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Vincent Amorason ([info]quitethecharmer) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-02-24 16:06:00

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Entry tags:kristoff vernard, mac rider, vincent vernard

Formalities (February 15)
Vincent returned to the Baxter Building, having spent the morning at, to even his own surprise, the Latverian Embassy. It was nothing. He'd received notification, after he'd RSVP'd to the royal wedding, that he would be fitted for a formal suit to wear while in attendance. The scared child got shoved back in the box and Vincent had indeed shown up at the appointed time.

There had, however, been a complication.

Which is why he will return to the Baxter Building in a rather foul mood, and needing to speak with Kristoff.

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2011-02-24 09:28 pm UTC (link)
"Most certainly. What is the situation."

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2011-02-24 09:40 pm UTC (link)
Vincent grimaces, then gives Kristoff the full story, up to and including MacKenzie's visit.

"And yes, I'm aware I made an uncomfortable situation worse, but I promised MacKenzie to help, so can we proceed to the research? I was fiinish it earlier, but there was the embassy to deal with. I suspect another mind will also help with anything I overlooked."

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2011-02-24 09:49 pm UTC (link)
"Of course I will help. Invasive second consciousnesses are something of a speciality of mine."

But he can't help one thing. "Vincent, hypothetically, suppose I were a fool, and happened to mention it."

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2011-02-24 09:55 pm UTC (link)
Vincent sighs. "If you did, we would have much back and forth where I try to avoid stating that I acted like a fool and you, if you're feeling particularly fed up with me, call me on it.

You would also, theoretically, throw in a comment about keeping my shielding up being more beneficial than satisfying my curiosity about anything particularly mentally 'loud' in the immediate vicinity"

He looks at his brother, waiting to see if he hypothetically missed anything.

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2011-02-24 10:00 pm UTC (link)
"All quite true, but not what I was about to address." Kristoff takes a breath. "Were I a fool, and mentioned it, and even if somehow it were a good thing to allow the subject to remain on my being a fool, it would still not be wise to use broad statements of obfuscating intellectualism from which I could pick out certain key words about my being a gypsy and infer that there was supposed to be some connection between the two facts."

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2011-02-24 10:16 pm UTC (link)
Vincent tilts his head at Kristoff, not sure where this was going.

"I..." His eyes widen.

"Oh Odin's bones..." He puts a hand to his face. "I'm going to need to apologize. I was only trying to insinuate he was a caveman."

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2011-02-24 10:19 pm UTC (link)
"Yes, but if you related his response correctly, I believe he may have inferred more. Now, about this potential invasive consciousness in Mr. Parker, what does it seem to most resemble to you right now?"

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2011-02-24 10:21 pm UTC (link)
Vincent nods, then goes back to business.

"Some kind of invasive parasite, but the level of independent thought would insist on an extra-terrestrial, artificially-engineered, or extra-dimensional origin. It's not unintelligent."

He scratches his head. "The heightened adrenal response is familiar, but I can't place it."

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2011-02-24 10:43 pm UTC (link)
"Disturbing. Do you believe he could have been targeted because of his friendship with Her Highness?"

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2011-02-24 11:45 pm UTC (link)
"Not likely. It seems like it was only a budding friendship at that. Kassia keeps a very low profile as well."

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2011-02-25 01:03 am UTC (link)
"I see. Well, I wish we had more data, but let us return to reviewing the files you have been working on with what we have."

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2011-02-25 01:38 am UTC (link)
Vincent nods and they head to the archives. Along with the text files, he brings up the assorted news-feeds and video documentation of previously identified causes.

"It's frustrating. I know I've seen these mental symptoms before."

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2011-02-25 05:56 am UTC (link)
Kristoff's looking over these with an affirming sound when the call comes in for Vincent.

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2011-02-25 04:15 pm UTC (link)
"Call to room speakers." Vincent responds, as he flips through another set of files.

"Vincent speaking."

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2011-02-25 05:41 pm UTC (link)
"Dude, we've definitely got a problem. Ben went from 'hey, man' to angrily swearing to the stars he hadn't seen Kassi since Friday to admitting he basically doesn't remember yesterday morning at all all in the course of fifteen minutes"

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2011-02-25 05:50 pm UTC (link)
"Well, that's confirmation on the irregular adrenal levels." Vincent comments to Kristoff, before clarifying for MacKenzie.

"You're on speaker with myself and my brother. He's been helping with the research. We've got a few prime candidates, but none of them are exactly cheery prospects.

Before that though... I really have to apologize. Kristoff pointed out to me that some of the things I said could have been misconstrued. I never meant to imply that you being stupid had anything to do with you being Atlantean. The 'seashell' comment was just because I understood that to be the most common base material for paints in that culture.

I'm sorry."

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2011-02-25 05:54 pm UTC (link)
"Well. Kay, then. Just so we're clear that my being dumb's got nothing to do with anybody but me. So. This thing's messing with his memory on top of messing with his emotions."

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2011-02-25 06:09 pm UTC (link)
"Ah, excellent. Well, obviously it's not 'excellent' in the way you'd normally think, but it just reduced our finalist pool by another eight entries." Vincent trims the list.

"The bad news is... these are all very very ugly possibilities. Getting uglier with the addition of memory deviation.

However, the speed at which his recollection changed rules out any external source. Magical hexes don't adapt well on the fly, so we're looking at either some sort of technological or organic internal presence. Or both, depending on what new Osborne, Zola, or Hydra developments have hit the black market."

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2011-02-25 06:29 pm UTC (link)
"With the latest rise in mutagenic narcotics, I am not sure we can rule them out, either, as there could be new developments beyond previous capacities."

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2011-02-25 06:44 pm UTC (link)
"True. In which case the situation gets a lot worse. Hangover from artificial metahuman powers is cruel, but manageable. Psychic scars, like it would take to create a second identity, will take years to heal, if ever."

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