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nextgen_holiday ([info]nextgen_holiday) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-12-18 00:31:00

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Entry tags:akilah munroe, anya stark, asleif, awesome andrea, david roberts, eiltin, inactive - aine gold, inactive - anastasia summers, inactive - andy walters, inactive - arron wyatt, inactive - beetle, inactive - cassidy summers, inactive - chris pym, inactive - grace danvers, inactive - izzy starsmore, inactive - justin rhodes, inactive - lyta braddock-worthington, inactive - tech, inactive - torn ear, inactive - victor mancha, jenny woolverton, kalypso, lady devil, luna maximoff, mac rider, marlow, npc - avery crittenden, npc - black widow, npc - tony stark, perenawska, plot-"war of the worlds", quinn braddock, rachel summers, sammy fury, sydney ashcroft, team - avengers, team - defenders, team - fantastic four, team - x-men, tsunami, vincent vernard, zoey ashcroft

Eat, Drink, And Be Merry!
“We’re here outside the Four Seasons Hotel in New York where the who’s who is gathered tonight. Celebrities, royals and superheroes have all turned out for the annual Maria Stark Foundation Winter Charity event benefiting Toys for Tots.

It’s truly an all-star gala here tonight.

New York’s own princess, Anya Stark, was seen being escorted by what appears to be her new flame, actor Austin Cain. Her brother and currently second in line to the Russian throne, Mikhail Romanov, was seen entering the party with Lyta Worthington, heiress to Worthington Industries. Tony and Natasha Stark, parents of a new baby, are making their first public appearance since the birth of their son.

Mackenzie Rider, a prince of the underwater kingdom of Atlantis, is escorting Ms. Andrea Denker of the Fantastic Four tonight. Kristoff Vernard, leader of the Fantastic Four, was seen in attendance with his wife Cassandra and their son Scotty. Vincent Amorason, heir to Latveria, arrived alongside his brother and was seen escorting a member of the Defenders, Asleif Thorsdottir. The rest of the Fantastic Four are here too with their dates, though Miss Valeria Richards is not in attendance. Franklin Richards is in attendance and is escorting one Miss Gill.

Los Angeles’ own superhero team, the Defenders are in attendance as well. Arriving with her team is Grace Danvers, daughter of Hollywood hunk Simon Williams and she is being escorted by teammate, Eiltin. The two Asgardian princesses and daughters of Thor, Asleif and Aridis, are also attending the festivities with their team.
Akilah Munore, the crown princess of Wakanda, is here tonight with her steady flame, Daniel Sherwood a member of the Young Avengers. The other Young Avengers are in attendance tonight with their dates, alongside the adult Avengers.

Donald Trump arrived with his wife and is one of many other famous faces to arrive. Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, George Clooney, Julia Roberts, Hugh Jackman, Jack Nicholson, Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift are just a few celebrities who have made an appearance here tonight.

It’s truly a party of the who’s who and it’s all for a great cause.”

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2010-12-18 01:17 pm UTC (link)
For the occasion, Chris had retouched her blonde, bringing it close to it's actual natural color, and her dress and jewelry were a bit more classy than she usually favored. Not too shabby, in her opinion.

She hooked up with her date, holding out a small box for her while she had a dress design kit for dolls under one arm. "Merry Christmas, or winter observance of choice, Miss Fantasia." She grinned.

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2010-12-18 08:25 pm UTC (link)
"Merry Various to you, too," Pauline said happily, adjusting the stack of drums to open the box.

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2010-12-18 11:20 pm UTC (link)
Inside the box are two hair-clips, clearly handmade but seemingly durable enough. One of them is made from a machine gun shell casing, with a flower bloom at one end of it. The other is a simpler clip, but with a tiny model of an amp with a smiley face built into its design.

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2010-12-18 11:42 pm UTC (link)
"Oh, they're adorable! Thank you."

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2010-12-19 01:09 am UTC (link)
"Nothing of it. No chance to measure you for anything, but I thought I should bring my date something after all." Chris grins. "Not quite a corsage, but I think they suit you."

She gestures to the box. "May I?" She looks at Pauline's hair.

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2010-12-19 01:23 am UTC (link)
"I don't think the bullet one would feel kosher at a Toys for Tots event, but otherwise, feel free."

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2010-12-19 03:24 am UTC (link)
"Yeah, that was more a test design to go with your band's name. Glad you like it though." Chris nods and takes out the one with the amp, examining Pauline for a moment before stepping in and affixing it over her right ear, giving her hair a smoothing over afterward.

"Well... that just suits you entirely too well, if I'm allowed to say so." She winks at her date.

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2010-12-19 03:26 am UTC (link)
Pauline grins. "Thanks. Now. Let me put these drums down before my arms turn to yogurt."

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2010-12-19 03:54 am UTC (link)
"Sure thing, lemme give you a hand." Chris tosses her donation in one hand, showing it's lightness, before taking one of the drums from Pauline.

