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yourtruecolors ([info]yourtruecolors) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-06-08 22:58:00

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Entry tags:inactive - julian gallo, inactive - lisa graves, inactive - minnie

'I think I should know how to make love to something innocent without leaving my fingerprints'
Minnie had been running countless background checks, but her hands were empty as she knocked quietly but distinctly on Julian's door late one morning. Anything her Julian might need to know was in her head.

She'd already knocked when she noticed the colors bleeding through the door didn't seem right. Was he not there? And whose was the pattern that was?

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2011-06-09 01:44 am UTC (link)
Lisa sits up, already feeling that little tingle that tells her she's got another abnormal, if not definitely a mutant, within range.

"Yes, you must be." She responds, pushing her hair back and smiling as she swings her legs off the bed and strides over, offering a hand as she tilts her head. "I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage."

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2011-06-09 01:47 am UTC (link)
"Minnie. I'm on Julian's personal staff." She shakes firmly as she looks up at Lisa. "Is he going to be back soon?"

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2011-06-09 01:53 am UTC (link)
"Think so. He went out to get us breakfast."

She looks her over, trying to get a read on her.

"You a mutant?"

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2011-06-09 01:55 am UTC (link)
"I hope you don't mind if I wait with you? I'm hoping to speak to him briefly about a meeting later."

Minnie faces this calmly.

"Yes," Minnie says simply. "So are you."

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2011-06-09 02:00 am UTC (link)
"No harm." She shakes her head, then smiles at the response. Of course Julian wouldn't have anyone weak working for him.

"Looks like you've still got me at a disadvantage. What makes you special?" She puts her hands on her hips, smiling contentedly.

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2011-06-09 02:02 am UTC (link)
"Oh, well let's see... I do terrific fan kicks. I have an eidetic memory. And I synesthetically observe and analyze energy fields."

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2011-06-09 02:04 am UTC (link)
"Fan kicks... you dance?" Lisa rolls with the snark. She finds it comfortable atmosphere.

She smiles as Minnie gets to the good stuff.

"Sounds... fascinating. Would it be alright if I have a try?" She smiles sweetly. "I have a natural curiosity."

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2011-06-09 02:07 am UTC (link)
She nods. "The 'Burlesque Special Presentation' the other night at the Outcast was me. Julian's asked me to cut back a bit on the various gigs at clubs, though, so I can get more done for him."

There's a long pause.

Then, "Once. Just once." And she holds out her hand again.

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2011-06-09 02:28 am UTC (link)
"I'd like if you could recommend an outfitter and/or photographer. I've been looking to add something a little more historical to my portfolio."

She smiles. "Exquisite..."

Rather than take Minnie's hand, Lisa holds up one of her own, taking half a step back. She makes a clenching motion, and feels the rush start.

"Ah..." The world swims in her eyes.

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2011-06-09 02:34 am UTC (link)
"I'll pass on a few suggestions."

Lisa should be seeing several layers of color on top of the actual colors involved. There are shades and spectrums for which she has had no previous reference point.

Minnie, on the other hand, twitches slightly as her vision fades. There are greyscales on levels that had been so vivid ever since she was 11.

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2011-06-09 02:39 am UTC (link)
"This is lovely... thank you." She smiles pleasantly at Minnie. It's a fairly 'smooth' power. She should be able to hold it until the next time she goes to sleep without much effort.

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2011-06-09 02:48 am UTC (link)
"Welcome." Minnie nods.

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2011-06-09 02:49 am UTC (link)
Getting a handle on the improved vision, Lisa's gaze finally settles on Minnie's choker, and the details on it.

"Nice jewelry."

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2011-06-09 02:52 am UTC (link)
Minnie holds her head a little higher. "Thank you," she says with the kind of pride that a young socialite cooing over her engagement ring could only dream of.

"...Did he mention what he was getting for breakfast?"

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2011-06-09 02:57 am UTC (link)
"Spinach and cheese croissant and tea for me. He didn't specify, but he's likely getting his usual bagel or muffin. Steak and eggs isn't exactly to-go fare."

She's distracted, looking at every little thing in the room with her new eyes.

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2011-06-09 02:59 am UTC (link)
"Oh, trust me, steak and eggs can be to-go far when Julian decides it's going to be to-go fare."

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2011-06-10 02:31 pm UTC (link)
"Yeah, well, Julian generally gets whatever he decides on." A knowing smirk. She's not getting the jealousy vibe, but there's something very focused about the other girl.

Lisa saunters back to the bed and reclines, turning on the TV to see what her new visions yields from it.

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2011-06-10 02:38 pm UTC (link)
"Yes, eventually. He seems to decide on a great deal nowadays."

The television imagery is just overlayed with a cataract of electrical and broadcast frequencies; not quite as vibrant as living beings.

