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Julian Gallio ([info]hellfireprince) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-06-09 20:07:00

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Entry tags:inactive - julian gallo, npc - carolyn fisk

Networking (Carrie)
After a busy few days, Julian has to get back to the business of running his businesses. Ideas to pitch and people to meet, after all. Today's appointment with Carolyn Fisk was a long time in coming. They'd spoken briefly at a few charity events and other happenings in New York, which was where Julian had first become intrigued in the idea of working with her. She came from a wealthy family and he was also scouting out her potential for another venture down the line.

He arrived for their dinner meeting wearing his finest Black Armani suit, his metallic cane in hand and waited at their table in the most private room Del Frisco's Double Eagle Steakhouse had to offer. The wine would arrive only minutes after she does, and Julian reads a bit of the stock reports while he waits for Carolyn to make her entrance.

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2011-06-10 02:38 am UTC (link)
"Well, I'm certainly willing to discuss how I can put you more at ease regarding this project. I've got a few investors lined up for this project. Everyone gets out what they put in." Julian says.

"It is quite a buy-in, but I think the rewards are worth the risks, Carolyn, as with anything." Julian says.

"When you mention 'perks' and the like, what do you mean?" he asks.

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2011-06-10 03:03 am UTC (link)
"Of course the great the risk the greater the reward," Carolyn says, "Simple business but I'm not one for foolish risks and like to learn as much as I can before I make an investment."

"I don't mean any offense to you or your project I'm like this about everything even my own projects," she says, "But I do agree this is a very intriguing investment."

"Sponsorships, advertising rights, buildings nearby that might be affiliated, ect," she says, "There's lots of things to be looked at like that."

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2011-06-10 03:10 am UTC (link)
"No offense taken. I'll provide any information you'd like regarding the planning. Advertising rights, promotions and the like can also be worked out. These arenas will be world-class and multi-purpose. We're looking to put Las Vegas on par with Madison Square Garden and other cities." Julian says.

"Maybe you'd like to meet some of the other investors and discuss ideas as well? I'm looking to set up a luncheon or dinner meeting where everyone can see each other face to face and discuss a few things."

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2011-06-10 03:25 am UTC (link)
"I'll have my people come up with a list for you and I will be having my people look into it as well," She says, "But that is a very ambitious plan you have there and with the right backing and support something I could easily come to pass."

"That sound like a smart idea," Carolyn says, "Figuring out how merchandising goes is something very important that is often under thought about."

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2011-06-10 04:16 am UTC (link)
"Las Vegas doesn't have any professional sports teams at this point, but with a stadium like that, it's only a matter of time before they do. Several basketball, soccer and hockey franchises are up for sale this year, too. A few of the investors also are looking at teams to bring to these stadiums, but that will come in due time." Julian tells her.

"I'm also interested in improving on things closer to home. New York has a lot of problems that could use solving. I think you and I could discuss a few things in that regard, too." Julian says.

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2011-06-10 04:30 am UTC (link)
"Yes that does make sense though making them successful teams will take a lot more work than that," Carolyn says.

"Indeed the city does," She says, "I've been setting up several charities to help out and been doing some urban revitalization projects. I've even been looking into some ways to more directly change things."

She saw New York as her city and she wanted it to reflect well on her plus it made it hard for people to suspect her of ruling the New York Underworld.

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2011-06-10 04:51 am UTC (link)
"Some of the recent actions by the police department have left many in Mutant Town, and the city at large, distrustful of the police. I've been talking to the Mayor about making sure the force receives sensitivity training in regards to mutants." Julian says, as the waiter comes to take their orders.

He lets Carolyn order first, before ordering the fish.

"I've also had asked him to think about a suitable replacement for Captain Strauss." Julian says.

By suitable, he means someone that's on his payroll. Strauss would be lucky if she could be a mall cop by the time the lawsuits were finished.

