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ngmastersofevil ([info]ngmastersofevil) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2009-07-17 19:35:00

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Entry tags:anya stark, aridis, asleif, griffen o'niell, halbjorn, iason, inactive - artemis, inactive - nightingale, inactive - ohu amane, inactive - swashbuckler, lady devil, marlow, npc team - masters of evil, plot-"legacy of hate", sammy fury, svalin, sydney ashcroft, team - avengers, team - defenders, toni rhodes

Revenge is a dish best served cold... (right after the attack on the YA)
The attack on the Young Avengers had been successful. The Stark girl, the Rogers boy and the Rhodes girl were all successfully taken. Temujin would be along shortly to pick up the Starkling. Hadelinde would deal with the Rhodes girl and the Rogers boy would be executed. It had been a good day and was about to get better.

Egghead had set everything up in Times Square while Hadelinde and the others retrieved the three young Avengers.

Hadelinde and the rest arrived right after their successful attack on the Avengers. She dropped the Rogers kid in the middle of the hovering platform and turned toward the crowd in the streets below. Enforcer held the Stark girl. Stark would have a front row seat at her brother's execution. Frenzy held the Rhodes girl. Hadelinde would deal with her after this.

"Attention world," she said, her voice amplified by a small device attached to the neck of her suit. The event was also being transmitted around the world via satellite thanks to Egghead.

"Years ago Captain America killed my father. Today justice will be served as his son pays for his crime."

Hadelinde motioned for Enforcer to ready the Rogers kid. Egghead had constructed a modern guillotine. Hadelinde had always been a fan of be-headings.

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Re: Iron Butterfly (Open)
2009-07-25 06:04 am UTC (link)
Iron Butterfly yelled as the gigantic spider came flying toward his face. His face had been through enough today already. He tried to swat the thing away.

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Re: Iron Butterfly (Open)
2009-07-25 06:12 am UTC (link)
The spider grabs hold onto Iron Butterfly's face with super strength.

"Now... who did you say you were?"

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Re: Iron Butterfly (Open)
2009-07-25 06:46 am UTC (link)
Iron Butterfly tries to remove the spider with all of his strength, but the thing wouldn't budge. "Get off me!" he yelled.

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Re: Iron Butterfly (Open)
2009-07-25 06:49 am UTC (link)
"A pleasure to meet you, Get Off Me," the spider greets. "I am Ohu Amane. And I believe you're going nowhere."

Moving with surprising speed, the spider begins to race across Iron Butterfly, beginning to web Iron Butterfly up as he goes into a cocoon.

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Re: Iron Butterfly (Open)
2009-07-25 06:54 am UTC (link)
Iron Butterfly struggled to break free, but the webbing was holding him too tightly.

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Re: Iron Butterfly (Open)
2009-07-25 03:47 pm UTC (link)
In short order, Iron Butterfly is cocooned. The spider sits atop the cocoon, looking proud and satisfied with his catch.

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