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Marie Claire Pym ([info]particlegirl) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-12-21 21:23:00

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Entry tags:inactive - chris pym, inactive - marie claire pym, npc - hank pym

Marie Claire had run out of options.
The day after her arrival in this strange, hostile version of reality she had discovered that her dimension-jumping device was damaged.  A setback to be sure, but she was confident that it was something that she could simply fix--maybe pop the case open and reconnect a few wires before soldering it all together and heading home.  That proved to be a futile hope rather quickly and now, some months later, she was still unable to fix the device.  With Stevie's birthday having just passed the need to get home again had become even more reinforced; Not-The-Mama was bonding to Stevie while she, a girl used to a close relationship with her parents, had never felt more unwanted and alone. 
It was a sobering feeling, as was the realization that she wasn't going to be able to fix this on her own.  Marie Claire realized she was going to have to go to the source of sorts: she was going to have to contact Hank Pym.  It was something she wasn't sure she wanted to do.  The shock of her parents not overcoming their challenges in this dimension was still fresh and raw on top of that was the discovery of a sister through the paternal line.  Certainly she knew of the sister she had through Jan, but Vernique wasn't present and even if she had been she sounded much like herself.  Chris...was a different animal entirely.  Pun intended.  But, getting home was important, more important than odd feelings and sad thoughts and fears so she gathered up her device and its parts and descended upon the lab of one Hank Pym.
She hoped the man didn't have a heart attack when he met her.  She did, after all, look exactly like her mother had at the same age.

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2010-12-29 03:25 am UTC (link)
Hank nearly jumped in surprise at the sudden request. "Ah... everything okay?"

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2010-12-29 03:26 am UTC (link)

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2010-12-29 03:29 am UTC (link)
"Ah... try the drawer on your left there."

He paused. "...Do I want to know what this is about?"

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2010-12-29 03:38 am UTC (link)
Chris switches the array off and wanders over. "Mad fashion scientist at work, it seems."

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2010-12-29 04:30 am UTC (link)
"Must...draw...pants need to be created..."

Marie was thinking jeans. Definitely jeans.

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2010-12-29 04:34 am UTC (link)
"...I think I'm still missing something here."

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2010-12-29 03:19 pm UTC (link)
"The entire high end denim market is about to be revolutionized and YOUR science power is going to make us BILLIONAIRES."

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2010-12-29 03:59 pm UTC (link)
"She's... really excited about the clothing infusion array we set up." Chris tries to explain.

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2010-12-30 05:54 pm UTC (link)
Hank's still feeling like he missed a step here somewhere. "But... that technology's never been practical for mainstream use."

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2011-01-09 02:53 pm UTC (link)
"It doesn't have to be perfectly practical because what I'm thinking doesn't require it to have extensive use." She was sketching away furiously.

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