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2011-06-10 03:56 pm UTC (link)
"Yes I've heard all about that nasty business," Carolyn says, "It's dark times when you can not longer trust the police."

She of course already had plans to turn this situation well into her advantage.

She orders the smaller Filet Mignon.

"That does sound like a wise move to replace him if the stories are indeed all true," She says agreeing.

She was of course also having some of her people asking the mayor for this so that it could be someone on her own payroll.

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2011-06-11 12:52 am UTC (link)
"The Mayor, however, isn't exactly known for taking strong stances on the issues and don't get me started on the Governor. I know where my votes /aren't/ going in the next election." Julian says lightly.

"Tell me a little bit more about yourself, Carolyn. You're a public figure and yet there's an air mystery about you. It's intriguing." Julian says.

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2011-06-11 03:21 pm UTC (link)
"It's a tactical choice to do so," Carolyn says, "No one wants fanatics in power here. But they do need to stop toeing the line and make their choice already. But I know where my votes are going for the election as well."

That vote was for herself of course if she did put together her election campaign.

"I like the air of mystery around me as well," She says smiling, "But I suppose a revealing a thing or two can't hurt. They might even just add to it."

"I spent much of my childhood in private schools in Europe. It's given me a rather global view of things. I a also must confess I do have a love for roses. I actually have a magnificent rose garden above my penthouse here."

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2011-06-12 02:09 am UTC (link)
He listens intently, nodding as she talks about her schooling. "I also attending private school in Europe and you're right about the viewpoint it gives on things. Sometimes, I think people are far too locked into just the local ramifications of any matter." Julian says.

He smiles at her mention of roses.

"I can't think of any other flower that would suit you so well, Carolyn. It's a good choice." Julian says, an idea coming to him for later.

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2011-06-12 02:18 am UTC (link)
"One should always care about where you are locally but you definitely should not forget the global," Carolyn says, "It's a tough balancing act but I like to think that I walk it well."

"Oh I quite agree with you there," she says. Rose are beautiful and elegant but they also have their sharp thorns.

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2011-06-12 02:34 am UTC (link)
"Your family has been in New York for quite sometime, has it not? Yes, I did do a bit of homework on you before inviting you out this evening." Julian says.

"I wanted to make sure that it was /possible/ we could work together before asking you to dinner. I'd hate to waste your valuable time."

Granted, her image was clean, a bit cleaner than he'd expected. He wondered if there was more to it than that; there usually was, with most people.

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2011-06-12 02:49 am UTC (link)
"Yes the Fisks have been he for a long time," She says, "My grandfather was very much a self made man. I still can't believe he died of that heart attack. He always seemed so strong. But here I am prattling on." She even put a tear in her eye for added dramatic effect

Sure it was the cover story for what really happened to her grandfather and she was quite glad he was dead but the act would definitely help throw off suspicion there.

"That perfectly fine you looking into me," she says with a smile, "I have nothing to hide." Which was very true with the cover up she had set up even with a few parking and speeding tickets kept on her record.

"I've been looking into you as well."

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2011-06-12 04:44 am UTC (link)
"Yes, that's a shame. Heart issues are a leading cause of death in this country and it's just so sad that more research isn't being done into them." Julian says, with just the right amount of earnestness and confusion on the /injustice/ of it all.

Julian's not really hard to look up, either. He's the last son of real estate magnate Anton Howard, of the Hampton Howards. Anton had other children, but left Julian everything upon his death. Julian's involvement with X-Factor is public record as well, as is the public...issue that the League of Human Nationalists have with him and his show.

Aaron Zothelle, head of LOHN, has gone on several shows, accusing Julian of using mutants to further his ambitions. The real story goes much deeper, of course, but Julian's crafted his public image to keep people from looking much deeper.

"I'm not one for being on camera much, which my producers say is a big mistake. I disagree of course." he chuckles.

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2011-06-12 12:30 pm UTC (link)
"It's why I'll started funding some new research into that area so people might not have to go through that kind of sudden loss again," Carolyn says.

