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Greyson Hunter ([info]nevermisses) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-12-10 19:51:00

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Entry tags:anya stark, inactive - beetle, inactive - greyson hunter, inactive - molly hayes, inactive - victor mancha, team - thunderbolts

Sometimes Asking For Help is Harder Than Fighting
Greyson had made a quick trip to New York City for information. He had heard about how someone had become the new Kingpin.  So he started looking around to find out who it was that way so he could see if he could find out if they might know where he could find his father. The old Kingpin had used his father for work a lot so it stood to reason that the new one might know where he was.

Though it quickly became apparent that this new Kingpin did not like him looking for her identity and he had gotten pretty close when couple of her better thugs got the drop on him. Now he was very good in a fight and could have taken down anyone of them in a one on one fight but they were actually working together well.

It quickly became apparent that it was smarter to run than fight and after some work Greyson had managed to lose them and he doubled back to where he had been staying in Boston. After a couple of hours of peace they had managed to find him which seemed rather odd to him to be operating out of New York but he knew the lay of the land he much better than they did letting him lose them.

Remembering what the armor user had said to him as much as he disliked having ask for help he made his way to where the Thunderbolts were based in what was approximately a costume for him.

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Re: Hobgoblin
2010-12-22 06:06 am UTC (link)
Greyson smirked a silent yes when he saw his third arrow hit.

He then grabbed another arrow and aimed it at the glider to see if he could do any damage to it.

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Re: Hobgoblin
2010-12-22 06:18 am UTC (link)
Hobgoblin chucked a bomb at the archer right before the glider got hit. It went off course and skidded across the front of a building.

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Re: Hobgoblin
2010-12-22 06:27 am UTC (link)
Greyson didn’t have enough time to throw something to deal with the bomb so he tried to jump out of the way of the bomb. He wasn’t able to completely get out of the way and a small piece of shrapnel got caught in his left leg.

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Re: Hobgoblin
2010-12-22 06:57 am UTC (link)
Hobgoblin laughed and struggled to get his glider under control.

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Re: Hobgoblin
2010-12-22 07:00 am UTC (link)
From the ground not even getting up yet Greyson fires an arrow at Hobgoblin. His laughing was really starting to annoy him.

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Re: Hobgoblin
2010-12-23 05:41 am UTC (link)
The glider skidded against the side of a building. It started to go out of control. Hobgoblin jumped off when it swooped down near the ground.

Thankfully the arrow hit the glider instead of him.

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Re: Hobgoblin
2010-12-23 05:45 am UTC (link)
Greyson tore out the piece of shrapnel as he got up and threw it down at Hobgoblin’s head trying to knock him out.

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Re: Hobgoblin
2010-12-24 04:16 am UTC (link)
The thrown shrapnel was unexpected and Skyler tried to duck out of the way. It clipped the side of his head and white spots danced in front of his eyes.

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Re: Hobgoblin
2010-12-24 04:26 am UTC (link)
Greyson got to the edge of the building ignoring the pain in his leg entirely and shot down a couple of bunt arrow trying to take out the still conscious Hobgoblin.

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Re: Hobgoblin
2010-12-24 05:22 am UTC (link)
The arrows went off around Hobgoblin and he slipped unconscious.

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