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Greyson Hunter ([info]nevermisses) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-12-10 19:51:00

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Entry tags:anya stark, inactive - beetle, inactive - greyson hunter, inactive - molly hayes, inactive - victor mancha, team - thunderbolts

Sometimes Asking For Help is Harder Than Fighting
Greyson had made a quick trip to New York City for information. He had heard about how someone had become the new Kingpin.  So he started looking around to find out who it was that way so he could see if he could find out if they might know where he could find his father. The old Kingpin had used his father for work a lot so it stood to reason that the new one might know where he was.

Though it quickly became apparent that this new Kingpin did not like him looking for her identity and he had gotten pretty close when couple of her better thugs got the drop on him. Now he was very good in a fight and could have taken down anyone of them in a one on one fight but they were actually working together well.

It quickly became apparent that it was smarter to run than fight and after some work Greyson had managed to lose them and he doubled back to where he had been staying in Boston. After a couple of hours of peace they had managed to find him which seemed rather odd to him to be operating out of New York but he knew the lay of the land he much better than they did letting him lose them.

Remembering what the armor user had said to him as much as he disliked having ask for help he made his way to where the Thunderbolts were based in what was approximately a costume for him.

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2010-12-11 12:38 am UTC (link)
Anya was holed up in her room studying for finals when the comms activated. "Invites? Not that I recall. Why? What's up?" she asked as she set her books aside.

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2010-12-11 12:41 am UTC (link)
"Some guy by the name of Greyson is here, saying he was referred by a woman in armor."

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2010-12-11 12:44 am UTC (link)
"Show him in." It had to be the guy from the other night. "I'll be right down."

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2010-12-11 12:54 am UTC (link)
"I'm on it." He switches the comm off and goes to let in the new face.

"Right this way, man. Boss lady should be right over." He leads him to the living room.

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2010-12-11 12:57 am UTC (link)
“OK,” Greyson said as he let himself be lead into the living room.

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2010-12-11 01:34 am UTC (link)
Anya came downstairs a few moments later. She walked into the living room. She smiled when she saw the guy from the other night.

"Hello," she said.

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2010-12-11 02:01 am UTC (link)
Victor makes himself comfortable and just quietly monitors the small-talk for now. It'd be nice to have another guy around, he supposed.

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2010-12-11 02:10 am UTC (link)
“Hello,” Greyson says, “You said that I could come here if I needed help.” He didn’t feel like he had time for niceties.

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2010-12-11 02:22 am UTC (link)
"Actually that was Iron Girl, but I play her on occasion," Anya said with a smile. "I'm Anya Stark." She held out a hand.

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2010-12-11 02:27 am UTC (link)
“Grayson Hunter,” he says shaking her held out hand with a firm grip. “Nice to put a name to the person.”

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2010-12-11 02:28 am UTC (link)
"It's nice to formally meet you," she said. She released his hand. "What can the Thunderbolts do for you, Mr. Hunter? You said you came here for help."

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2010-12-11 02:39 am UTC (link)
“Well I may have pissed off the new Kingpin looking for information about where to find someone,” Greyson says, “So now I have a couple of people after me. I could take any of them in a one on one fight but they’re too smart for me to do that to them. They also seem to have followed me home.”

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2010-12-11 03:01 am UTC (link)
Victor smirks. "I think we've got some experience in dealing with that sort of situation."

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2010-12-11 04:32 am UTC (link)
"The Thunderbolts will gladly help you," she said. "I've heard a little about this new Kingpin. Friends of mine have dealt with her forces in New York."

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2010-12-12 06:18 pm UTC (link)
“Thanks,” Greyson said, “I think I heard a little about that. She’s supposed to be a very dangerous planner.”

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2010-12-13 01:37 am UTC (link)
"In my experience, coming up with plans fast is a lot more useful than coming up with great ones." Victor offers. "We do very well at that."

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2010-12-13 04:16 am UTC (link)
"Do you know where she is or her thugs are? I can get the team together and we can take care of this."

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2010-12-13 04:28 am UTC (link)
“No but if I go out in the open for a while they should show up,” Greyson says, “They won’t be expecting backup so you won’t really have to hide much. But if you could track their gliders we could get a drop on them not that I’m sure how to do that.”

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2010-12-13 05:08 am UTC (link)
Victor raises an eyebrow. "When you say 'gliders'...."

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2010-12-13 05:23 am UTC (link)
"We can handle them," Anya assured him. "I don't like using you for bait though."

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2010-12-13 05:28 am UTC (link)
“Think Green Goblin,” Greyson says about the gliders.

“I don’t like it either but I haven’t really had time to check out how they are operating in the city since this is outside their norm.”

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2010-12-13 06:03 am UTC (link)
"Maybe we don't need to use him for bait." Victor turns to Anya.

"Boss, how are you and Syd with holograms? Think we could wire me for a light-show? I'm easier to patch up than you fleshies anyway." He gives a grim chuckle.

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2010-12-13 06:38 am UTC (link)
"We may have an image inducer floating around. If not, I'm sure Syd and I can whip one up easy enough."

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2010-12-13 06:43 am UTC (link)
“Works for me,” Greyson said, “Stealth and surprise are more my suit anyways.” He wasn’t used to working with this level of technology but it was nice.

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2010-12-13 05:46 pm UTC (link)
"I'll rally the troops then, you two work out the rest of the details."

Victor gets up and turns on his communicator again. "Syd? Need you to tart me up a bit." He heads for the workshop.

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(no subject) - [info]anyastark, 2010-12-14 03:40 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]nevermisses, 2010-12-14 03:50 am UTC

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