Carolyn of course knew this much but pending this meeting she was considering having the Profiler look at him. With his powers he could tell her just about every thing from if he was a bed-wetter to what his biggest regret was and so much more. But the guy did not work cheaply so she wasn't just going to send him after just anyone.

"Oh I completely agree with you," she says, "Let the Starks have all that fun they can have my camera time of course."

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2011-06-13 01:10 am UTC (link)
"Tony Stark seems to love the camera. He's welcome to it. I like to keep my life out of the tabloids as much as possible. I mean, if they're going to make up things about me, I'd rather know they had to work for it, rather than having me give them something they could use." Julian says, looking at Carolyn.

Granted, paparazzi would take interest when it was heard that they'd had dinner together. Those types always did.

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2011-06-13 01:11 am UTC (link)
The waiter arrives with their food and Carolyn's plate also contains a small card next to her tray.

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2011-06-13 01:19 am UTC (link)
"Yes make them earn their money and see how creative they can really be," Carolyn says.

"Ah what's this," Carolyn says as she picks up the card and opens it.

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2011-06-13 01:55 am UTC (link)
Julian begins on his fish, though his Hunger has him considering other items upon the menu.

"Can't live with the paparazzi, can't throw them from a moving train." Julian laughs.

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2011-06-13 01:58 am UTC (link)
The card is a simply off-white affair that with a few words inside.

Issues with television. Need advice.

The information was rather simple. It was a code that would let her know that something didn't go right with a job this evening and her people needed orders.

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2011-06-13 02:35 am UTC (link)
"Doesn't mean we can't try," Carolyn says with a laugh.

"I don't mean to be rude but it seems I need to make a private phone call," Carolyn says apologetically, "I hope you don't mind if I excuse myself to make it quickly."

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2011-06-14 01:15 am UTC (link)
"I'll be right, Carolyn. Please take your time." Julian says, continuing his own meal, albeit slowly.

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2011-06-14 01:27 am UTC (link)
"I do apologize," Carolyn says getting up and getting out of earshot of anyone before making her call.

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2011-06-14 01:53 am UTC (link)
Julian takes the time to eat, sip some wine, and check in with some of his own contacts as well.

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(no subject) - [info]nextgen_misc, 2011-06-14 01:57 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]queenofcrime, 2011-06-14 02:09 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]nextgen_misc, 2011-06-14 02:28 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]queenofcrime, 2011-06-14 02:42 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]nextgen_misc, 2011-06-14 03:00 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]queenofcrime, 2011-06-14 03:06 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]hellfireprince, 2011-06-14 03:38 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]queenofcrime, 2011-06-14 03:50 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]hellfireprince, 2011-06-15 12:00 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]queenofcrime, 2011-06-15 12:08 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]hellfireprince, 2011-06-15 12:17 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]queenofcrime, 2011-06-15 01:23 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]hellfireprince, 2011-06-15 02:09 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]queenofcrime, 2011-06-15 07:16 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]hellfireprince, 2011-06-17 02:01 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]queenofcrime, 2011-06-17 02:29 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]hellfireprince, 2011-06-19 03:49 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]queenofcrime, 2011-06-19 04:01 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]hellfireprince, 2011-06-25 03:04 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]queenofcrime, 2011-06-25 03:12 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]hellfireprince, 2011-06-25 03:53 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]queenofcrime, 2011-06-25 04:12 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]hellfireprince, 2011-06-26 01:35 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]queenofcrime, 2011-06-26 01:44 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]hellfireprince, 2011-06-26 08:34 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]queenofcrime, 2011-06-27 01:37 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]hellfireprince, 2011-06-29 12:05 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]queenofcrime, 2011-06-29 12:14 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]hellfireprince, 2011-06-29 11:17 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]queenofcrime, 2011-06-29 11:26 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]hellfireprince, 2011-07-06 12:32 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]queenofcrime, 2011-07-06 01:18 am UTC

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