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nextgen_holiday ([info]nextgen_holiday) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-12-18 00:31:00

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Entry tags:akilah munroe, anya stark, asleif, awesome andrea, david roberts, eiltin, inactive - aine gold, inactive - anastasia summers, inactive - andy walters, inactive - arron wyatt, inactive - beetle, inactive - cassidy summers, inactive - chris pym, inactive - grace danvers, inactive - izzy starsmore, inactive - justin rhodes, inactive - lyta braddock-worthington, inactive - tech, inactive - torn ear, inactive - victor mancha, jenny woolverton, kalypso, lady devil, luna maximoff, mac rider, marlow, npc - avery crittenden, npc - black widow, npc - tony stark, perenawska, plot-"war of the worlds", quinn braddock, rachel summers, sammy fury, sydney ashcroft, team - avengers, team - defenders, team - fantastic four, team - x-men, tsunami, vincent vernard, zoey ashcroft

Eat, Drink, And Be Merry!
“We’re here outside the Four Seasons Hotel in New York where the who’s who is gathered tonight. Celebrities, royals and superheroes have all turned out for the annual Maria Stark Foundation Winter Charity event benefiting Toys for Tots.

It’s truly an all-star gala here tonight.

New York’s own princess, Anya Stark, was seen being escorted by what appears to be her new flame, actor Austin Cain. Her brother and currently second in line to the Russian throne, Mikhail Romanov, was seen entering the party with Lyta Worthington, heiress to Worthington Industries. Tony and Natasha Stark, parents of a new baby, are making their first public appearance since the birth of their son.

Mackenzie Rider, a prince of the underwater kingdom of Atlantis, is escorting Ms. Andrea Denker of the Fantastic Four tonight. Kristoff Vernard, leader of the Fantastic Four, was seen in attendance with his wife Cassandra and their son Scotty. Vincent Amorason, heir to Latveria, arrived alongside his brother and was seen escorting a member of the Defenders, Asleif Thorsdottir. The rest of the Fantastic Four are here too with their dates, though Miss Valeria Richards is not in attendance. Franklin Richards is in attendance and is escorting one Miss Gill.

Los Angeles’ own superhero team, the Defenders are in attendance as well. Arriving with her team is Grace Danvers, daughter of Hollywood hunk Simon Williams and she is being escorted by teammate, Eiltin. The two Asgardian princesses and daughters of Thor, Asleif and Aridis, are also attending the festivities with their team.
Akilah Munore, the crown princess of Wakanda, is here tonight with her steady flame, Daniel Sherwood a member of the Young Avengers. The other Young Avengers are in attendance tonight with their dates, alongside the adult Avengers.

Donald Trump arrived with his wife and is one of many other famous faces to arrive. Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, George Clooney, Julia Roberts, Hugh Jackman, Jack Nicholson, Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift are just a few celebrities who have made an appearance here tonight.

It’s truly a party of the who’s who and it’s all for a great cause.”

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2010-12-19 08:43 am UTC (link)
Vincent was very grateful for Asleif's presence, as well as the champagne, which he downed quickly.

"How are you and your cousins, MacKenzie? I heard there was some sort of diplomatic conflict in Atlantis recently."

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2010-12-19 11:41 pm UTC (link)
"Aye," Asleif agreed. "I find these climes much preferable to those of the summer, or even those of Los Angeles."

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2010-12-19 11:47 pm UTC (link)
Andrea, though perhaps not as off-put as Vincent, was grateful for the presence of a date of her own as well.

"Summer is not for everyone," she agreed.

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2010-12-20 03:47 am UTC (link)
"We're all okay. There was a lot of nonsense lately; the aristocracy doesn't approve of this nice little Horatio Alger stereotype my cousin's dating, but he managed to survive everything they could throw at him. Crazy stuff."

He nods to the ladies' remarks on the temperature issue.

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2010-12-20 04:45 am UTC (link)
"I really hope I don't have to deal with anything so contrived, in light of certain recent... political developments." Vincent grunts and shakes his head.

He smiles at the ladies' exchange. "Save for Miss Glau, if Mister Wolowitz's persistence is any indication."

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2010-12-20 04:51 am UTC (link)
"I... believe I am missing some sort of joke?"

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2010-12-20 04:53 am UTC (link)
At the mention of the name, Andrea looked around carefully, almost panicked.

"...He is not here is he?"

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2010-12-20 05:15 am UTC (link)
"Joke's on me, too. Who is this guy...and what did he do?" Andrea seems distressed. This is not good.

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2010-12-20 05:22 am UTC (link)
"Well, despite my offers to rectify the situation, Andrea has been phone-stalked by this engineer from Pasadena, one Howard Wolowitz." Vincent shakes his head.

"He's a... persistent individual."

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2010-12-20 06:03 am UTC (link)
"He sounds most aggravating," Asleif commented. "I could change him into a form more suited to his inner self, if need be."

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2010-12-20 06:05 am UTC (link)
"He is... a persistent annoyance," Andrea says. "He calls. Regularly. His fixation is...somewhat unhealthy."

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2010-12-20 06:10 am UTC (link)
"...Yeah. Sounds real unhealthy. ...Can't be too many Wolowitzes in Pasadena, but he doesn't sound like the kind of guy you need magic to deal with..."

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2010-12-20 02:19 pm UTC (link)
"Not 'need'." Vincent admits. "It would simply be funnier that way."

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2010-12-20 05:56 pm UTC (link)
Asleif hides a mischievous grin behind her hand, before settling back into her usual composure.

"I do so rarely have a chance to practice transfiguration spells."

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2010-12-20 05:58 pm UTC (link)
"I do not wish him undue harm," Andrea says. "But I would prefer that the calls stop."

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2010-12-20 06:48 pm UTC (link)
"Uh-huh. Well, I'll keep that in mind."

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2010-12-20 07:07 pm UTC (link)
Vincent gives Asleif a glance, as if to say that he certainly thinks that would stop the calls, but doesn't voice it.

"Andrea, how were your finals? I only had three classes and their conclusion was relatively uneventful for me."

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2010-12-20 07:32 pm UTC (link)
Asleif simply nods, satisfied with the glance form Vincent.

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2010-12-20 08:10 pm UTC (link)
"Quite well, thank-you," Andrea tells him. "I believe I shall have passed with "flying colors.'"

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2010-12-20 08:14 pm UTC (link)
"I'm surrounded by smart people," Mac says goodnaturedly. "Very intimidating and stuff."

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2010-12-20 09:26 pm UTC (link)
Vincent hesitates, then offers up a compliment. "In fairness, you probably have the highest physical strength level present."

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2010-12-20 09:31 pm UTC (link)
"Dude, don't try to one-up me over ladies in front of them if you're not sure."

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2010-12-20 10:17 pm UTC (link)
Asleif rolled her eyes. "Please, Vincent. I am subject to enough macho posturing within Asgard."

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2010-12-20 10:20 pm UTC (link)
Andrea would dispute the claim, if she was interested in such things.

"I am in agreement. It does not matter who is stronger or smarter."

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2010-12-21 03:05 am UTC (link)
...well, that attempt at comraderie crashed and burned. Vincent glances around the group awkwardly.

"I see..."

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(no subject) - [info]fleetfootmac, 2010-12-21 04:28 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]godlierthanthou, 2010-12-21 07:40 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]awesome_andrea, 2010-12-21 07:59 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]quitethecharmer, 2010-12-21 08:46 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]fleetfootmac, 2010-12-21 08:49 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]awesome_andrea, 2010-12-22 01:27 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]fleetfootmac, 2010-12-22 06:56 pm UTC

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