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2011-06-10 03:55 pm UTC (link)
"Tell me about it. Don't know anyone else who would've handled the Mutant Town situation like he did."

The TV not providing enough stimulation, Lisa turns back to the other girl. "So how long have you known Julian?" Which is not the same as asking 'How long have you worked for him'.

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2011-06-10 04:04 pm UTC (link)
"We first met nearly twenty years ago. You?"

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2011-06-10 08:07 pm UTC (link)
Lisa's face shows surprise, but not shock.

"Hm. Your family work for his?"

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2011-06-10 08:21 pm UTC (link)
"Yes, my mother was on the late Mr. Howard's cleaning staff."

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2011-06-10 08:36 pm UTC (link)
"Cool. Julian doesn't talk about his dad that much, aside from when I gave him the ring. Being fair, I haven't really asked that much though."

Parents were not a topic Lisa really relished the thought of reciprocating information on.

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2011-06-10 08:42 pm UTC (link)
"Mr. H. was a fine man," she says simply. "What did he say when you gave him the ring?" she asks, adjusting her choker slightly.

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2011-06-10 08:47 pm UTC (link)
Lisa pauses, thinking as she goes into the night-stand where she stashed her emergency candy. She unwrapped a tootsie-pop and responded before starting on it.

"He said it was perfect." She takes a few tastes before continuing. "Told me about the ring his dad had that was like it, and that I was amazing."

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2011-06-10 08:52 pm UTC (link)
"Ah. That's what it had to do with Mr. H. Well," she said. "I'm glad."

And she was, really she was. If his little girlfriend made him happy, then that was a good thing. Nothing was too good for Julian.

...even if Minnie might think Julian was too good for some things.


"It's certainly unusual not seeing some spectra anymore."

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2011-06-11 01:24 am UTC (link)
"Probably not as unusual as seeing them for the first time." Lisa shrugs. "Tried infra-red before, but that was nothing compared to this."

Getting an idea, she wanders over to the window and looks outside to see what cars and the city's power-grid show up as.

"So what do you need to see Julian for anyway? I didn't see any packages or files with you." She inquires casually. She hasn't made herself as much of a predator as she is without being observant.

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2011-06-11 01:31 am UTC (link)
"Yeah, 11 was an interesting year."

"Dragging a bunch of files around isn't efficient. Conversation is better than bureaucracy."

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2011-06-11 02:03 pm UTC (link)
"Hm." Lisa responds. "Interesting.... yeah, that works." Her mind flickered to when she revealed her mutation to her parents, and her expression soured. She threw the rest of the lolly away. Bad memories always make things taste awful, whether food or powers.

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2011-06-11 02:08 pm UTC (link)
Lisa seemed to be having bad memories about her own manifestation, from her behavior. Minnie did not think it proper to press, even if Lisa had been pressing here and there this entire conversation. So she sits in silence, glad that at least the girl isn't going to press about he nature of the meeting.

...She should have found a way to visit more, in her three years away. Julian must have gotten so lonely, to have ended up with a ..... girlfriend?

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2011-06-12 02:02 am UTC (link)
Julian arrives a few minutes later, returning with bagels, cream cheese and some coffee for Lisa, though there's /more/ than enough for the two of them.

"Lisa, darling, do you mind giving me a hand here..." Julian says, reaching out with his magnetism to open the door.

When the door opens upon Lisa and Minnie, Julian's expression is unreadable, but quickly grows amused.

What, exactly, have we here? he thinks to himself.

"I see you two have met." he says neutrally, setting the food down.

"Minnie, would you like to stay for breakfast?" he asks.

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2011-06-12 02:05 am UTC (link)
At this point, Lisa and Julian may be confused by Minnie's standing with a horrified gasp and running to Julian's arms. "What ... Feed. Now, please" Her hands reach up to touch his face.

Because the sight of Julian, her dearest Julian, with his colors so faded, so incomplete, so drained, sent every rational thought out of her head in panic. He was hurt, hurt so badly. What had happened?

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2011-06-12 02:25 am UTC (link)
Lisa looks alarmed by Minnie's reaction, approaching the two of them slowly.

"Anything going on I should know about?"

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2011-06-12 02:28 am UTC (link)
Julian wasn't quite expecting that reaction from Minnie, but then he remembered that she could /see/ how he was doing. The incident in District X had strained him quite a bit and it was true that he was still somewhat hungry, though he hadn't let on about that to Lisa.

It was better to let her think he was doing well until she got busy doing other things, at which point, he'd feed to full.

"Minnie, please, calm down." Julian commands, not quite up the task of extricating himself.

"I'm fine. Nothing I haven't dealt with before." he says.

He looks to Lisa.

"All right, I need to know who knows what about who right now." he says, taking control of the situation.

