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Kassia Grace Frost-McKenzie ([info]little_mermaid) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-11-20 13:11:00

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Entry tags:inactive - ben parker, inactive - kassia frost, mac rider

An Education.
Day Two of public school did not appear to be headed down any more positive a path than Day One.  Kassia arrived early so she could stop by the office and pick up her class schedule, only to discover that they did not yet have her name correct.  She was now "Grace McKenzie".  She gave up at that point, realizing that any further protestations would just piss off the administration and also likely leak her identity as an Atlantean princess, which would piss off Namor.  Truth was, Kassi had no documentation with her name as Kassia save for Atlantean paperwork.  That they were able to get the McKenzie right was a step in the correct direction and she took it.

There was then the matter of her locker.  Kassia couldn't make the lock open, her efforts resulting in the lock breaking in her hands.  She was going to have to carry her stuff in her bag, which was fine.  She could handle that, but she was late for her first class, got lost finding her second, and by the time lunch rolled around she managed to spill juice on herself...and discovered there wasn't a single vegan option available.  And asking for one had gotten her weird looks from the cafeteria staff and students alike.  By the first class after lunch, Kassia had earned the badge of "Weird New Girl".

This wasn't going well.  When Study Hall arrived, Kassia found a spot at the furthest table away from everyone else and wished briefly that invisibility was one of her abilities.  She could use it.

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2010-11-20 09:01 pm UTC (link)
Ben arrived in Study Hall, feeling much less tired today than he did normally. Granted, between beating the crap out of criminals, sports and home stuff, he was still really tired, but he was learning to live with it...and with his partner.

Study Hall was usually the time Ben used to get some sleep, but he had a test in Algebra next period that he couldn't fail. So, rather than sit with the cheerleaders (who would talk his ear off all period and probably get him detention) Ben looked around and found a table where only one person was siting.

He hadn't heard anything about "Weird New Girl", but he new that she was new to Midtown High. She hadn't walked up to tell him how awesome he was on the court or slip him her number, so she had to be new.

"Excuse me. Can I sit here?" Ben asks, already sitting down.

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2010-11-20 09:12 pm UTC (link)
Crap. Now someone wanted to sit with her and from the looks that the girls a few tables away were shooting at her, he had to be of some importance. This couldn't be good.

"Um...yeah. Sure." She offered a small smile, then made sure her over-full backpack was out of his way.

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2010-11-20 09:31 pm UTC (link)
"Wow, that looks like a heavy backpack. Is your locker broken?" Ben asks. He's seen a few other people stuff their bookbags full so that they don't have to stop at their locker, or just because they can't operate one.

"I'm Ben, by the way. You're new around here, right?" he asks.

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2010-11-20 09:36 pm UTC (link)
"Yeah. Today's my first full day. I'm Kassia." Her eyes glanced at her bag. "It's not that bad. I had some issues with my locker this morning so I figured this was easier."

"Algebra?" She spotted his book. "I've got that next."

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2010-11-20 09:52 pm UTC (link)
"Nice to meet you, Kassia. I like your name. It's different." Ben says.

"If you've got some trouble with your locker, I know the combinations to a few spares until they fix it...which will probably take awhile because the janitors around here take a while to do /everything/." he chuckles.

"Who do you have for Algebra? I've got Mr. Feinberg. He's cool, but you've got to take notes, or you'll get really lost." Ben says, speaking from experience.

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2010-11-20 10:12 pm UTC (link)
"That'd be really nice, thank you. The lock on mine's...not fixable at this point." She may have had a slightly shifty look just then before pulling out her schedule.

"Abe Feinberg. Yep. I should be okay, though. I'm good at math."

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2010-11-20 10:15 pm UTC (link)
"No problem. I can show you where it is on the way to class, then." Ben says, breaking open his textbook.

"There's a test in class today, but lucky for you, you'll probably get out of it on account of being new." he says.

"What other classes do you have?" he asks.

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2010-11-20 10:19 pm UTC (link)
She slid her schedule to him. It's standard stuff, with English after Algebra and phys ed at the end of the day.

"I have biology first thing, followed by history. I think I got lucky with PE at the end."

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2010-11-20 10:25 pm UTC (link)
Ben looks over the schedule.

"I have history first, biology second, myself. I've also got Journalism, which is a lot of fun. Being a Sophomore rules. I hear it gets better during Junior and Senior year, though." he says.

"P.E. isn't tough. You just have to run around or play basketball or something. Miss Davis doesn't really say much as long as you dress out, from what I hear." Ben says.

"But P.E. is an elective, so you could change to something else if you don't want to bother with it." he says.

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2010-11-20 10:28 pm UTC (link)
"The trouble I've already had with them getting me set up, I'm almost afraid to ask for a change." She pauses. "Do we get to wear like...pants for PE?"

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2010-11-21 04:59 am UTC (link)
"Uh, no. It's shorts and shirt." Ben says, a little amused at the question.

"Though, I think you can wear sweatpants if they're the school colors. You'd have to check with Miss Davis." he says.

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2010-11-21 05:01 am UTC (link)

If she couldn't get away with pants, she was going to have to wear stupidly high socks to hide the wings. Which would get her teased.

"Well. It's my first day. Maybe I'll get cut a little slack...right?" She offered him a hopeful smile. "This whole transition isn't going well for me."

