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Natasha Romanova ([info]redheadspy) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-12-23 23:41:00

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Entry tags:anya stark, inactive - hot rod, inactive - james romanov rogers, inactive - lyta braddock-worthington, misha loganovich, npc - black widow, npc - tony stark

Baby's First Christmas and the Usual Chaos (Stark/Romanov/Rhodes)
Christmas in the Stark/Romanov household was a noisy and chaotic affair. This year they had two more additional family members in the form of Nick and Stevie. Three if you count Justin since the Rhodeses were family.

Natasha and Nick were up with the crack of dawn. Nick, like all people in the family except for James, didn't sleep much and had his mom up with the sun. Thankfully Chef Lokken was an early riser and had coffee and muffins ready. Eventually one by one the family members would make an appearance.

The Rhodeses were invited over of course. They were just as much as a part of the family as anyone else. Stevie was sent an invitation. Anya and James were here and Misha and Eliza were sent information about family stuff. Now it was just a matter of waiting for the chaos to start.

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2010-12-30 11:58 pm UTC (link)
"Looks like things are moving smoothly around here." He carried a decent sized bag with the boxes of Godiva chocolates. Seeing Mom without her favorite would be unthinkable.

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2010-12-31 12:22 am UTC (link)
"...This must be some new definition of smooth that I, as a former only child, am unaware of," Stevie opined.

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2010-12-31 02:34 am UTC (link)
"Yeah, this could be much crazier, Stephanie. You should see us most other days of the week." Tony says.

"I bet my wife is filling my sons head with warnings of not being like his old man...which isn't a bad idea. Still, I should be in on the conversation." Tony says.

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2010-12-31 02:47 am UTC (link)
"This is about normal for us," Anya said. "Let's get to the presents."

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2010-12-31 03:54 am UTC (link)
"I have no idea of what you mean," Misha said to Stevie, handing her a box of Godiva truffles. "I was raised in a mad house. This place seems pretty quiet and smooth running to me."

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2010-12-31 04:03 am UTC (link)
"Your sister poured ice water on James to wake him up this morning," Natasha with Nick came back out. Apparently someone wasn't hungry and just wanted to fuss a bit. Though it did give Natasha time to give Nick some facts about his father.

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2010-12-31 04:08 am UTC (link)
"It was not a fun way to wake up," James said as he returned with arms full of gifts.

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2010-12-31 04:12 am UTC (link)
Stevie just had a handful of gift cards for people, but then again, she had the excuse of not knowing people very well (and had already given James his certificate for one day of no Barton smart-mouthness).

"Still," Stevie admitted, "wish I'd thought of that one."

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2010-12-31 04:13 am UTC (link)
"Been there, done that, got the tee shirt," Misha said cheerfully. "Didn't even maim her later."

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2010-12-31 04:42 am UTC (link)
"Hey, buddy!" Tony says, smiling at Eddie.

"Now, whatever your mother told you, only half of it is true. And it's the half that emphasizes all of Dad's good qualities that made Mommy fall in love with him and led to you." Tony grins.

"Now, Eddie, it's time to enjoy the magic of Christmas."

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2010-12-31 04:55 am UTC (link)
"And that means prezzies," Anya grinned. "Which I'm sure you're getting a lot of because you haven't had much time to give into your Starkness."

Anya went to the very large Christmas tree and pulled out some packages from underneath.

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2010-12-31 10:16 pm UTC (link)
"Yes," said Lyta, going into her own bag of presents and pulling out packages. "Presents are called for."

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2011-01-01 06:39 am UTC (link)
For James she got him a pair of blue suede shoes and an original recording of "Burning Love" by Elvis. Dad, Misha and Stevie got time with the Top Gear guys and a day at Nurburgring driving sports cars at ridiculously high speeds. Mom, Eliza and Lyta got promises of a girls' day out shopping and new boots for all of them.

Nick got his first computer that activated when he made noise and played animated images. She also got him a teddy bear.

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2011-01-01 10:43 pm UTC (link)
Misha went simple this year. Spa time and chocolates for Mom, Anya and Eliza. He'd also arranged for Anya and Eliza to participate in "Worst Cooks in America" as contestants. It hadn't been easy, but royalty had its perks. The producers expected the ratings to skyrocket even if the girls couldn't make it past the initial elimination challenges. He thought about including Rose, but decided the chefs didn't need a demonstration of deadly knife skills at that level.

He didn't forget James' love of video games and gave him a gift card to his favorite shop. "Baby's First Motorcycle Book" was put under the tree for later.

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2011-01-01 11:38 pm UTC (link)
James hated shopping, but some help from Mom made it easier. For Misha he got a new toolkit with tools with lifetime warranties. For Anya he got a pair of Star Wars pajamas and a set of kitchen knives. If she didn't use them in the kitchen she could always throw them at someone.

Tony and Mom got a certificate for as much babysitting as they wanted. Considering the last time he babysat his brother went really well. There was some blushing when they said they would take him up on the babysitting offer.

Eliza got a set of new clubs made out of titanium. Stevie got a certificate to miss three early morning training session and also got a new toolkit like Misha's.

Nick got a small plastic game controller. It was never too early to start him out.

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2011-01-01 11:39 pm UTC (link)
Anya gave Misha a look when James' face turned red. Something was up and it involved Valeria.

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2011-01-01 11:54 pm UTC (link)
Misha noticed the blush and glanced at Anya to see if she noticed it. He'd only seen James blush like that during the Rate-a-Babe afternoons. Hrm... It had to involve Valeria.

They would have to talk to James soon. That very evening, in fact.

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2011-01-01 11:58 pm UTC (link)
Stevie totally missed any look on James' face. For Anya and Misha and Eliza, there were Visa gift cards. James got two more "get out of Barton smart-mouthedness" certificates. Not-the-Mama and Natasha got an offer to babysit from her as well.

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2011-01-02 12:10 am UTC (link)
Natasha gave Nick to Tony long enough to hand out her gifts to the kids.

For Anya she got her a promise for a spa trip and a shopping trip. There was also a new diamond necklace.

Misha got a new suit, new dress shoes and an account at the auto parts store near Xavier's.

James got a new suit, new dress shoes and an account at the local video game store.

Eliza got new boots, new diamond necklace and a promise for a spa and shopping trip.

Stevie got new leather boots, a new leather jacket and a kit for a 62 Harley Panhead similar to the one the other kids got awhile ago.

Nick got new clothes, including a suit, and some baby toys.

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2011-01-02 05:24 am UTC (link)
When Tasha was done, Eddie was handed back to Tasha so Tony could pass out gifts as well.

Anya received two season passes for the Red Sox upcoming season, with box seating. It had cost Tony no small amount of pride to go to Boston and purchase this without begging Anya to come back home.

James received two open-ended plane tickets to a destination of his choice with a note. Take someone you can stand a long trip with.

Eliza received a voucher for a personal shopper at her favorite clothing store.

Eddie got extra toys, since his mother covered the clothing. Tony would show him the plans for the baby armor later, when Mommy was busy worrying over Misha.

Misha also got open-ended plane tickets to take Lyta somewhere nice in future. Somewhere that isn't Boston, preferably. the note says.

Stevie got an account with a local auto-store for any parts she needed, along with her own AI. He didn't want to name this one, instead letting her choose to do so. Said AI even calls her Stevie, rather than Stephanie.

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