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yourtruecolors ([info]yourtruecolors) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-06-07 19:57:00

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Entry tags:inactive - julian gallo, inactive - minnie, npc - emma frost

Looking to the Future
Minnie was wearing the choker Julian had given her for her 18th birthday. It and a few other added elements classed up her dance clothes enough for the club she was in. It wasn't one of her usual clubs, but all the better. She'd snag the Black Queen at her tattoo parlor later. This one had to come first. She made her way quietly towards the glistening beacon across the room. "Ms. Frost?"

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Re: The Meeting.
2011-06-08 12:36 am UTC (link)
Julian arrives last and takes his seat at the head of the table, smiling at all three women.

"Good afternoon, ladies. Thank you for joining me." Julian says, looking both to Viveca and Emma.

"I hope you're both well?"

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Re: The Meeting.
2011-06-08 01:01 am UTC (link)
It could be argued that Roberto DaCoasta took his seat so fashionably late it was on the cutting edge of style. Or that Magnum, P.I. reruns had been on.

He too, nodded to the ladies and smiled.

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Re: The Meeting.
2011-06-08 01:02 am UTC (link)
"Doing just fine and happy to get down to work," Viveca says, looking at Julian expectantly.

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Re: The Meeting.
2011-06-08 01:05 am UTC (link)
"Well as always." She lifted a brow at Roberto. Tardiness was...common.

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Re: The Meeting.
2011-06-08 01:18 am UTC (link)
"Roberto, thank you for coming. I appreciate it." Julian says.

"I'm sure you're all wondering why I called you here today. Shaw Industries is doing amazing business." he says pushing a pair of manila folders to Roberto and Emma.

"Reports on our little enterprise." Julian says.

"However, the reason we're all here is that I've been doing some thinking about how best to exert the Club's influence in this day and age and the idea of kingmaking came to me.

We're all mutants here. Moreover, we're all /successful/ mutants. We've all got connections in business, entertainment and high-society. Where we could use more influence, to my mind, is in the political area. Half a century ago, it was unthinkable that we could have an African-American President. Right now, it's still a stretch to imagine a /female/ president, though that time is coming.

The next election is just seventeen months away, and I believe it would be a feather in our cap to not only usher in a dearth of mutant congressmen and senators...but a mutant president." Julian says.

"Think of the signal that will send to other countries, to see America moving forward in such a way. Does anyone see why something like this shouldn't be pursued?" Julian asks, looking around the room.

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Re: The Meeting.
2011-06-08 01:22 am UTC (link)
"Did you have a particular mutant candidate in mind, Julian?"

Of course he did. He always did.

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Re: The Meeting.
2011-06-08 01:25 am UTC (link)
"Idea doesn't bother me much," Viveca says, looking equally expectant.

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Re: The Meeting.
2011-06-08 01:45 am UTC (link)
"Well, there's the minor problem of anyone we would front looking unqualified. We don't have much in the way of open mutant politicians. Unless you have one to out, whomever we'd push would look inexperienced."

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Re: The Meeting.
2011-06-08 01:59 am UTC (link)
Julian passes a sheet of paper to everyone at the table. On the list are the names of several politicians, some familiar, others not so much. Some of the names have a plus or minus next to them.

"The pluses are the ones who are known mutants. The minuses are still in secret. Some of the names you'll know. The first four names will announce whether or not they plan to run this year.

The last four names are humans who are pro-mutant and might make for good candidates if we can't decide upon a mutant candidate." Julian tells them.

"Benedict Kine wasn't good for /much/, but he did keep some very interesting files." Julian says.

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Re: The Meeting.
2011-06-08 02:01 am UTC (link)
"I hope you didn't wait for me," Viper said as she made an /entrance/.

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Re: The Meeting.
2011-06-08 02:21 am UTC (link)
Julian smiles up at her.

"We're still in the beginning stages, my dear." he says, passing her a sheet with the list of names.

"We're looking for a mutant or pro-mutant candidate to consider backing for the election next year. These are the finalists." Julian tells her.

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Re: The Meeting.
2011-06-08 07:36 pm UTC (link)
Emma looked over the list.

"Samuel Harris, second on your mutant list. He's almost guaranteed to run. He's been very, very well-received."

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Re: The Meeting.
2011-06-08 07:44 pm UTC (link)
"What the heck is Harris's mutation? Can he literally blind people with that damn smile?"

And Viveca's quick eyes noticed Julian's Girl start to barely open her mouth to explain and stop before most people could have noticed, looking to Julian.

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Re: The Meeting.
2011-06-08 08:27 pm UTC (link)
"Its a fascinating idea... but we'd have a lot of competition trying to buy an election. Surely you have something specific in mind to give him an edge beyond us pitting our collective influences behind a candidate... against the tobacco lobby, the oil lobby..."

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Re: The Meeting.
2011-06-09 12:00 am UTC (link)
"Luckily, a good portion of the work has been done for us. It seems that our former associates, were gearing up for a bit of the same thing. I'm open to more suggestions, of course, but I have another list of names we can begin working on to generate support for our candidate of choice." Julian says.

"Minnie, would you describe Mr. Harris' mutation for the group please?" Julian asks, organizing his thoughts while Minnie speaks.

When she finishes, he picks up again.