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(no subject) - [info]the_other, 2010-11-21 05:43 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]little_mermaid, 2010-11-21 05:58 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]the_other, 2010-11-21 06:14 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]little_mermaid, 2010-11-21 06:19 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]the_other, 2010-11-21 06:32 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]little_mermaid, 2010-11-21 06:36 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]the_other, 2010-11-21 06:45 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]little_mermaid, 2010-11-21 06:47 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]the_other, 2010-11-21 07:13 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]little_mermaid, 2010-11-22 04:10 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]the_other, 2010-11-22 04:12 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]little_mermaid, 2010-11-22 04:15 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]the_other, 2010-11-22 04:35 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]little_mermaid, 2010-11-22 04:38 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]the_other, 2010-11-22 04:45 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]little_mermaid, 2010-11-22 04:46 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]the_other, 2010-11-22 04:53 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]little_mermaid, 2010-11-22 07:50 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]the_other, 2010-11-23 01:26 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]little_mermaid, 2010-11-23 01:37 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]the_other, 2010-11-23 04:11 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]little_mermaid, 2010-11-23 04:14 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]the_other, 2010-11-23 04:20 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]little_mermaid, 2010-11-23 04:23 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]the_other, 2010-11-23 04:47 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]little_mermaid, 2010-11-23 04:56 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]the_other, 2010-11-23 04:56 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]little_mermaid, 2010-11-23 05:00 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]the_other, 2010-11-23 05:04 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]little_mermaid, 2010-11-23 05:13 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]the_other, 2010-11-25 01:50 pm UTC

2010-11-26 04:31 am UTC (link)
Mac is right on time to pick Kassi up.

He notes the stained shirt, a few other signs. "Are you okay?"

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2010-11-26 04:52 am UTC (link)
"I'm starving, I broke my locker beyond repair, and I'm wearing juice. But! I have a guest coming over later!"

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2010-11-26 04:53 am UTC (link)
"Guests are good. Starving isn't. How did that happen?"

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2010-11-26 04:57 am UTC (link)
"No vegan lunch options. Even the salad had eggs. It was really awful."

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2010-11-26 06:55 pm UTC (link)
"...Oh, that's not happening. I can't do much about much, but no way are they going to starve you. Hold on a minute." Mac pulls a hair tie off his wrist, pulls his hair back into a neat pony tail, takes a moment to just sort of let his delivery-boy posture straighten into 'cop' posture, and walks right into the school.

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2010-11-27 01:11 am UTC (link)
"Oh crap. Mac. MAC! You're just going to make things...worse."

Kassia sighed, a little defeated as she watched him storm right in. There was no stopping him so she resigned herself to following along.

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2010-11-27 01:20 am UTC (link)
"Excuse me, Ma'am," he addresses the woman in charge in the cafeteria politely, looking for all the world like he's still on patrol with his father, except for the lack of spacesuit. "But there are certain requirements to accommodate the needs of lactose-intolerant students and those with egg sensitivities, right? And you really have to have some options for those who can't have meat for health or religious reasons, or you're getting yourself in a very actionable position with those ACLU nuts. So could it be possible to put all those accommodations together starting tomorrow? My cousin needs something she can eat."

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2010-11-27 01:25 am UTC (link)
Kassi half winced as this confrontation went down. She didn't see this going well and really wanted to hide behind her hands as the woman began questioning Mac as to why she couldn't eat what was provided.

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2010-11-27 01:39 am UTC (link)
Mac stays calm and polite. "In all honesty, I don't fully know the reasons behind her dietary restrictions. I just believe it would make sense to be able to accommodate those needs. If you can't, let's just clear that up right now, so we can just... keep that in mind, and she can start spending her three bucks elsewhere. So can you, ma'am?"

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2010-11-27 01:42 am UTC (link)
When the woman said she'd have to speak with administration and that there would have to be some sort of official request, Kassia just grabbed Mac by the wrist.

"Come on. I get enough shit at this school already. I don't want to be a total outcast."

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2010-11-27 01:58 am UTC (link)
Mac sighs, nods to the lady, and says, "Suggestion withdrawn, thank you for your time, ma'am."

And he'll leave with Kassi. "Okay then, we'll make your lunches. I'm sorry, but it seemed worth a shot. I just want to look out for you."

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2010-11-29 12:56 am UTC (link)
"I appreciate that, you know. I just...I already stick out like some freak and I would like to somehow try to minimize that. I've managed to kind of make one friend, but everyone else eyes me with great suspicion. Or like I'm a weirdo. I'll let the vegan thing go this time just to fit in even a smidge."

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(no subject) - [info]fleetfootmac, 2010-11-29 04:01 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]little_mermaid, 2010-11-29 07:59 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]fleetfootmac, 2010-11-29 09:15 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]little_mermaid, 2010-11-29 09:16 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]fleetfootmac, 2010-11-29 09:19 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]little_mermaid, 2010-11-29 09:30 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]fleetfootmac, 2010-11-29 09:32 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]little_mermaid, 2010-11-29 09:44 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]fleetfootmac, 2010-11-29 09:45 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]little_mermaid, 2010-11-29 09:47 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]fleetfootmac, 2010-11-29 09:50 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]little_mermaid, 2010-11-29 09:51 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]fleetfootmac, 2010-11-29 09:53 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]little_mermaid, 2010-11-29 09:54 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]fleetfootmac, 2010-11-29 09:55 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]little_mermaid, 2010-11-29 10:02 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]fleetfootmac, 2010-11-29 10:03 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]little_mermaid, 2010-11-29 10:50 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]fleetfootmac, 2010-11-29 10:59 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]little_mermaid, 2010-11-29 11:03 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]fleetfootmac, 2010-11-29 11:06 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]little_mermaid, 2010-11-29 11:10 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]fleetfootmac, 2010-11-29 11:15 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]little_mermaid, 2010-11-29 11:28 pm UTC

2010-12-24 03:29 am UTC (link)

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