pm UTC (link)
"Dude. Geek here," he says very calmly.

"And no," he says as he follows up with a much better aimed punch.

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Re: Gravedigger (open)
2009-07-22 03:28 pm UTC (link)
Gravedigger had been expecting another punch, just not one that actually hit. It seemed like the man had made contact even before his fist made contact with Gravedigger's face.

He went flying back and into Iron Butterfly.

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Re: Gravedigger (open)
2009-07-24 12:42 am UTC (link)
Griffen jumped to spring at Gravedigger. He didn't know any fancy moves so he flew in with another punch.

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Re: Gravedigger (open)
2009-07-24 03:25 am UTC (link)
Gravedigger was pissed. This little twerp should not be knocking him around. Gravdigger charged and ducked the thrown punch and tried to hit him with one of his own.

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Re: Gravedigger (open)
2009-07-24 03:56 am UTC (link)
"Woah!" The punch connected with his shield and sent him flying back about a foot. He blinked and tilted his head before giving out a laugh that some might connect to geek rage. He stepped forward and swung his fist at Gravedigger again.

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Re: Gravedigger (open)
2009-07-24 06:21 am UTC (link)
The fist connected and Gravedigger went backwards, falling back on his ass.

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Re: Gravedigger (open)
2009-07-24 10:54 pm UTC (link)
Griffen is not really a violent man but he needed to knock Gravedigger out or this could go on. So he aimed a kick at the man's head hoping to knock him out.

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Re: Gravedigger (open)
2009-07-25 04:58 am UTC (link)
The kick connected with Gravedigger's head and the man went down. He wasn't unconscious, but he was quite dazed.

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Re: Gravedigger (open)
2009-07-25 06:00 am UTC (link)
Griffen checked his pockets then pulled out a few quick zips to restrain Gravedigger with. He moved to put Gravedigger's arms behind his back.

Hey wait, did he win? Not if Gravedigger becomes not dizzy soon.

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