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nextgen_misc ([info]nextgen_misc) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-11-27 20:52:00

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Entry tags:exiles, iron widow, kevin kinross, npc - bullseye, npc - dane whitman, plot-"12-step", plot-"dark reflections", sarah rogers

Dark Reflections
There was a flash of light and the Exiles appeared in a new world with a new problem to fix.

They were in a crowd just outside a courthouse in New York city. The area around the main entrance was filled with people and the media. New York's Finest tried to keep the mass of people back, but the crowd was persistent in getting in close. Two uniformed officers stood near the rear door. One officer opened the door and the other helped the prisoner out of the car.

Captain America exited the police cruiser and the two officers flanked him. Camera flashes went off in a dizzying pattern. Reporters tried to shove microphones in front of Captain America for a quote.

The officers started to lead him up the steps toward the main entrance.

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Re: Lester vs. "Ms. Marvel" and Venom
2010-12-05 10:15 pm UTC (link)
Venom dives toward Bullseye, jaws spread open in malice, hoping to tear him in two, but the explosives are a nasty surprise.

The fire and sound disorient the symbiote, causing Venom to smash into a bank of newspaper machines nearby. He tries to get up, but he's slow, due to the shock the symbiote is in.

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