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notyetqueen ([info]notyetqueen) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-04-30 18:41:00

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Entry tags:inactive - anastasia summers, inactive - rose logan

Going home
Anastasia was overjoyed. Earlier that week, she had talked to Cait, who told her that she knew a way for her to go home, that the teleporter on the Champions, Irina could open up dimensional portals and take her back home. Take her, Rose, Gretchen, and Brad home. While Anastasia didn't hate where she was, and she loved her sisters and her friends, she missed her family and friends back home.

Anastasia had called Brad and Gretchen and told them, and they were going to go to Champions' HQ to meet Irina there before coming to the institute to get her (and maybe Rose, too).

Anastasia finished packing. She didn't have a lot of stuff with her, as she never liked asking Dad for more than she needed, and she had her things at home. She kept the presents that people had given her for her birthday and for Christmas, and some pictures that she had taken of her with her friends on X-Force, and a couple of pictures of her and Tina. Her clothes could be donated.

Anastasia closed her suitcase and went to go find Rose, and to say goodbye to people. She wasn't just going to leave without telling people where she had gone.

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2011-05-01 06:13 pm UTC (link)
"Right now," Rose said, "this is where I need ta be. Maybe some day I'll say otherwise... but right now, this is more home than home."

She rose from her sitting position. "Gonna miss ya, Annie."

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