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2011-06-12 02:33 am UTC (link)
Minnie wants to scream that he's not fine, but Julian has told her to calm down, so she makes herself take a breath first.

...And realizes.

"Oh goddess, I'm such an idiot. My vision's at half-power. Oh Julian, I thought you were..." She straightens. "I apologize for causing a scene, Julian. I was just waiting with Miss Graves to talk to you about the meeting this afternoon. We discussed my abilities, the fact that my mother was on Mr. H's cleaning staff, signet rings, and that you think she's amazing. Miss Graves took a sample and I... I made a mistake when you came in. I'm sorry. I'll go wait in the office until you need to discuss the meeting."

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2011-06-12 02:40 am UTC (link)
There's something about the way Minnie repeats the bit about Julian thinking she's amazing that gives Lisa pause. There was just something... there. Either sarcasm or unease. She wasn't sure which. Hm.

"That about covers it." She glides up to Julian and slips her arms around his waist, giving him a lingering kiss before sashaying aside to grab herself a bagel.

"Got yourself someone real eager to please there, boss." She smiles.

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2011-06-12 03:15 am UTC (link)
This is...awkward. Julian return the kiss, albeit uneasily.

"Lisa, Minnie is important to me. She's been my friend since I was very young, before I lost my father." Julian says.

"Minnie, Lisa and I have been seeing each other for a bit. She's the only person on the team who knows what I can /really/ do." Julian says.

"You two know me better than most. I'd prefer it if this didn't become an awkward situation." he says simply.

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2011-06-12 03:18 am UTC (link)
Minnie turns from turning to leave, straightens, and smiles weakly. "Then I'd prefer if it did get awkward either." She nods to Lisa. "I'm glad you've been there for him."

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2011-06-12 03:21 am UTC (link)
Lisa nods, smiling to Minnie.

"I'm glad about that too."

It's an honest smile.

Then she turns to Julian and just shrugs. "I'm just gonna drag it out in the open... I don't get the 'jealous' vibe from her, but something about being in the same room as me seems to... confuse her?"

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2011-06-12 04:01 am UTC (link)
"Lisa...she /is/ still standing here." Julian says lightly.

"Minnie and I have a very special relationship. She was the first person I showed what I could do and she got me through the first days I was learning to deal with this, before...I was taught how to control it." Julian says simply.

Lisa and Minnie both have the same stories, only Minnie has more information than Lisa does regarding Julian's mother. Mother found Minnie useful, but he wasn't sure he wanted to know what Selene thought about Lisa.

The idea was mildly terrifying, even to him.

"Lisa, I'd also ask that you don't sample from Minnie ever again. She tends to be protective of me." Julian says.

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2011-06-12 04:05 am UTC (link)
"I'm /aware/. I want this hashed out before it becomes a thing." Lisa responds just as lightly.

She listens to what Julian's saying, and how he says it. There's something else there, but this isn't the time or place to ask for more. She nods as he concludes.

"Of course." She hesitates for a moment, then snaps her fingers to punctuate her next gesture, letting go of the power.

She, as a long-standing rule, hates letting go of a power that she could keep holding. She shudders slightly in dissatisfaction as the sensation leaves her, and the world comes back into focus.

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2011-06-12 04:10 am UTC (link)
Minnie's feeling absolutely mortified She'd acted like a little fool, she was being talked about to her Julian as if she were an errant child, and she couldn't see.

And then Julian's calm explanation, the way he stands up for her, makes her feel a bit better, and then thank the goddess, she has her eyes all the way back, and she does her best to get her tone professional again.

"I'm sorry about that, Lisa. I was a little confused, simply because Julian's never seen anyone so apparently steadily before, but I certainly didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

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2011-06-12 05:40 am UTC (link)
"I'm sure no harm was done, ladies. Really, the fault here is mine. I should have anticipated that Minnie might come by if she couldn't reach me and would meet you, Lisa.

I apologize to both of you for making this awkward." Julian says.

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2011-06-12 01:18 pm UTC (link)
Lisa walks up and offers a hand to Minnie. "Let's just chalk this up to each of us having a unique relationship with Julian, and try to go from there." She shakes her hand and nods to the stuff Julian brought back. "Breakfast?"

She does move to stand next to him once again afterwards, however.

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2011-06-12 01:33 pm UTC (link)
"Of course it's all right, Julian," she assures him hurriedly. It was so sweet of him to cover for her mistake.

She shakes Lisa's hand. "To be frank, I could murder a bagel." And she'll get one.

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2011-06-13 12:28 am UTC (link)
"I'm glad we could work this out without further issue." Julian says, smiling at both women.

A thought crosses his mind just then, as he looks between Minnie and Lisa. He smiles to himself and then sets it aside for the time being.

There may be time to address such a thing later.

"Please eat, both of you. There's plenty."

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