"And there are people within those lobbyist groups and the corporations they represent who might like certain secrets of theirs to stay secret. A few discussions might help them see things from our point of view.

I'll inform you all that one group I think we'll see some significant opposition from calls themselves the League of Human Nationalists.

I'm sure I don't have to spell out exactly what they mean by their name." Julian says.

"If anyone has other suggestions on how we can better combine our efforts against the incumbent, I'm all ears." Julian says.

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Re: The Meeting.
2011-06-09 12:04 am UTC (link)
"How tiresome," Viper said. "You sit here and plot when a little bit of poison will solve your problem and save you a lot of money and effort."

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Re: The Meeting.
2011-06-09 12:14 am UTC (link)
"Mr. Harris's sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems are linked to a low-level vapor-manipulation ability. When calm, he is a small-scale cryokinetic. When in an ...emotionally stimulated situation, he is a minor thermikinetic. His skill at hiding or downplaying this is normally quite good," Minnie recites, not mentioning how these things were found out, at the moment. Then she returns to silence and listens to Julian.

And pointedly makes herself not glare daggers at Viper for implying that Julian's weak.

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Re: The Meeting.
2011-06-09 12:24 am UTC (link)
"Some of us enjoy a challenge," Emma mused. "Julian, what have research do you have on the media?"

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Re: The Meeting.
2011-06-09 12:27 am UTC (link)
"Interesting... though given that the incumbent is already seen as a considerable victory for the civil rights movement... if I may suggest, we might have both better luck, and make more headway... if we were to arrange for some drastic shifts in the Senate and House... more reachable, and offer the president some key votes on his measures... if he in turn were to back certain pro-mutant policies, perhaps make a speech linking the mutants' plight to that of African-Americans in the sixties on national TV? Its been said before, but never by a sitting president...

We could use that to try and move our horse into position to win a more wide open race one term from now? Because if we support the opposition to the incumbent... no one is going to believe a civil rights platform as a central plank."

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Re: The Meeting.
2011-06-09 01:01 am UTC (link)
"Eh, sounds sensible, daCoasta, but I've gotta admit these fast-paced coups are fun"

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Re: The Meeting.
2011-06-09 01:37 am UTC (link)
"Viper, I do understand that poison would solve a lot of problems, but I'd prefer we use when necessary and not as a first course. When you kill someone, they don't learn anything from the experience, unless you believe in reincarnation." Julian chuckles.

Julian ponders Roberto's suggestion.

"Supporting the incumbent /would/ be easier, and if he wins, then he'll definitely be gone with the next election. Squeezing him for what he's worth now gives us some time to work a few other agendas as well.

The President does seem a bit milquetoast when it comes to mutants, however. He's not aggressive enough on domestic issues, but seems very decisive on foreign matters.

I admit that I'm concerned that his administration won't take the bully pulpit when needed." Julian tells the group.

"Your idea has some merit, Roberto. Let's pick a few candidates from this list and consider who to groom over the next five years. We get them where we need them and the one we choose to ascend to the White House takes the rest with him or her.

We also consider who needs to be removed from power and get them out of there, even if poison should come into the equation. There are a few California Senators I wouldn't mind seeing on the obituary page within the next year." Julian says.

"Do we support the incumbent president in 2012, provided that he doesn't do something foolish like expose himself over social media?" Julian asks.

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Re: The Meeting.
2011-06-09 01:55 am UTC (link)
"He may, or he may not... but given his position now, especially if we win control of the senate for him, he's extremely unlikely to go totally counter to our interests... and it only requires a shift of a handful of seats. Much more subtle... then we back whichever one has done the best with what we give him the next few years...

I could back that, and throw my contacts' support behind the president for now, yes."

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Re: The Meeting.
2011-06-09 10:22 pm UTC (link)
Emma listened carefully, her expression betraying nothing.

"Julian, would you mind if I did a bit of thinking before declaring support for our present commander in chief?"

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Re: The Meeting.
2011-06-09 10:28 pm UTC (link)
"He's not a total idiot," Viper said. "And he hasn't been that bad. I suppose he could serve another four years. If you have a list of names that you want to see obituaries for, please send it to me. I know someone perfect for the job."

Olivia was quite good at what she did. Viper had taught her well.

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Re: The Meeting.
2011-06-10 12:25 am UTC (link)
"I'll do just that, Viper. Minnie, provide Viper with second list we compiled earlier today." Julian says, motioning to the woman behind him.

"Emma, take a few days to think on that and I'll speak to you again." Julian says.

"Viveca, what about you?" he asks.

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Re: The Meeting.
2011-06-10 12:29 am UTC (link)
"Sounds like a plan," Viveca says while Julian's Girl gives Viper a little folder. "Fast is fun, but taking lots of time to plan and hedge our bets is safe."

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Re: The Meeting.
2011-06-11 12:54 am UTC (link)
"Very well, then. We'll consider support for the incumbent at the next meeting." Julian says.

"Does anyone have any new business to present?" Julian asks.

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Re: The Meeting.
2011-06-12 03:07 pm UTC (link)
"I'm good for the moment, Julian."

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Re: The Meeting.
2011-06-15 12:06 am UTC (link)
"If no one else has anything, then we'll adjourn now. I'll contact you all again soon." Julian says.

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