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staturity ([info]staturity) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2009-09-03 18:23:00

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Entry tags:kristoff vernard, npc - stature, plot-"point of no return", team - fantastic four

In sleep he sang to me, in dreams he came
Nearly every girl dreams of being a queen at one point in their life. Cassie just never expected any of her dreams to be like this.

She sat in a throne room, straight out of ancient Egypt (or what she imagined one would look like). In the seat beside her was Kang and yet not Kang. He had Kang's suit but his helmet was off and his face- he was face was just as Cassie remembered Nate just before he returned to his time and fate.

Kang- Nate- whoever he was grasped her hand and smiled. With his free hand he gestured to the people before them. All of them were on their hands and knees in reverence. Or fear.

Scotty ran through the crowd. "Daddy!" He cried in delight and ran into Kang's arms. Kang held Cassie's son close and the smile on his face broadened. Cassie found that she too was smiling.

"Look." Nate said, resting Scotty on his lap. "Look what your mother and I have to give you. You have the world."

Cassie tried to stop smiling. Even as part of her recoiled at the scene, even knowing how wrong it was she couldn't help but feel happy. Cassie looked from her son to the crowd. She saw her father, Kristoff, Andrea, Vincent, Tony, and other friends and mentors. They all stood looking at her as though silently asking "what are you doing?"

"Cassandra," Kristoff spoke. "Stop him. You must stop him."

"I-" She looked to Nate and Scotty. They were so happy. She was so happy. "I can't."

"And why should she?" Kang set Scotty down and placed a gun in his hands. Then he walked to Cassie and, taking her by the hand, pulled her to her feet. "You have everything." He said as he put his arms around her.


Scotty shot Kristoff. Cassie's fiance fell to the floor and did not move, a steady stream of blood flowing through the hole in his skull.

Inside Cassie was screaming but her lips would not move.

"Well done." Nate said to his son before turning back to Cassie, pulling her closer.

Cassie looked at Nate and felt a rush of inexplicable happiness. It only intensified when Nate pressed his lips to hers. She put her arms around him. The world around them faded until there was nothing, no one else but the two of them.

That morning Cassie didn't know why she woke covered in sweat. She didn't know why she pulled out the picture of Nate to look at. She didn't know why she couldn't get her former lover out of her head. And she didn't know why, through it all, she felt guilty.

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2009-09-04 04:29 am UTC (link)
It wasn't very long that morning until Kristoff came to tell her breakfast was ready.

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2009-09-04 04:41 am UTC (link)
It took Cassie a little longer to answer the door. "Kristoff, hi." She brushed her hair back out of her face, not that it was in the way.

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2009-09-04 04:46 am UTC (link)
"Good morning. I was hoping you could join me for breakfast. ...Are you all right, Cassandra?"

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2009-09-04 05:16 am UTC (link)
"I think? I don't know. I think I had a bad dream." That wasn't unusual. She had nightmares all the time but they usually didn't leave her this shaken.

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2009-09-04 05:20 am UTC (link)
"Ah." His arms wrap around her. "I am sorry to hear it."

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2009-09-04 05:27 am UTC (link)
Cassie leaned into Kristoff. Normally that would make her feel better but instead she felt this strong aversion to being touched though she tried not to show it.

There was this little section of her mind that went "Hey, this isn't right. Something's going on." She immediately dismissed it.

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2009-09-04 05:49 am UTC (link)
Kristoff doesn't properly pick on on how she's feeling exactly, but he glances into the room a little before eventually releasing her from the hug. "Are you hungry at all?"

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2009-09-04 05:54 am UTC (link)
"Not really but I should eat anyway." You just couldn't skip breakfasts when you were a super hero. You never knew when someone would fight. Or when you might get pulled into the Mesozoic.

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2009-09-04 06:07 am UTC (link)
Kristoff's eyes fell on That Picture just before they closed the door, and paused for a moment.

