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nextgen_holiday ([info]nextgen_holiday) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-02-14 19:09:00

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Entry tags:alex bowmaster, casey flynn, gregory price, holiday, inactive - cassidy summers, inactive - chris frost, inactive - chris pym, inactive - daniel grimm, inactive - ellie rasputin, inactive - grace danvers, inactive - izzy starsmore, inactive - james romanov rogers, inactive - justin rhodes, inactive - match, inactive - rose logan, inactive - torn ear, inactive - valeria richards, jack murdock, jenny woolverton, kalypso, mason jeffries, misha loganovich, nimue smallwood, perenawska, quinn braddock, rachel summers, svalin, sydney ashcroft, zoey ashcroft

Valentine Vignettes

I arise from dreams of thee
In the first sweet sleep of night,
When the winds are breathing low,
And the stars are shining bright.
I arise from dreams of thee,
And a spirit in my feet
Hath led me -- who knows how?
To thy chamber window, Sweet!

The wandering airs they faint
On the dark, the silent stream--
And the Champak's odours
Like sweet thoughts in a dream;
The nightingale's complaint,
It dies upon her heart,
As I must on thine,
O belovèd as thou art!

O lift me from the grass!
I die! I faint! I fail!
Let thy love in kisses rain
On my lips and eyelids pale.
My cheek is cold and white, alas!
My heart beats loud and fast:
O press it to thine own again,
Where it will break at last!

Percy Bysshe Shelley

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2011-02-16 07:44 pm UTC (link)
Marrina kissed back, a little more enthusiastically this time.

"Guess... we just have to take things slow a little while longer."

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2011-02-16 07:46 pm UTC (link)
"You do whatever works for you... I mean, there's lots of stuff we can try." A beat, before a thought occurs to him that at first, seems like just being helpful.

"I mean, I can make all kinds of restraints."

Then he hears what he just said and turns pink, covering his mouth.

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2011-02-16 07:52 pm UTC (link)
Surprise was quickly replaced by laughter.

She kissed him. "You're sweet," she said.

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2011-02-16 07:54 pm UTC (link)
Mason just laughs, until he feels a trickle down his back. A few actually. He looks across the room at a mirror.

"Uh... sweetie... could you be a dear and get me a band-aid? ...or eight?"

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2011-02-16 07:59 pm UTC (link)
"What... Oh... God!" Marrina babbled, getting up. "We need to clean those first..."

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2011-02-16 08:01 pm UTC (link)
"Okay..." He ambles his way towards the bathroom, carrying a pillow along with him, feeling rather shy now.

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2011-02-17 12:20 am UTC (link)
Fortunately, the scratches aren't too deep, though they do look kind of painful, at least to Marrina's eyes.

"I am so sorry," she said as she washed them, for what was probably the twentieth time.

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2011-02-17 12:40 am UTC (link)
Mason, after the initial sensitivity, pretty much melts under the feel of having his girlfriend (still naked, which helps) wash his back.

"I'll forgive you as many times as I have to if this is what I get afterwards..." He lets out a happy sigh.

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2011-02-17 12:51 am UTC (link)
"You are such a good boyfriend, Mason," she said, quietly. "I don't deserve you."

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2011-02-17 01:02 am UTC (link)
He thinks for a minute. "You know I actually asked Jordie if he thought you should be with one of those suitors, or at least someone nicer than they were. Someone who could protect you I mean. You know what he told me?

'She's a princess. If she wanted protection, that's why there's a royal guard. That's what we're here for if it comes down to it. She doesn't need protection. She needs someone who loved her before she wore the crown. Who didn't know that marrying her might mean money and power and the big seat at the table. She needs someone who makes her laugh when important princess-y things come up and everything seems like it sucks. She needs someone who is going to take her for hot dogs and kettle corn and poutine at the Leafs game instead of boiled lobster for the fifteenth night in a row. And I only know one guy who does all of that for her.'"

A pause, as he's glad he got all that memorized.

"I think I can keep managing all that, if you still want me to." He smiles over his shoulder at her.

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2011-02-17 01:09 am UTC (link)
Marrina felt a smile work its way across her face.

"Oh, Mason..."

She wrapped her arms around him, mindful of the scratches.

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2011-02-17 01:11 am UTC (link)
He smiles and strokes her arms as they come around his shoulders, his back still to her.

"You know, you can feel free to be naked as much as you want this weekend if it helps you, um, get used to thinking about... stuff."

No ulterior motives here, no sir.

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2011-02-17 01:24 am UTC (link)
That actually got a little laugh out of her. "We'll... we'll see."

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