"You ever been to one of these before? I know it's not exactly N.I.C.H.'s crowd."

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2010-12-19 03:57 am UTC (link)
"Thanks. And kindasortanotreally. We've done a few charity glitterati things since the show started, but not one quite like this."

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2010-12-19 08:18 am UTC (link)
"I've gotten dragged to my share of them, and gone to enough of them of my own free will. They can be fun. For me it's usually an excuse for an exercise in more traditional dress-making." Chris smiles and gives a little twirl, letting her dress swish around her calves.

They deposit the gifts and then survey room. "So, where to? Food, drinks, dancing, or just cruising the room?" She smiles. "Or we can always just grab a pair of seats or some space on the wall."

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2010-12-20 03:59 am UTC (link)
"Hmmm. Let's see what the next song is. I can waltz. Hell, I can gavotte. And most 20th century, I'm good, but there's a few things I couldn't possibly dance to, on principle."

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2010-12-20 04:34 am UTC (link)

"...yeah I'm just gonna follow your lead." Chris grins awkwardly.

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2010-12-20 04:55 am UTC (link)
And what comes up next is "Baby, it's Cold Outside." And Pauline puts her hand on Chris's shoulder and gets them out on the dance floor with a smile.

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2010-12-20 04:59 am UTC (link)
Chris smiles, tucking back some of her hair. "Okay, I'm a little more of a Lila Cheney girl than Dean Martin, but I can handle this just fine."

She lets Pauline steal her out onto the dance floor, relaxing after a moment and putting her own hands in place.

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2010-12-20 05:06 am UTC (link)
"Lila's classic," Pauline says as they get properly into the sway of things. "And she's got a guitarist she can really trust to draw the intro out when she's running backstage for stuff. Reminds me a little of me and Deej, 'cept nobody's as good as Deej, and I don't run out on him."

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2010-12-20 05:40 am UTC (link)
Chris laughs. "Sounds like a good setup. I play acoustic, but it's really just a hobby. Only one decent song ever came out of it, if I'm allowed to call my own stuff decent. Making clothes and stuff is the big thing I'd love to do more with."

She's managing well with dancing to this song, anything too much more complex and she's going to have to keep glancing at her feet to keep them off of Pauline's.

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2010-12-20 05:42 am UTC (link)
"I'd love to hear it sometime. And of course it's okay to call your own stuff decent. Some of my stuff's pretty darn good."

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2010-12-20 02:26 pm UTC (link)
Chris smiles, letting out a tiny muffled squeak and moving closer to Pauline as another dancer almost clips them. Her eyes briefly flicker to cat-like before she settles again.

"Be happy to play it for you. Be warned, it's a little sappy." A beat. "You're good at this, by the way. I wouldn't mind being educated a little further."

A somewhat longer pause. "Okay, without sounding like a creeper, is it alright if I take some photos of you tonight? Your color's just gorgeous and I don't have any of my swatches with me to compare." Chris is just itching to design something for her dance partner besides just accessories.

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2010-12-20 06:49 pm UTC (link)
"Well, I've definitely had any bit of camera-shy knocked out of me."

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2010-12-20 06:56 pm UTC (link)
"Sounds good then." Chris grins. "So how's the holiday season treating you?"

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2010-12-20 07:20 pm UTC (link)
"Pretty good. Got Miss Vange some nice gloves and scarf. Haven't made up my mind about Deej. What's your family doing?"

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2010-12-20 07:54 pm UTC (link)
"Mom and Dad usually come to Xavier's for the big Christmas dinner. Mix of store-bought and hand-made for gifts this year for the others there."

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2010-12-20 08:03 pm UTC (link)
"Cool." Careful sidestepping of another dancing pair.

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2010-12-20 08:13 pm UTC (link)
Chris enjoys the dancing until the song finishes up, as Rocking Around the Christmas Tree comes up. She smiles at the chance in pace, but lets Pauline continue to lead.

"So what's the rest of your... well, I don't know if team is the right word, the rest of X-Factor like?"

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(no subject) - [info]indie_minor, 2010-12-20 08:28 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]pym_kitten, 2010-12-20 09:14 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]indie_minor, 2010-12-20 09:33 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]pym_kitten, 2010-12-21 03:16 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]indie_minor, 2010-12-21 03:53 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]pym_kitten, 2010-12-21 04:35 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]indie_minor, 2010-12-21 04:44 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]pym_kitten, 2010-12-21 04:57 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]indie_minor, 2010-12-21 05:20 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]pym_kitten, 2010-12-21 03:08 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]indie_minor, 2010-12-21 10:42 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]pym_kitten, 2010-12-21 10:48 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]indie_minor, 2010-12-21 10:49 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]pym_kitten, 2010-12-21 10:55 pm UTC

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