...Surely it had been gotten out for a conversation with Scotty, helping him sort through all of this new and disturbing information by referencing the only thing he'd known about before. That was a perfectly logical explanation. Yes. Only Scotty was not in the room at the time and yet it was still out.

"Yes, it is probably wise," he says, something a little off in his voice.

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2009-09-04 06:13 am UTC (link)
Keep telling yourself that, Kristoff.

"Yeah." Cassie pulled away from Kristoff. The sense of unease she'd felt since waking up (or was it since Kristoff had arrived?) lessened the moment she moved further away.

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2009-09-04 06:22 am UTC (link)
Kristoff's trying to keep at it. But even a man who loves Victor Von Doom very much can occasionally have difficulty sticking to his rationalizations.

He walks beside her at a normal distance as they walk to the kitchen and breakfast room, not making any attempt to get closer again at the moment. "Scotty seemed to enjoy being in the lab the other day," he said conversationally. "I think more such occasions might give him fewer impulses to dissect electronics elsewhere."

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2009-09-04 06:32 am UTC (link)
"Thank you for doing that. Scotty's had a hard time since I told him about- about Nate." Who she was having trouble taking her mind off of.

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2009-09-04 06:46 am UTC (link)
That confirms -- kind of, sort of, not really -- Kristoff's previous thought. He'll just focus on that.

"It was my pleasure, as well as, after a fashion, my responsibility." He manages a small smile even though Nate's name has entered the conversation. "I am a little better suited for that sort of thing than for taking him to a baseball game or some other more normal afternoon."

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2009-09-04 06:53 am UTC (link)
The words were out before she knew what she was saying. "I wonder what Nate would have-" Cassie stopped. She had no idea what prompted her to say that right then, especially to Kristoff of all people.

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2009-09-04 07:07 am UTC (link)
Kristoff tries to rein in the pained expression.
He thinks of how recently they discovered what sort of things would happen to Scotty if Kang got his hands on him. But he tries hard, so hard, to remind himself that Cassandra had always seen the best in Iron Lad Devel What A Stupid Name.

"Well," he said, quietly and with a bit of strain in his voice. "It would be difficult to speculate how very differently that would have to have gone."

Most of the conversation dealing with the problem of Kang and all.
But also he wouldn't have had to touch upon an upcoming marriage, Kristoff thinks, because she would have probably been ready to marry Scotty's father before Scotty could speak.

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2009-09-04 05:45 pm UTC (link)
"I'm sorry I don't know why I just said that. It was just a thought. I never meant to- I love you and I want you to be Scotty's father." That was true so why did she feel sick to her stomach the moment she said that?

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2009-09-04 06:00 pm UTC (link)
"It...it is all right," he reassures. "I love you, too, Cassandra. And Scotty." He steps closer again, hands to her shoulders, but...he's not completely unobservant.

"...Are you... well? Maybe once you get something to eat, you should rest some more, if you did not sleep soundly."

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2009-09-04 06:13 pm UTC (link)
Cassie was going to lean into Kristoff but the moment he touched her every muscle in her body tensed.

"Maybe you're right. I feel... off." She couldn't think of any other word to describe it.

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2009-09-04 06:23 pm UTC (link)
Kristoff notices the reaction, and his stomach feels like it's been stabbed with a small icicle. His hands are removed.

"Food and then rest, then. You would not want to come down with something."

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2009-09-04 06:34 pm UTC (link)
"Yeah." Cassie rubbed her head. "I guess I'm just really stressed out." Finding out your son grew up to be evil in an alternate universe was pretty damn stressful. That had to be it.

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2009-09-04 08:18 pm UTC (link)
"Understandable." He tries to emphasize to himself the reasons it's understandable besides the engagement. Or regrets thereof.

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2009-09-05 12:51 am UTC (link)
"Don't worry about it." Cassie said, reaching for Kristoff's hand.

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2009-09-05 01:19 am UTC (link)
He takes it, his other hand setting on her wrist and kneading just a little. "I will do my best. Not worrying is not my strongest suit."

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